As the girls shivered, time passed by bit by bit, and as time went by, the queen’s soul-stirring voice became smaller and smaller… smaller and smaller… until it was completely quiet!

As the blush on Lashala, Maria, Xueyin and others’ faces faded, the queen’s weak voice came from the room.

“Snow Sound…Come in…”

And Su Chen’s full-bodied voice

“Lashala, call Kaya over and let her come in too!”


Hearing the voices of Su Chen- and Flora inside.

Maria and Lashala looked at each other, looking at each other’s blushing cheeks.

“Go! Yukine!”

“Since mother has said…”


Xue Yin showed a look of joy for a moment, but it was soon replaced by shyness.

Then she walked into the room.

Maria, Lashala and the queen’s maids looked at each other.

They left here with a surprised look of”He is so fierce! ?”.

They didn’t want to stay up here all night!

When they walked out, Xia told Kaiya what Su Chen said.

Kaiya nodded with a red face, then said goodbye to Lashala and went to find Su Chen.

In the room

“Your Majesty the Queen… Your Majesty Su Chen…”


“Alala~ the reinforcements are here!”

With Flora’s unique tone,

Xue Yin realized a fact today.

Once a shot is fired, no one can stop it!

And when Kaiya came,

Xue Yin knew even more.

It turned out that

Lord Su Chen could be so brave!

———Please give me the data, brothers! Thanks!———

The next day.

Since they stayed up very late yesterday, Flora, Kaya and Xue Yin slept very sweetly at this time.

Their faces were shining with a crystal luster, and they were greatly nourished.

But Su Chen did not sleep, but just sat by the window, looking at the scenery outside.

With his physique and the physique of the three women, it doesn’t matter if they don’t sleep for a few days.

It’s just that the physique can hold on, but it doesn’t mean that the secretion of dopamine can hold on!

They could have fought directly until the morning.

But thinking of the telescope on the cliff that he saw in the canyon when he came here before.

Su Chen still let the three women rest in the second half of the night.

After all, if there is really an enemy attack today.

Then whether it is Flora, Kaya or Xue Yin.

It’s better to keep a little spirit!

Although with their current physical fitness, as long as it is not a large-scale lethal weapon.

They will be fine, but it’s better to be cautious!

After all, they have experienced that kind of accident outside the plot before!

At this moment.

A series of shrill alarms woke the three women from their sleep.

What’s going on?

Kaiya was subconsciously startled, but soon thought of an important question.

Oh no! It was an enemy attack!

Yes, it was indeed an enemy attack, early in the morning.

The maintenance site suffered a violent attack from an unknown armed group!

And the guards of the maintenance site were not prepared at all.

“Is it coming again?”

Hearing the piercing alarm, Su Chen’s eyes narrowed immediately.

It seems that what he saw before was not accidental. Although Dagu Maiya did not come, the plot that should be triggered was still triggered.

If I guessed correctly, the armed group that attacked the maintenance area should be the nearby ronin, bandits and robbers.

In the original plot, the reason why they attacked here was mainly to kidnap Dagu Maiya, the male holy pilot.

But the question is, since Dagu Maiya was not there, why would they launch an attack?

Could it be for……Ceres is from!?

That boy is so lucky!

Su Chen knew that the Ronin would not hurt Lesos’s life.

It’s even better to say that he was hurt!

However, even if the Ronin’s target was Ceres, they would not succeed.

Su Chen did not let Ceres live in his own villa yesterday!

Instead, he arranged for them to live in a mansion in the kingdom!

Let the young couple live there in the future!

So, if the Ronin’s target was Ceres, they would not succeed!

“What’s the situation?”

After getting up and putting on their clothes, the three women and Su Chen immediately rushed to the monitoring center of the maintenance site. At this time, Lashala and others were already there, and the screen of the monitoring center also showed the scene of war.

“Don’t be so nervous, the situation is not serious.”

At this time, Lashala’s expression was very calm.

It seemed that she was not shaken at all by the attack on the maintenance site.

It must be said that Lashala was still very general-like at the critical moment.

“Right now, ten hoverbikes from unknown forces are attacking the maintenance area.”

“But the interception system has been activated, please don’t worry.”

Just after Lashala said don’t be nervous, the attendant who was in charge of commanding the operation at the monitoring station also calmly answered.

The so-called interception system is a ground artillery that was originally placed underground. But at a critical moment, it can be activated automatically.

Although the attack power is limited, it is also a good defensive weapon.

Just now, when they heard that the interception system was activated, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, another attendant suddenly exclaimed, attracting everyone’s attention.

“Oh no! The security base was attacked and the holy machine man in the base was taken away!”


Everyone exclaimed when they heard the news!

The Saint Machine Man was taken away?

How is this possible! What on earth are the guards at the security base doing?

At this time, in the surveillance video, a purple Saint Machine Man holding a battle axe also landed on the ground from the sky.

He easily smashed the ground artillery around the maintenance area.

With the help of the hoverbike, he directly broke through the interception system.

“This is really bad!”

Lashala frowned. Although the enemy only had one Saint Machine Man, it was really difficult to deal with the sudden attack and no Saint Machine Man could fight back.

“Maria, do we have no more Saint Machines here?”

Lashala knew that the Saint Machines were kept in the security base.

If the security base was attacked, the Saint Machines inside would definitely be doomed.

Now the only hope is to see if there are any other spare Saint Machines in the maintenance area.

“This is a maintenance area, how could there be so many Saint Machines here!”

Maria answered helplessly.

What on earth is Lashala thinking?

How could a vacation spot be equipped with so many Saint Machines ?

“You guys are too ignorant of danger!”

Lashala said loudly.

While the two lolis were arguing,

Su Chen turned his attention to the servants who were busy at the command desk.

Although they were all wearing the most traditional maid outfits, in fact, these servants were all proficient in command skills.

Usually they just served people.

But once they encountered a crisis, they would transform into combat commanders.

At this time


There was a loud noise.

Just as Su Chen was thinking in his heart, there was a violent explosion from the wall of the monitoring center.

Then, there was a thick cloud of dust.

The monitoring center has been breached!

Everyone was shocked. Kaiya and Xueyin, who were the attendants and guards, immediately drew out the long swords at their waists.

They were ready to fight the upcoming enemy.

However, what they faced was the black muzzle in front of the hovercraft.

This immediately made Kaiya and Xueyin stunned.

The hovercraft is a kind of transportation that uses Yafa as power and can float in the air.

Because of its high cost, ordinary people rarely have it. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In particular, this kind of hovercraft is also a strategic weapon. Not only is it highly maneuverable, but it can also cause considerable damage after being equipped with offensive weapons.

“Oh, I really won the jackpot this time!”

The man on the floating motorcycle was a man with a scarf tied around his head and a small beard.[]

When he saw so many beauties in the room he had broken into, and also looked at the monitor that was monitoring every move outside, his face suddenly showed a look of joy.

“”Don’t move! Throw away your weapons, and squat on the ground with your hands on your head!”

The mustache man was very proud, and the muzzle of the hoverbike was also aimed at everyone.

Kaiya and Xueyin wanted to resist.

But they were afraid that their resistance would hurt Lashala, Maria, the queen and others.

“Do as he says.”

Flora had a great sense of the overall situation at this time. She knew that she couldn’t rush forward blindly at this time.

Even though she, Maria, Lashala, Kaya, Xueyin, Wau and others could quickly dodge the opponent’s attack with their body functions.

But what about the maids?

What about the equipment on the scene?

Now they can only show weakness temporarily to protect everyone.

If that mustache man really dares to open fire, casualties on their side will not be worth the loss.

They can just wait for the other party to get closer and then subdue them!

Although they really wanted to take action, Kaya and Xueyin finally listened to the queen’s idea and chose to give up after a standoff with the other party for a while.

They did not fight hard with them, and slowly put the weapons in their hands on the ground.

But in their hearts, it was really hard to accept the fact in front of them.

Are they really going to surrender like this? Just when everyone thought that they were going to become prisoners, a voice suddenly came out.

“This thing is quite interesting, can you lend it to me to play with?”

With the appearance of this voice, a figure flashed.

A person suddenly appeared behind the mustache man.

It was Su Chen!

No one expected that Su Chen would miraculously appear in front of everyone.

This is impossible!

Although everyone couldn’t believe their eyes, the facts were already obvious.

With Su Chen’s move, the mustache man’s neck was directly broken.

This guy with blood on his body!

Su Chen did not hold back.

Killed him directly!

“Su Chen you…”

Flora raised her hands in disbelief. Although she knew that Su Chen was very powerful, she never expected that he would become so powerful after not seeing him for a while! 0Please give me flowers0

What she didn’t expect was that Su Chen showed no mercy at all.

He killed the man without waiting for her to ask anything.

“What’s wrong? My Queen?”

With a casual throw, the body of the mustache man was thrown out by Su Chen like garbage.

He turned around and sat on the hoverbike.

Su Chen looked at Flora with a smile on his face.

It was as if nothing had happened.

“No…Nothing, then next!”

“The one who is not around us is the dark elf princess Aura, right?”

Flora didn’t mind Su Chen’s decisive killing and even liked it very much!

Then she looked around and found that the only one who was not around was Aura.

In this case, everyone naturally had to gather together.

“Then Su Chen, you are responsible for rescuing Ola!”

“Your movement speed…Faster than us!”

Seeing Flora say this, our president Litia also said immediately

“Yes! I’m counting on you! Teacher Su Chen~!”

Su Chen looked at the girls and nodded. He naturally wouldn’t worry about the safety here!

Even in the situation just now, the girls have ways to deal with it!

At most, they would just sacrifice some servants and damaged equipment!

As for them?

The female version of Captain America?

Then Su Chen immediately got off the hoverbike.

It’s not far from Aura’s room.

There’s no need to ride this thing out. It’s not as fast as he is now!

It’s better to give it to someone who needs it.

And at the moment when Su Chen stood on the ground

“I also want to say something to you, Teacher Su Chen!”

“If you go to save Aura now, you will see a very interesting scene~!”

Lytia suddenly stepped forward and said this as if she was trying hard to hold back her laughter.

An interesting scene?

After hearing Lytia’s words, Su Chen was stunned at first, but soon, he immediately reacted. Lytia was talking about the negative time of the dark elves. The so-called negative time of the dark elves is mainly because the dark elves have not fully adapted to this world.

In a certain period of time in the morning, they will become completely opposite in character, and Aura’s words

This seems to be very interesting indeed!

After saying hello to everyone, Su Chen left the place immediately.

After rushing out of the room, he went straight to Aura’s residence.

However, along the way, he was attacked fiercely by ground artillery.

No! He wanted to complain when he read the original book!

This thing really doesn’t distinguish between friend and foe?

And the artillery attack naturally couldn’t do anything to Su Chen.

Then Su Chen entered Aura’s residence at his fastest speed.

Then he saw a very pleasing scene. Aura was seen wearing no other clothes except a layer of gauze pajamas. At this time, the expression on her face was full of panic and confusion. Even tears could be seen in the corners of her eyes. This is really different from her usual heroic appearance. But don’t say that she really looks different. Even to say, in Su Chen’s view, this kind of Aura has a kind of contrast compared to her usual appearance!

“Aola, are you okay?”

After entering Aola’s room, Su Chen immediately came to Aola’s side.

Just as he finished speaking,

Aola on the bed suddenly pounced! He threw himself directly into Su Chen’s arms.

“Teacher Su Chen!!!”

Then he embraced her with a warm and fragrant embrace!

After being hugged by Aura, Su Chen was also stunned for a moment.

Of course, it was not because of Aura’s waves.

It was not because she was only wearing a gauze pajamas at the moment.

The exposed shoulders and the roundness that almost showed through the torn clothes.

These were not the reasons that made Su Chen stunned.

The real reason for him to be stunned for a moment was Aura’s demeanor at this time!

A bird-like demeanor that was completely different from usual!

Then he hugged Aura, patted her back, and comforted her:

“Ola, here I come! I’m with you!”

“It’s all right now!”

Su Chen patted Aura’s bare shoulders gently, and

Aura, who was in a state of nervousness, gradually relaxed.

“Teacher Su Chen~”

Although she was not as scared as before, the tears in Aura’s eyes had not disappeared. She clung to Su Chen’s chest like a little bird.

At this moment, even if Su Chen wanted to push her away, he probably couldn’t do it.

But just as Su Chen hugged Aura tightly, he suddenly frowned.

Then there was a sound of broken window glass.

Two men holding daggers broke in through the window.

It seemed that the bandits had invaded here.

“”Be good and don’t move!”

The two dagger men shouted proudly.

But then, their proud eyes turned into fear.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

One of them kicked them and sent them flying back to where they came from!

The huge force kicked them on the body.

Their internal organs were directly kicked into pieces!

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