Seeing how Qiang Shen's expression changed from despair to hatred and anger, his parents began to worry, but they did not say anything until his son finished speaking.

"In 2012 the world was already chaos, however, when the world is most in need, it is when the heroes appear, or that is what has always been believed." That year, several figures in different religions made their appearance, people performing miracles as healings, super strength in landslides, generating peace to the masses, it's amazing what people can believe when fear dominates them !!" Said Qiang Shen.

"What people can believe when fear dominates them?" I ask mom Qiang. "If" who answered was Papa Qiang "let's say as an example when a person enters a cemetery at night and buries a stake but because it is dark he does not see that the stake was buried with part of his pants, when he gets up, his pants are nailed in the stake he pulls him and he will believe that something supernatural is taking him."

"That is a good example," replied Qiang Shen, "going back to what I was saying, several people started convincing people that they were miracles, that the gods spoke through them, and several other things, when they did it was simple magic of healing, alchemy and elemental magic "" Magic? " who asked this time was Papa Qiang. "It is correct," Qiang Shen continued, "as I said, humans have always been able to use magic, but that knowledge has been hidden from people, only a few organizations and clans around the world had kept that secret.

In the course of that year, several nations disappeared in a short time, religious organizations gained more followers however, when we were about to finish that year, on December 21, there was an eclipse of the sun. It was impossible for one to happen, according to the scientists, it was impossible to happen but it happened, nobody in the world suspected that it was something bad, but that was the last day we could see the blue sky, by the time the eclipse was over, the sky was red and hell broke loose. The first news we received was from Japan, monsters began to appear everywhere, some people ate, and others just killed them. Communication with Tokyo was lost after 30 minutes."

Papa and mama Qiang had looks of surprise and terror "What ... what happened next?" I ask mom Qiang. "From the remains of the Great Wall, where the control towers were, portals began to appear, at first we did not know what they were but we immediately knew what they were because monsters came from there... no, calling them that is incorrect, they were demons , dragons, ogres, all those fantasy monsters started to appear. When we saw that the city was being destroyed, we immediately left running, we only packed food and escaped but it was very difficult, for where we saw it was pure destruction.

Several years later, I knew what happened in the rest of the world. Russia was attacked by the same demons that came out of where the Great Wall was, in India where the caves of Ajanta were, a strange fog began to spread that spread very fast. That fog ended the life of every living thing and those who managed to live, mutated in more lethal and intelligent monsters, remember the Godzilla movie that came out a do years ago? The one of the Americans! Well, it's almost the same thing that they explained in that movie, only that instead of evolving with each generation, the changes of the beasts was almost immediate. The humans who managed to survive suffered terrible personality changes. We met for the first time the magic of death: Necromancy.

On the island of Malta, where Hal Saflieni's Hypogeum was, angels appeared, at first people believed they were safe but immediately the angels began to capture people, then saw their wings change from white to black.

In Egypt, the sky and the earth were reversed, the gravity varied depending on the zone and the schedule, in addition, giant monsters left the sands of the desert and extended to the south covering almost all Africa. The animals developed intelligence and mutated into humanoid forms whose sole purpose was killing and killing.

In America, volcanoes began to appear in everything, in the United States we do not know what happened, the area became inaccessible.

Europe became a nest of monsters, people had to live escaping from then. In a few years we were seeing our extinction. "

"But you said there was magic with humans, what happened to them?" I ask Papa Qiang

"The great secret organizations came to light, magicians, alchemists, cultivators, all were powerful but being so few were being eliminated until almost completely disappear, the cultivators managed to resist a little more but they were also exterminated, unfortunately you can not cultivate and Unfortunately, we discovered a way to survive too late, inside several sanctuaries around the world they served as amplifiers or better said resting place for the spirits, but when we discovered that, those sanctuaries had already The only thing we could do was search for sacred or spiritual treasures to improve our powers.

After fleeing for a few years, I met a grower who taught me his technique, then spent several years fighting with monsters, demons, dragons, I also saw several comrades die and I lost several lovers and even children "Qiang Shen continued while crying. "Several years later, my comrades and I found a spell to travel to the past."

"But you just mentioned that you can not cultivate or practice magic within the same body!" said Papa Qiang, "that is because I managed to obtain the blessing of one of the spirits of the earth" replied Qiang Shen "during my travels, when I lost my companions, I found a sanctuary of spirits in ruins and thanks to that I was able to practice magic, but it was very difficult to combine both days later, when I returned to the sanctuary, I found it destroyed and I did not find another one, later I learned from other people that the sanctuaries were destroyed in the first years.

Then, with the help of my comrades, I managed to activate the spell to return to the past. I know my story is hard to believe but I tell you again, I came from the future to save the past. I'm mentally tired, tomorrow we continue talking but I want you to remember one thing: I AM YOUR SON." After saying that, Qiang Shen entered his room.

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