He was just thankful now, thankful that it was the kaleidoscope that opened.

Otherwise, not only would he die today!

Flora and the lolita would all die!

And everything that happened today also made him understand one thing.

That is, you can’t just rely on your understanding of the original work and feel at ease!

What happened today, if he wasn’t there, the queen and others would definitely be dead!

But there is no such part in the original work!

Because until the end, everyone was alive and well!

So, he summed up an experience.

You can refer to the original work, but you must never blindly believe in it!

Moreover, when you don’t absolutely ignore any schemes and conspiracies.

Don’t save your strength!

Before you have the strength to ignore any conspiracy, just open the treasure chest directly!


Save a fart!


Regardless of the conditions for collecting treasure chests of any level, collect them directly if you have the opportunity!

If there is no opportunity, then create an opportunity to collect!

One word!

Do it!


As the main person in charge of the incident and all the related personnel were executed,

Su Chen also used the Sharingan to thoroughly screen the remaining officials of the Havoniva Kingdom.

The purity of the remaining officials was still very high.

This incident was over.

As for his Sharingan and the super soldier serum he took out,

Su Chen explained to the queen that it was his bloodline.

And the serum was a specialty of his world.

“As a person from another world, it is normal for me to be a little bit special!”

When Flora and the little girls heard Su Chen say this, they could not refute it for a while.

After all, things in another world are like this.

The queen and the girls who knew the effect of the super soldier serum naturally exclaimed.

They had never heard of such a magical serum in their world, let alone the existence of it.

“In my brother’s world, there is such a magical thing called ‘Super Soldier Serum’! ?”

“You are worthy of being my husband! Oh~hahahaha~~”

“Brother Su Chen…Awesome!”

It’s rare that Xue Yin actually called out”Brother Su Chen”.

Perhaps it was because of Su Chen’s words”Marry me in the future”. Su Chen would naturally not let them waste this talent.

At night, he”trained” alone with the queen to hone her endurance and flexibility.

During the day, he took the queen and the girls to practice Bajiquan together to make the most of their physical strength.

After this incident, even Lashala, who was the least willing to endure hardships before, is now studying Bajiquan seriously.

Of course, because of the girls’ age, the effect of the serum will slowly play its full role as they grow!

Now the girls can only be said to be very strong in spirit, far beyond ordinary people.

Although their physical fitness has also been greatly enhanced, it has not yet reached the peak of human beings.

If they want to reach Captain America’s level of”I can fight you all the time”, they still need to grow for a few more years.

However, with their current physical fitness and Bajiquan…

Even if they were facing a dozen ordinary people, they would not pose any threat to them.

During the day, he taught the mature and charming queen and the pure and lovely lolita Bajiquan.

At night, he gave the increasingly charming queen a private lesson.

It must be said that the queen who drank the super soldier serum did have a much stronger resistance.

After all, with the surge in physical strength, her endurance in this aspect will naturally be boosted.

But under Su Chen’s extremely fast crit.

The Puff Queen is still the Puff Queen.

It’s just that she used to beg for mercy after two hours.

Now she can last for three or four hours before begging for mercy….

And time is spent in such a warm daily routine.


Until one day four years later.

Lashala’s father suddenly passed away.

Then everyone including the queen rushed to the Kingdom of Streyu.

After dealing with the funeral of the former king of the Kingdom of Streyu.

The 12-year-old Lashala had to hastily inherit the throne of the Kingdom of Streyu.

Tomorrow, under the witness of countries around the world, the coronation ceremony of the new king of the Kingdom of Streyu will be held!

In the evening.

In a palace in the Kingdom of Streyu.

Su Chen, the queen, Lashala, Kaiya, Maria, Xue Yin and others sat here to rest after dinner.

“Lashala, relax~ Just like my brother said when I first came to this world”

“I will protect you for the rest of your life!”

Feeling Su Chen’s pat on the head, Lashala showed a moment of comfort and then straightened her face.

She smiled and said,”Eh! ? Brother, you underestimate me too much! ?”

“And you don’t have to worry too much about me!”

“You all know my temper. I am indeed a little sad about my father’s passing.”

“But instead of being sad, it is better to cheer up and run the Kingdom of Streyu well!”

“This is what I should do most now!”

“Isn’t it! ?”

Feeling the concerned gazes of the crowd, Lashala was very moved.

But to be honest, she was not that fragile!

Her character was originally very strong.

And she had learned martial arts with Brother Su Chen in the past.

Now her character is even more tenacious!

So, instead of being sad, it is better to turn sadness into motivation!

This is the most real thought in Lashala’s heart now!

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