Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 128: The King Returns

Saas wore a pale cyan warrior suit, followed by four men who were also dressed as soldiers, and a soldier sitting next to him on a rattan chair, drinking tea leisurely, without any intention of fighting.

"Luo Qingqing, your family has encountered misfortunes in the past two years, and your elder brother and father have been destroyed. Naturally, it is your grandma who decides this family. Then whoever she wants to merge with this family is her freedom. You do n’t know. Is it? "Kaisas looked at Luo Qingqing impatiently, cursing inwardly: this hooves put her to bed sooner or later! Luo Qingqing knelt beside Luo Lin's lingering coffin, but just looked at Caesar coldly, and he felt a little hairy in his heart.

"Damn! You say you have your brother's will, take it out!" Kaisers couldn't help but patted the table hard: "Otherwise, the Luo family must join the Ka family today!"

"That's right." Zhu Lisi hugged her child and swayed her waist, her vicious glare, and Luo Qingqing's eyes: "I'm Luo Lin's wife, and I'll take care of it. When is your turn?"

Luo Qingqing looked up at Zhu Lisi coldly, and looked at her coldly. She regretted that the day she should be blocked at the door to prevent her brother from marrying her. "What are you looking at?" Zhu Lisi was also embarrassed at being watched: "I have the final say on this family! It ’s not your turn! Come, give me the house ownership certificate!" The fighter behind Caesas was also at the same time. Burst out, rush to the house together ...

"I see who dare!" Blasted into the courtyard with anger and chilling words from outside the courtyard: "This family can't make it to you, Zhu Lisi!"

Kaisers raised his eyebrows, and the evil spirits piled up on his face. Whoever dared to come to the Rollin family at this time asked, blurtly asking, "Who?"

"I am motivated!"

Energetic, this name is a very, very strange name for many and many people. It is ordinary and ordinary. If there is something that makes people feel different, it is the last name [Dan]!

One of the three ultimate bloodline awakening warriors of the real policy dynasty, the family of the elven king ultimate awakening bloodline fighters also has the same surname [gan], but this surname is not only the family of the elven king bloodlines in the real policy dynasty, but some ordinary people also have the same This last name.

Zhu Lisi was holding the baby in her arms, her leisurely shaking body slightly shaken, the huge chest was beating again and again, her eyes flickered with vicious eyes, and she looked at the gate of the compound with vigilance.

In that year, Mintian was among the first-year fighters to be able to fight, and then stomped twice to deter Oakland Magic and Warrior student No. 1 Maxos, easily becoming the youngest No. 1 in the history of the college.

Zhu Lisi remembered what happened two years ago, and still couldn't help avoiding it, staring at the courtyard door that was tightly closed and not open, the baby in her arms couldn't help holding it a little harder.

"Energetic?" Caesas forgot to exert force on the soles of Luo Lingling's feet, so quietly kicked his eyes, cast his gaze on the courtyard door that was tightly closed and not open, and two eyebrows turned slightly The eyebrows were closed, and both hands clenched into fists.

The four violent soldiers saw the look of Caesas, and temporarily stopped slamming, and they looked at the door of the nobody.

The warrior sitting on the chair, leisurely holding a cup of slightly hot tea, gently blowing the tea leaves floating in the tea water, without lifting his eyelids, let alone looking at the closed courtyard door. Squeak-eleven, eleven, one side of the wooden door sounds of lack of oil lubrication, which produces a harsh noise of metal folding friction. "Energize."

Zhu Lisi took the baby subconsciously and took a half step back. Her eyes were full of resentment, and she said in silence: Yes! Just drive! Although he is taller and stronger than before, his body is full of masculine masculinity! But it is this man! In the morning class that day, in the presence of all the students in the school, he rejected the man who had never been invited by any boy.

Zhu Lisi withdrew the half step back. The humiliation filled her heart, and she looked back at the drive with a more vicious look.

"It's been two years ... two years ..." Kaisas stared softly at the drive, his body trembling slightly with anger, and the scenes two years ago kept flashing in his mind: "You haven't died? Very good, it is so good! I thought that I would never have a chance to give you back in my life.

Kaiser's lips and eyes twitched continually, and his anger made his face extremely emaciated, and even the pale blue pupils were deeply hidden. With a trace of fear, it was an instinctive fear, and only those who really faced the drive face-to-face would remember the ruthless and merciless fierceness when he started. "Okay, okay!" Caesar's breathing became a little sharp. "You're alive, it's so good. Eleven, r." The four soldiers saw that Kaesas looked constantly, and automatically surrounded him in the middle position. , Staring at the man who was silent and walked slowly into the middle of the yard. The four soldiers looked at the man who walked into the hospital. There was no trace of anger in his whole body, and there was no intention of killing. There was a faint sorrow in his eyes, nothing like a thunderous roar outside the door.

Luo Qingqing knelt in front of Luo Ling's lingering, looking at Caesas and others who were always as cold as iron. There was no change. Even the eyes that had already cried to tears became wet again. She slowly turned her head and looked at the energy. The tears were like pearls with broken threads, and they kept falling down along the white silky face.

"Here ... brother ... the person you said is really here." Luo Qingqing supported the ground with both hands, and said to himself with a crying tone: "Brother, get up and look at it. Everyone said that he had Dead, but you always think that the one who is alive is coming back. He came to see you. Come on and see, he really came, he really came ... "

Luo Qingqing held her hands to the ground. In the past few days, she was tired of facing Caesas and the woman Julius, but she had to hold on, she had to be strong, and she couldn't make any concessions to protect her father and brother. Family business.

However, she is a woman, she will be afraid in her heart, and she will count, and she wants to find someone to rely on. The guardians in the family have already left, but the big business has no one to rely on.

Forbearance, Luo Qingqing kept gritting his teeth, to believe that his brother Luo Lin's orders, the drive will return, must! Will definitely come back!

"Girl, you remember, the drive will definitely come back! He promised me to be the first guardian of our family! In addition to me in this world, he is your most trustworthy and dependable man! Remember, you must remember!"

"Brother ..." Luo Qingqing looked at the enthusiasm that went in a little bit, recalling Luo Lin's instructions at that time: "Brother, I remember, I remember what you said. He came back, you get up and take a look, you are fast Get up and take a look. "

Staring energetically at the coffin with flowers, Kaisers and Julius were not seen in her eyes, and the four warriors who were just like pirates who wanted to violently copy the house were in sight. There are only two people: Luo Lin, who is lying in the midst of lingering spirits, and the hands holding the ground, crying with a broken heart like pear blossoms and rain, and a rock-solid heart tingling!

pain! Energetic gently raise your hand and cover the heart, pain! Never had pain! It ’s 100 times, 1,000 times, and 100,000 times more painful than Olara ’s [volcanic potion]!

Watching his friends lie in the Lingmao, watching a bunch of **** messing up at the friend's funeral, but no one shot, and the palms that never trembled when energetically killed, trembling gently.

He stood in a gauntlet full of flowers and stared at him lying quietly, as if he was just a sleepy Rollin, quiet, peaceful, and even seemed to have a faint smile on his lips. He did n’t know if it was a self-deprecating laugh, or I believe that even after his death, someone will help him carry the burden on his shoulders. I believe that even after his death, no one can bully his sister.

"Fat man ..." Motivatingly stroking the edge of the black coffin, slowly turning around the coffin step by step: "Teacher Rodriguez came with a whip, can't afford the bed? He wants to pump you lazy Egg ... "Lingtang, quiet as dead!

In the morning on weekdays, I used this method called Luolin to get up and try everything, but today it didn't work. Luolin was still quiet as if she was asleep, but there were fewer snoring sounds than usual. Kaisas looked at Jules and nodded, and raised her eyebrows for energy.

Zhu Lisi looked at the ignorance of enthusiasm. Her heart stirred the anger when she was initially ignored by the enthusiasm. The two angers were superimposed, the courage suddenly increased, the eyes suddenly became sharp, and the child stepped out with her two eyebrows high. Gao Erxian said: "Energize, it's not your turn ...

The energy suddenly turned back, and stared directly at Zhu Lisi.

噗通 ...

Zhu Lisi sat back in the seat behind her ~ ~ He was trembling, his mouth was open, he couldn't say a word, he looked at it with fear, his eyes filled with fear .

Zhu Lisi has never seen such violent eyes, as if faced with thousands of swords waving in the night, and the whole body is stained with steaming and pungent blood.

terrible! Zhu Lisi's body shivered uncontrollably. At that instant of gaze, she could guarantee that as long as she said one more word, her energy would break her neck and throw her out of the yard as a waste.

The enthusiasm continued to caress Ling Ling slowly turning, and the fierce light in his eyes fell on Luo Lin's body, and he had recovered the faint sadness.

pA: I wanted to change it a long time ago. As a result, Rd crashed. I downloaded Magic Whistle 7 and it did n’t work. I'm speechless ... I'm completely speechless. I leaned on a USB flash drive and got an Internet cafe ... The great Internet cafes didn't let me use a USB flash drive, saying that wouldn't work.

I ran home again and went online. Put the manuscript in the e-mail box, then download it from the Internet cafe, and then open the upload ... It is not easy to pass this chapter. Let ’s get a monthly pass. ∫

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