Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 135: Reasonable killing

Sabonis gave Keller a dissatisfied look, and he was very displeased that he tied himself to the chariot of the Kay family like this, but if he dismissed Keller's refusal at this time to say that there was nothing wrong with him, it was tantamount to turning his face to the Kay family. If that kind of enthusiasm is closed, if Luo Lin's death is strictly investigated, he will become more passive. Read novels on your mobile phone and update \\! {Wap \ '}

Sabonis sighed and nodded his head with a smile on his energy, admonished himself, as the owner of the city, the most important thing is not to subdue all the forces, it will only cause a greater rebound, playing balance in the middle, Gaining benefits from all forces is what a smart city owner should do.

Keller was very proud of his on-the-spot wit and dragged Sabonis into the water. "I can't help but get a little more on my face:" So the guardian of energy. Brother-in-law is like a mother. Since Luo Qingqing's viburnum and her elder brother have returned to the embrace of the stars, then Ms. Zhu Lisi does have the right to decide for her ...

Luo Qingqing hugged Luo Jin, moved his steps lightly, and put his body behind his motivation, waiting for the man who was like a mountain to shield himself from the wind and rain to respond.

My brother said that we must believe in motivation! Luo Qingqing held Luo Jin a little tighter. Even if my brother didn't tell me this way, I would still fully trust him.

Hiding behind his drive, Luo Qingqing has a sense of security that he has never experienced. It seems that even if the innocence collapses, the man in front of him can hold up the 7-day coming sky as soon as he raises his hand. Let the fallen sky hurt yourself.

"What is Zhu Lisi?" Enthusiastically reached out and patted Luo Qingqing's arm behind him as a consolation: "If you say that is the case, then you can go." "You ..." Keller didn't expect to withdraw from the city master. It turned out to be such a sentence, and his eyes for help hurriedly looked at Sabonis.

Sabonis glanced at Keller angrily, and stepped cautiously halfway, without crossing the line of life and death. This is not a fear of motivation, but the face of Fabredis next to him. He made a statement, apparently having something to do with the opposite boy, and now he can only do things in a positive way. Sabonis kept the smile of the Lord: "Keeper of energy, you're wrong

Energetic tilted his head to look at Sabonis, his body slowly stood up, already holding in his hand the murderous and bloodless combat plan was cut!

The ten unidentified soldiers behind Keller faced the drive alone, but just stood up, Qi Qi stepped back, his palm involuntarily pressed on the sword weapon, and watched him vigilantly.

"What's wrong? Luo Qingqing is a woman of my enthusiasm. Someone came to the woman who wanted me. I should still kneel on the ground, my hands couldn't work?"

Energetic eyes suddenly glared, and the sound changed from the faint sorrow to a thunderous roar instantly. The slashing handle of the saber in the hand hit the floor heavily, and the floor was shattered, and the handle was inserted into the ground. The blade trembled slightly as if humming. Lingtang ... Quiet only the sound of breath surprised by everyone. Keller stared blankly at the enthusiasm, never thinking that this young man suddenly came to such a paragraph.

Sabonis stared at the enthusiasm for a moment, never thinking that the young man would block all his words as soon as he spoke.

Luo Qingqing embraced Luo Jin with both hands, looking up at the man-like back in front of him, his eyes became moist again, and happiness almost filled the entire atrium.

Sabonis froze, and his words turned out to be the roar of young people, and a little more dissatisfaction among the eyebrows: "Young people, you can't talk nonsense ..."

"Master, the Lord of the City." Energetic responded lightly: "So I said, what is Zhu Lisi? I'm in charge of marrying Luo Qingqing."

Keller smiled and was dead again! I took out Zhu Lisi to say something, and you took out the same dead man, Luo Lin, to say something?

"Really?" Keller smiled a little bit of happiness: "The Lord of the City is the master of Zhu Lisi's referral to me. This is what you said ..."

The drive was a step forward. Except for the three, Gran, Sabonis, Fabredis, everyone took a step back, as if only to maintain such a distance can feel safe.

The enthusiasm went on step by step, and everyone moved closer together, only when they gathered together could they feel safe.

"Master City Keeper." He reached into his arms, carefully took Rowling's last letter from the fighting world, and gently handed it to Fabredis' hand: "Look at it to testify.

Sabonis secretly said: sure enough! Get to know Fabredis! Few people in Auckland know that he is the guardian of the city. The young man can now call out his identity. He knew early on that he really shouldn't be involved in this matter. It seems that there must be a way to achieve the two sides' innocence. Things can be resolved.

Fabredis looked at the letter, his face was as usual, and his eyebrows gradually became more dignified. His eyes did not look at other places at all, but he stared at Rowling's last words. He saw a long breath in the end. Returned the letter to the enthusiasm, and looked very seriously: "Indeed, as you said. Rowling did say silently in the letter, he is a good brother and a good man." "Huh!" Ge Lan snorted a second time: "A letter, as long as you have read it alone, you can say anything. Simply, isn't it better for Luo to give him?"

Fabredis raised his eyebrows, his face sank, and the whole person seemed to be a volcano that was about to wake up from his deep sleep.

Sabonis quickly intervened between the two and said, "I still believe in Fabredis' character. In this matter, we can give our city's guardians a guarantee."

Grande hummed today for the third time, and Sabonis's complexion began to sink: "What? Mr. Grande-the owner of the city does not look down on the letter but? The owner of the city has always done things justice, but it does not mean that he is afraid. Or which power! "

Keller saw that Sabonis changed his face, and in the dark, Gran felt that he was a demon warrior. No one saw it in his eyes. For the first time, Leng Hu was showing strength and dissatisfaction. The next two Leng Hu was stupid! It really pushed Sabonis to Fabredis. It is strange that this Luo family can get it today.

"Master, Lord, Mr. Gran did not mean that." Keller quickly said, "Your Gao Jie, the entire province of Yongfu knows that, since this is the case, then please ask Lord Lord to help you get your idea. After all, Ms. Zhu Lisi, already Taking the gift of our Kay family's marriage, if the Luo family retires, I am afraid that our Kay family will not accept it. "

Sabonis gave Keller a dissatisfied look, Julius was already dead, you can say anything with one mouth! If the Kay family is remarried, this kind of thing is indeed a relatively serious matter, which is a matter of family face.

Fabredis gave a cough: "Master, the city's master, Jules is just a woman from Rowling. This family is naturally what Rowling said. A woman who marries Rowling can make a decision that can overturn her decision. This is spreading out ... I'm afraid to be laughed at ... "

Sabonis had an urge to kill all the people on the left and right. If he recognized that Julius could overthrow the homeowner's words, it was only the Lord of Auckland who laughed.

"Huh!" Gran said a fourth cold hum in his nostrils, and said very dissatisfied, "Where is it so troublesome? Isn't there a custom for the real policy dynasty? A similar situation happened before, when two men contended for a woman. Isn't it a fight between the two sides, who won and who married the woman? "

Sabonis looked at the nostrils, and from time to time he gave out a cold humming demon warrior. It turned out that it was sometimes not so annoying. At least this method seems to be fair to both sides! Energetic is a warrior, Kelch before Kage also said that he is a warrior, then duel. If anyone who speaks out speaks unfairly, that is the performance of no kind, and it is no different from automatic abstention, neither Keller nor Fabredis protests. "This method is good." Sabonis nodded his head seriously: "What do both parties think?"

Keller looked at the enthusiasm, faintly worried in his heart. The sword was really amazing just now. The momentum when the motivator was carrying the big knife was also a bit surprising. Although Cage was also a tenth-level fighter, he really talked to him. It's hard to say if you win or lose ...

Keller groaned a little and said: "This method is really good, but this is not just a matter for two men ~ ~ said to Dali, this can be said to be a matter for two families. If the sky is only just One game is a bit sloppy. My personal opinion is worse than three games.

One was a duel between the warrior and the warrior, and one was a duel between the magician road wizard. "The last one was a doubles match between the magician and the soldier."

Kai Min saw Fabredis want to speak, and said quickly: "After all, this is a matter of two families. If you ca n’t even afford this strength, you ca n’t explain it? Of course, if you think that g is enough to fight, one can fight three battles, and our Kay family is okay. Of course, if this way, the house on the Luo family's side seems a bit thin ... I still hope that I can find it with energy Magician, can this be regarded as respect for our Kai family? "" This method is good. "Sabonis nodded in earnest in approval:" This also shows the sincerity of the two sides, and I don't know how to look at the drive? "

duel? Furious frowning, Kai's family is related to the death of Luo Lin, I still need to respect you? He avenged himself for the fat man. He had no evidence of hacking the Kay's family. The big deal was that he was assigned to the battlefield of humans and demons, but that would affect Luo's family. This duel is a good way, which is a reasonable killing.

In the presence of the city owner, all the people of the Kai family were cut off, but they would not violate the laws of the dynasty! What if I play three games? !!

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