Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 108: 108 super tricks

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Magic core! Attitude finally realized what was missing. It turned out that just when he was waking up in the endless world, Huang Quan who woke up had taken away from him a piece of magic core that was useless to warriors but to magicians.

Energetic shrugged indifferently, looking at this absolute magic genius with great interest, secretly guessing that just by relying on a magic core, he can complete the spiritual power that others need to gather in a magic circle to consolidate the power of magic. Is it against the sky?

After looking at Huang Quan's practice for a while, I felt a bit boring. I stood up with my body moving and found that the body veins in my body had doubled compared to the original body veins. The current body veins are ten times the blood vessels of the day. Double! Just the strength has been enhanced a lot.

Going out of the cave quietly, looking at the stars that have not yet disappeared, looking towards the direction of Auckland Magic and Academy: "Who can think of it? A me who failed in the blood awakening ceremony has made such a big change in a short time. ? Now I'm more and more eager to leave this valley! "

How long is a night?

At most, it's only half a day.

In one night, the bamboo shoots can grow from just inches in length to a height of half a person. Overnight, the fire copper tree went from half a foot tall to a tree that was three people tall and could not be caught by one person.

Such a thing. Both the humans of the true dynasty and the barbarians in the north, and even the children of the demons are very clear.

But in a short night, a person whose strength has already stood at the peak of the tenth fighter has even made new progress, and it is still a substantial improvement!

The old man stared at the enthusiasm in front of him for a short night, and his strength, fighting spirit, spirit, and the lower limb strength, which has always been relatively weak, have made great progress!

"You ..." The old man turned around twice with enthusiasm, and looked like he didn't know enthusiasm. His eyebrows were unconsciously twisted together, revealing a dignified look, hands behind his back The index fingers are striking each other.

"Is this kid a monster?" The old man secretly doubted and guessed. It was thought that the [Fengyun Jinshen] stone figure, which had only been practiced yesterday, would still need to be polished for some time to truly reach the point of perfect harmony. Why? Overnight, the boy brought the stone figure to a mellow state? How did he do it? It took me a full month to do it!

"Overnight ..." murmured and sneered among the old people: "Don't you? It hits me too much. Anyway, when my Master taught me, a genius praised me."

The old man couldn't believe everything he saw. The two eyebrows that had been twisted together were separated to the sides, turning the solemn complexion into a happy expression.

The enthusiasm of the old man was embarrassed, and standing next to the high-temperature lake, there was a goosebump that would only arise when the cold current was encountered.

"It's interesting, it's really interesting." The old man nodded again and again with a smile: "Originally, I thought it would take a while before you could really enter the Dou Ling array. I didn't expect that you could enter it so soon."

Fighting spirits? Energetic knew that this day would come, and the moment I heard it, it was still full of excitement and tension.

Become a Demon Warrior! One step away, there is a gap between heaven and earth in the eyes of the soldier!

"Before entering the Dou Ling array, I think you should know, what is the most important thing to do?" The old man put on a test.

Energetic nodded his head proudly. As someone who has been messing around in the Qianjia Library for many years, he has read too many books.

The biggest difference between the demons and ten fighters is the difference between vigor and vigor! If you do n’t have the secret method to become vindictive, you will only be able to fight in your life!

If you want to become a demon warrior, you must learn a special secret method that can transform the condensed energy into the fighting energy. And this secret method, whether it is the family or the royal family as well as the academy and the army, has its own special practice method, and all are kept secret from the outside.

"Boy, you can't tell, you really know a lot." The old man looked at the energy and calm expression, Yang Yang with admiration and unexpected expression: "Then you know, what is the vindictiveness of the highest warrior school of the true dynasty?" ? "

Energetic frowning and sighing, shaking his head. Although this kind of thing cannot be said to be strictly confidential, outsiders don't know it, but there are not many people who know it. Even the family members adhere to the rules established by the major forces. It is not documented in the family's collection.

"In the real policy dynasty, there are also many secret ways to transform fighting energy into fighting spirit." The old man looked up at the snowflakes falling into the sky, his body exuding a proud breath of confidence: "What are the twelve tricks and the thirty-six tricks? Zhou Tian secret method ... "

The enthusiasm followed the old man's speech frequently and nodded frequently. The fighting tactics of the human body are divided into dead tactics and living tactics. There are 108 living tactics, and there are also 108 dead tactics.

When the tenth-level soldiers become vindictive, in addition to their own efforts and the help of the fighting spirit array, they can determine the future strength development, the secret method of condensing vindication is also the most critical one of them!

An old saying circulating in the warrior world also largely explains the importance of the fighting spirit: When condensing energy into fighting spirit, who can develop more fighting skills, who has a better future .

"True policy dynasty warriors and the top students of the School of Magic, you can learn ..." The old man dragged his long voice with both hands and made a slight figure: "Seventy-two Douhou Zhoutian secret method ..."

"Seventy-two fighting tricks?" The energy trembled, almost biting his tongue, and couldn't believe the huge number he heard!

Even if I haven't read any of the real secrets, the motivation is very clear that any secrets to consolidate and strengthen the vigor, even if it is difficult to add another trick.

Twelve Fighting Techniques Zhou Tian's Secret Techniques, this can be said to be a secret technique of any slightly advanced warrior academy, but there are only twelve fighting techniques when condensing energy and fighting spirit, only two more than the fighting skills of tenth-level soldiers There are relatively big restrictions on the future. Those who choose to go this way usually have unspeakable difficulties.

Twenty-four Doubts Zhou Tian's secret methods above the level of secret law, no matter the college, the family, or even the royal family, are strictly confidential to each other.

Even if they are all twenty-four fighting tricks, the methods of practice are different. The positions of the twenty-four buckets are all the same.

Seventy-two Douhou Zhoutian Secret Law This level of secret law, whether in the royal family, college, or family, does not mean that you will be passed on to you with qualifications. The test that needs to be accepted is not only strength, but also loyalty to forces, etc. And so on.

Any warrior who is studying the 72 days of Zhou Dou Zhou ’s Secret Law is definitely the elite of all the major forces!

Fengyun's fighting spirit turned out to condense 108 live fighting tricks! There is a feeling of being stunned by happiness. One hundred and eighty fighting tricks, Zhou Tian's secret method, nothing will change!

The old man was very proud to look at the enthusiasm. He didn't see a big change in a night and scared himself. Now he finally reported a revenge with the number of tricks in "Funyun".

"Hold it." The old man shook his wrist, throwing the red stone that he didn't know where to touch it, and threw it into the motivated hand. "Put your fighting energy into it, remember everything carefully, and finally jump into the lake to fight it. Condensing becomes vindictive. "

"By the way, this one, the unlocking circuit diagram of the secret memory stone." The old man said, flipping his wrist again and throwing a piece of paper that he didn't know where to touch it.

The enthusiasm gently stroked the red stone in the palm, and he held his hands without shaking with hundreds of pounds of hammer, and could not help shaking.

Secret Memory Stone! The most basic premise to open is to have the ten-level fighting strength of the ten-level fighters. If you don't have such strength, you will have a piece of waste in your hands.

The fighters making the Secret Memory Stone have different strengths. The difficulty of opening is also different. There will be a unique set of unlocking lines in the secret memory stones inherited from the strong. If you do n’t know that the lines are forcibly opened, even if you are the ultimate awakened super blood fighter, the end can only be Mystic Memory Stone is destroyed.

The secret memory stone with cryptographic lines, the enthusiasm for the ancestors who created the situation that day, was a stronger rumor and added a little more confidence.

Quickly recorded the route in my mind, and the agitated wrist slightly shocked, and then transmitted the tenth level of fighting energy to the secret memory.

For a moment, the inside of the dark red stone seemed to ignite a flame ~ ~ emitting a faint light. They tangled and twisted out of the stone, turning around the enthusiastic wrist, and gradually became like rolled paper. The boxy square is three meters square, and the handwriting is not dense and dense, but it is very visible. Clear, there will be no crowded feeling, every word is like carving on the stone, clear and clear!

At first glance, people feel that the scarlet letter is engraved in the mind of a person.

"Strong and powerful, just like a living creature." Energetic admired again and again: "There are also a lot of handwriting masters in the Gan family, and they seem too weak in front of this word."

In the middle of the three-meter-square scarlet letter, there is a warrior with long hair floating in the air. He is suspended above the sky for nine days, and the surrounding area is turned into clouds, giving people a sense of unattainability.

The soldier's hands and feet slipped slightly, and the whole body was driven, striding between the hands and suddenly blowing like a breeze, suddenly blowing like a breeze, the body moved more frequently than expected, but in retrospect it was full of Reason, revealing a natural breath.

‘Wind is born in nature, there is no shadow or shape, it goes into the sea and waves, it goes into the sand to kill everything. Cloud, sitting for nine days, changeable, settled, unsteady, meet wind or loose, or rain ... ’

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