The coronation ceremony soon began amid everyone’s anticipation.

Lashala was wearing a multi-layered dress today. The outermost layer was bright red.

There were two more layers inside, white and pink.

Her golden hair was no longer braided as usual.

Instead, it was styled to be suitable for wearing the queen’s crown.

Su Chen and Kaiya, who were following Lashala on both sides, looked at Lashala at this time.

Although he had seen her in the original book, he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart when he saw the real person at this time.

“I’m so excited about Laxala today!”

At this time, Su Chen, who was walking on the red carpet with Laxala, heard the people around him talking with his keen hearing.

“It is really spectacular to see the princes of various countries gathered together!”

“It is worthy of being the Kingdom of Streyo with a long history!”

“No! I think you are wrong! Should we say that Lord Babalon has a lot of face?”

“You know, now that the late emperor has passed away, Lord Babalong can be said to be in full power!”

“Even if you still say so, you should know that although His Majesty Lashala is young”

“But she is the flesh and blood of the late emperor and queen, and the most legitimate heir!”

“I’m afraid it won’t be that easy…..”

“Yes! You are right!”

“So, it doesn’t get any better than this, right?”

“That’s right! Most of the princes probably came here to see this!”

With the top physical fitness of humans.

The voice of this discussion was clearly transmitted to Su Chen’s ears. Of course he knew the Babalon in the discussion.

That was the prime minister of the Kingdom of Streyu!

When Lashala’s father was still in power, this prime minister could be said to be second to none!

And now that the former emperor has passed away

, just as the discussion said.

Most of the princes are waiting to see the”good show”!

See if the legitimate heir can sit on her throne safely.

Or the prime minister of the Kingdom of Streyu will become the king!

At this time, Lashala had come to the Pope and Babalon.

The coronation ceremony was presided over by the Pope.

When Lashala accepted the crown of the queen given to her by the current Pope.

Su Chen’s eyes inadvertently glanced at the dark place in the dome in front of him.

In the original book, Dagu Maia, Dolu and the swordsman hid here to watch the coronation ceremony.

But as he glanced, he did not see them here.

“Not here? Or is the assassination not tonight? But the time has been changed?”

These thoughts flashed through his mind.

He did not find Dagu Maia and others, so he calmly withdrew his gaze.

It doesn’t matter if he is not here, and it doesn’t matter if he does not come tonight!

Not to mention that he will be with Lashala all the time.

Even if he is not here, Kaya alone will be enough for them to drink a pot!

The current Kaya has been enhanced by the super soldier serum, and with the integrated Bajiquan.

It is no exaggeration to say that she can now compete with the swordsman in the original book in terms of endurance and force!

Even in terms of pure endurance and force, Kaya is slightly higher!

Including driving the Holy Machine to fight, in the sparring with Su Chen.

The current Kaya and the original Kaia in the novel is simply worlds apart!

There is no comparison at all!

The same goes for Yukine!

Let’s put it this way, in Su Chen’s plan, these heroines in the original novel will all be his right-hand men in the future!

Including the future dark elf Aura, Wau from the barrier workshop, the student council president Lytia, the academy martial arts instructor Messiah, and so on!

These will all be his wings!

The coronation ceremony ended here, in fact, it was witnessed by various countries.

The current Pope put the queen’s crown on Lashala.

Let all countries and forces know that the Kingdom of Strayu already has a new king.


At night.

In the White Bird City.

In a wide hall, the Holy Machine God sits in the center of the hall.

And in the corridor on the second floor.

Su Chen, Lashala, Kaiya, including the head maid Maya.

And another yellow-haired man stood here observing the Holy Machine God.

And Su Chen naturally knew this yellow-haired man.

His name is – Yuleto.

He is an excellent Holy Machine Worker.

At the same time, he is also a very popular teacher in the Holy Land Academy.

Moreover, he is Babaron’s younger brother, assisting his brother Babaron’s ambition.

Of course, that is on the surface.

The real Yuleto has been hiding beside Babaron in order to destroy Babaron.

Because Yuleto is a peace-loving person, and Babaron’s ambition is…

The world will be plunged into war.

At this time, our peace-loving teacher Yuletto spoke.

“It is indeed very different from the Holy Machine People!”

“This Holy Machine God looks so solemn and majestic!”

Hearing this, Lashala was a little confused, and then continued:

“Is there? Why didn’t I feel it?”

“Brother, do you feel…”

Before Lashala finished speaking, Su Chen showed a teasing look on his face and said directly:

“I didn’t feel any solemnity or dignity….”

Su Chen paused deliberately when he said this. Lashala nodded and said”hmm” to cooperate.

Then Su Chen smiled and continued:”But…”

“I had another feeling, as if this so-called holy machine was inviting me to drive it….”

“How should I put it? There was a strange feeling that seemed to be pulling me over!”

“What!? This is impossible!”

After hearing Su Chen’s words, Yulaito, who had originally looked calm and composed, was shocked.

He exclaimed in disbelief.

“Well…There’s no need to react so strongly, right? Youlaito?”

Su Chen looked at him with a smile on his face and said

“No! You don’t know what you mean!”

“You really…Does it really feel like what you said?”


“It’s fake!”

“It’s common sense that no one has been able to drive the Holy Machine God for all these years, right?”

“Are you from another world or am I?!”



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