Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 123: Super Volcano Elixir 8

What is a tooth? Turned out to tighten automatically. With a wistful enthusiasm, the lowering of the magic crab line exploded, and the body twisted left and right to support the arms outward. Still unable to break the net, the more the struggle, the more the black net shrinks.

"You don't have to struggle, this is what I asked Uncle Black to make for you." Eulera stepped briskly, squatting with energy in his hands with the pale yellow "volcanic potion" with a sweet fragrance. In front of me: "I know you will fight, so I customized these things from Blake, come ..." Open your mouth,

Uncle Black? Energetic eyes were dark, the forging method of the old blacksmith master. I can make a metal net so soft, but so tough, I'm afraid it's completely impossible.

Watching Olara with volcanic potions in one hand, he carried a dark but very hard pan, and cleverly chose to compromise and opened his mouth.

Fighter! Energetically created a kitchen knife and fighters to go to Lucas to kick the field, all felt very very luxurious, Blake actually created a fighter-level pan for Olara! This stuff is obviously not for cooking. If Zhetian doesn't open her mouth obediently, the bottom of the pot will greet her mouth until she opens her mouth.

pain! Heartbreaking pain! Energetic flushing instantly turned on her face, looking horribly at Eulera for an answer. This pain is wrong! Yesterday's medicine hurts people, but today this medicine hurts lives! A few times more overbearing than yesterday's "volcanic potion."

"Did you feel it?" Ollala looked happy. "This is an enhanced version of the volcano potion yesterday. I added the essence juice that hit the hot fruit. Now it seems to be the right one."

Energetic eyes widened at Olara. I didn't have the slightest effort to fight the madman mysterious pharmacist, and I had the strength to suppress the "volcanic medicament. The pain caused by it. I wasted my energy to talk to this woman for consolation. That was a fool.

For three hours ... "I felt like I was being divided into countless pieces by something, and then reassembled, thrown into the meat grinder, stirred it again, put it in the fire stop, and washed it. In the bath, the strength of the body and the fighting spirit are obviously increased again, but the feeling of being alive. The iron will will be scared even if it is motivated.

"Come, obedient. Drink this puppet." Olara poured a potion of healing energy onto the motivated body after pouring the memory potion into the motivated mouth: "OK, you can go to the fool pharmacist Learned there. "

Energetically dragging his tired body to the "Adams's Pharmacy Shop" again to see "The Book of Herbal Plants" Volume Three.

Woke up and took the two girls back to Jibinghu again

Every day, I am motivated in the closed Four Seasons Valley, wake up every day to take a bath in the extreme ice lake or the flame lake, and then find a bucket of stones from the pit on the way back to the cave entrance, and finally cover the cave in the cave to return to the endless world ,, Accept Black's forging exercise, tortured by Olara's strange medicine, every time approaching the mysterious drug store, enthusiasm doubts whether he will return to the arms of the stars, and then went to Adams to see his "Herb Plant Daquan ".

Since the moon rises and falls, for two years, the bomber command room. The winter of the Four Seasons Valley is also nearing its end, and the hard rock-like snow is melting away with the approach of the Four Seasons Valley in spring.

The snow accumulated at the entrance of the valley once caused by the avalanche, and the ground at the entrance of the valley has gradually decreased every day, and the ground has become wet and muddy.

Standing energetically and silently sighing in the mouth of the valley where the snow and ice melted, or tomorrow, the snow and ice will melt to the knee, and it's time to leave.

Shui Lianyinger stood not far behind her energy and looked at his back with emotions. For two years, she spent two years in the valley of the four seasons, making this year still full of vigor but slightly immature. Boy, here has got an unimaginable transformation. Not only does he become tall and strong, his strength has also reached the peak of the magic warrior that the old man said, and the power of the nine battles! He is less than 19 years old ... Holding the centaur's magic core in her hands. She continued her meditation quietly. Although her mental strength has improved slowly compared with many gifted magician trainees in the past two years, she has also moved around because of her motivation. The relationship has been trained to the point where you can hold the magic core and enter meditation at any time and place.

Just comparing the proficiency of entering meditation and exiting meditation, I am afraid that the big magician cannot compare with blue sky, but she spent the magic core of a green-skinned three-armed orangutan, plus the magic core of one-half of a centaur. It just reached the level of fifth-level magic student, not even the qualification of the magician, let alone to catch up with Huang Quan's great magician.

"Let's go." Energetic back to the entrance of the valley, carrying a saber knife that is almost integrated with the body, carrying on his body the "shot of the moon, bow, one step towards the flames" made from the iron ore collected a month ago. Jibinghu walked: "Try it today to see if you can enter the center of the blaze Jibinghu, try what the teacher said is half

The misty lake. The old man did not let the enthusiastic three wait for an hour as usual, but changed into a particularly clean clothes, hands behind him looking at the huge lake of flames, and his body was faintly different from usual.

Looking at the old man's back with enthusiasm, he sighed softly in his heart. He has been together for a long time. He really treats the old man as a loved one. He really wants to leave his heart.

"How is that possible?" Energetic gently shook his head and scolded himself stupidly. If the old man who wanted to leave was able to leave, when could he not leave? Although I don't know why he doesn't want to leave, but can see that he really doesn't want to leave here.

The old man "faced" the fiery lake and said his slightly vicissitudes of bass: "When there is always separation, I have time to remember to come back and see my old man."

"Oh." The enthusiasm responded softly, his steps a little heavier than usual, and slowly walked not far behind the old man. The fighting spirit of the Nine Battles fell to its full strength, and the body of "Endless World, Middle Level Wanying" disappeared instantly. The soles of the feet tear the air and make a sound like waves crashing on the shore, banging on the **** of the old man!

In these years, the drive does not know how many times the old man was kicked in the buttocks and kicked into the lake. I'm about to leave here, how can I leave the most memorable memories for the master.

The old man's ankle shook, the mud on the shore was forced to flutter, his body flickered to the right, but the left half of his **** still didn't escape his kick ... "

boom!噗通 "

The old man's **** stroked, his body rolled in the air, like a huge rock planted in the water, and a huge wave splashed.

"It's hot." The old man's vengeful body guard emerged from the water and looked at the enthusiasm: "Little boy, you are a freak, obviously the highest vindictiveness in the nine battles to turn the magic is 1,280 to 2,000 Sixty-five revolutions, I'm afraid you have more than three thousand revolutions, right? "

"Three thousand and five hundred, floating up and down about twenty revolutions." Enthusiastically reached out and pulled the old man ashore and said, "Master, this time I want to tell you that I really want to leave."

"I know." The old man smiled faintly at the wet clothes on his body. "From the first glance I saw you, I knew you couldn't stay here forever. And you learned me how to fight". How could you die old? Here? I'll give you another present later, and then get out of the valley and accomplish what you want to do. By the way, tell the world that not only the blood-awakened people in this world can become great warriors. "

Nodded eagerly, there was always a little sadness when leaving, making people not want to say too much.

"Come with me." The old man shook the lake from his clothes and shook most of it off. "This gift, you made it yourself, I have prepared it for you for almost two years. It's time for you.

Furiously frowning and thinking hard, what have you done yourself?

Two years, I came to this four season valley for two years. It was the first time I saw the house where the old man lived. It was a few simple wooden houses. The magic copper smelt tree stolen from the moon magic spider was planted in front of the door. A light golden fruit hung on it. , Sway gently as the breeze blows.

"Oh! I remembered it!" Ken slammed his head and pointed at the magic copper forging tree: "This thing is something that I almost lost my life to get back."

The old man smiled slightly: "You still remember the loss."

"This can't be forgotten." The motivational head shook like the rattle: "Three months ago, I almost turned into the dinner of that thing. Master, you are really cruel, and I will fight the magic three battles. Let me steal the tree. "

Two girls chuckled at the same time ~ ~ Three months ago, the drive was successfully entered into the eight battles to reduce magic, and I suddenly remembered that there was still a month of magic flowers on the mountain, and I planned to get the magic core. For his own use, he then went up the mountain happily, carrying a saber, and was hunted by a moon devil spider who never left the territory 500 meters for a distance of three kilometers. A big hole was broken in the bottom of his pants, and he was embarrassed. Escaped.

It wasn't until the actual fight that the drive didn't know that the Moon Magic Spider's strength was much stronger than imagined. This Warcraft had the special ability to hide strength.

Even after entering the Nine Demon Wars, the enthusiasm did not interest him to say hello to the Moon Demon Flower Girl, but only occasionally remembered the extremely valuable demon core in the Moon Demon Flower body.

After the first chapter of the series, the daughter rushed up like an octopus. The little girl over three years old was very lively and played games with her for nearly two hours. Tired, I have a sore back and legs, but she still looks cheerful. My wife is taking over the girl for a while, giving me this upload time. Later, I will go to the villa to play with. I am a tall building. The child is naturally a villa haha.

I have n’t taken my daughter to the amusement country for a long time. I am going to go out for a few hours today, and come back to work!

Finally, ask for a monthly pass!

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