And looking at her sister who was talking to Lashala, Kaiya asked in confusion:”Sister!”

“What are you doing here?”

“You should be teaching at the Holy Land Academy now! ?”

Hearing Kaiya’s question, Messiah stood up and came to Kaiya.

Then he directly activated the blood suppression, stretched out his hands to pinch Kaiya’s cheeks and pulled them to both sides and said:”Little Kaiya~”

“Is this what you should say to your sister who came overnight?”

“Little Kaiya is very naughty~”

Messiah said while pulling Kaiya’s cheeks to both sides.

“It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!~~”

Shouting, Kaiya took a step back and broke free from her sister’s suppression.

“Teachers in the Holy Land are forbidden to interfere in the affairs of a particular country! Stupid sister!”

“Ah la~ But if it is to protect the safety of the cute students, then it is fine~”

“You are right, right?~?”

“Classmate Kaiya!”

Then he looked at the handsome Su Chen next to Kaiya, and his eyes lit up instantly.

“Is this the brother that Lasha La recognized before?”

“So handsome, and seems to be a powerful holy machine master?”

“And, in the past three years, you also taught Kaiya a martial art called”Bajiquan”, right?”

“My name is Messiah~”

“Su Chen…”Little brother, little brother~”

After saying this, Messiah came to Su Chen.

He also asked Su Chen to try the Messiah brand facial cleanser without any explanation.

“How can I thank you on behalf of Kaiya?~”

“Also, I’ll tell you a secret.~”

“You are the only one besides Lashala and Kaiya”

“Experience the ‘Messiah’ brand facial cleanser~”

“Hmm~ Should I say thank you to Messiah for his”hospitality” at this time! ?”

“Also, I need to correct Messiah.”

“You can call me Su Chen”

“After all, my name is well known to the public!”

Su Chen said, getting out of the facial cleanser.

He looked at Messiah with a meaningful look and said bluntly

“Ah~ Mr. Su Chen is very interesting~”

Messiah said this and gave Su Chen a meaningful look.

At this time, Lashala looked at Messiah and Su Chen who were flirting with each other.

He had an idea in his mind.

‘Let’s see if Teacher Messiah will become Brother Su Chen’s harem after coming into contact with him!’

‘If even Teacher Messiah can’t resist Brother Su Chen’s charm and falls for him in a short period of time……’

‘Huh~ Then when we get to college, won’t it be….’

Lashala thought so and said to everyone

“Okay, let’s stop staying here, let’s go back”

“Next, let Brother Su Chen explain what happened last night to Teacher Messiah!”

“Moreover, as the martial arts instructor of the academy, Mr. Messiah can also fight with Brother Su Chen first.~”

“And Wau’s words…The repair work of Kaiya’s damaged Holy Machine is now left to you!”

“Wow, hahaha~ Leave it to me, don’t worry! Your Majesty Lashala!”

After hearing Lashala’s words, Wau knew that he had been officially accepted by Lashala.

So he responded happily.

Kaiya and Su Chen also nodded in response.

Then, Lashala said nothing more and took the lead to walk into the White Bird City.


【Bronze Treasure Chest – Messiah: Received after being honest with Messiah and”sharpening your weapon before the battle”】

【Bronze treasure chest Wau: If Wau is willing, give her a passionate and affectionate kiss to receive it. 】

After explaining last night’s situation to Messiah, he had a brief martial arts exchange with her.

The outcome is naturally needless to say, and after Su Chen won with a slight advantage. He did not get entangled for a long time, but just flirted with Messiah for a while.

Then he went to find Wau who was repairing the Kaiya Holy Machine with satisfaction.

He did this because Messiah and Wau had different personalities.

For Messiah, he just needed to make Messiah interested in him.

Messiah would come to him on his own initiative!

And the condition for receiving Messiah’s treasure chest was just to sharpen the gun before the battle.

It must be taken tonight!

And Wau needs him to build more relationships.

He will take the initiative to attack!

Thinking of this, Su Chen soon came to Wau.

Looking at Wau who had repaired the Holy Machine and was in deep thought, Su Chen smiled and said,”I’m here to find you, Wau”

“What are you thinking about? It won’t affect you, right! ?”

“Su Chen is here! ?”

“Come on! How can it affect me? I was thinking about the concept of mecha you mentioned before.”

“It’s just right that you’re here! Let’s discuss this together! ?”

“Okay! But let me tell you something in advance!”

“I can only give you some conceptual ideas. If you really want to talk about detailed knowledge,…”

“I can say I know nothing about it!”

“It doesn’t matter! I can fill in the details! But what I lack is the concept!”

“After all, I can’t come up with any idea out of nothing right now!”

“If I had Su Chen’s concept, I would be very, very lucky!”

“You know, your ideas…”

“It can be said that these are epoch-making ideas!”

“Su Chen!”

Wau came to Su Chen quickly and took Su Chen to his studio!

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