Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 140: Night raid

"I heard that tomorrow's duel is also a demon warrior?" Cage put his legs on the table at random and looked at the timid Jiubaikeler: "What's your name? What background? How old? When did you become a demon warrior? "" Called energy, no background, less than nineteen, Iq1 when you become a magic warrior. R + ... "

"Energetic?" Cage sat back in a sitting position, suddenly stood up, holding the tabletop with her hands almost overwhelming Keller in front of him, and asked gloomily, "Is that the student of the Auckland Academy of Magic and Warriors? Who was missing for two years? That one?"

Keller nodded subconsciously, wondering in his heart that this drive had never been in front of him. How could it make his attitude so strange when he said his name?

"Okay, good! It's so good! I didn't expect him to be motivated ... motivated!" Cage grinned violently, slammed his fist on the table, and threw the oil lamp on the table high. , The sturdy table top has a fist hole in it. Keller felt wrong, and whispered, "Do you know him?"

"I know, I know each other well." Cage sat back in the chair again, and leaned back slightly. "I saw him once at school today. I wanted to wait until I went to school to see him again, and beat him directly. Well, dare to push me? Fine, I will kill him tomorrow due to a duel.

"Kage ten ten ■ ■ ten ■ ■" Keller said in a blunt voice = "I tell you one thing, don't you-irritated. In fact, when Grande went out, he was going to find that drive and said it would be on you Before the duel, consume his vigor and then seriously hurt him, so that you can win beautiful and simple.

"It's troublesome." Cage raised his eyes and waved again. "It doesn't matter, anyway, the result of the duel will not change. He managed to find a demon warrior weaker than him and let him play. But remember to tell him not to provoke Fabredis and the Lord of the City in the future. If you want to die, don't affect our Kay family. "" That's right, of course, Master Cage will talk about tomorrow's duel, and it is also good for the next selection warm-up. .As for the magic student, I will make her disappear in the magician battle. "

The back of the house. $ Was pushed away, and Keller saw that the Grimm magician, who was already forty-two years old, wearing a black magic robe, was carrying his wand inlaid with an egg-sized red gem, slowly Walked into the room.

The arrogance of Cage's face slightly converged, and the sitting posture leaning against the back of the chair also became a lot more regular. Eyes stared at the slowly seated Master Greene nodded gently: "Mr. Greene, meditate so fast today Is it over? "

"Yeah." Greene habitually stroked the crystal ruby ​​on the staff: "Tian Tianbai Nakai's salary is also a little bit sad. The thought of having a chance to duel tomorrow is really exciting for me."

"Mr. Green's staying in our Kay's house is no longer a salary." Keller quickly smiled, for Green, who has a magic guild behind his back, and a bad temper, and did not dare to be disrespectful. He stared at the other person's eyes, and did not dare to look at his distiller's grain nose: "Tomorrow, but also trouble Mr. Green, it's really bad." Nothing, haha ​​... "Green, touching his favorite method Staff: "This time I'll finish this for you. I want to go back to the magic guild of the epic province and sit still for two years. "

"Two years?" Keller stunned and asked quickly: "Why does Mr. Greene go back so long? Are you dissatisfied with the salary paid by our Kay family? This is talkable ... you know, now If Auckland does n’t have your support ... "

"It's not a question of salary." Green Lin smiled and liked Keller's attitude, and waved his hand gently: "I leave, I will find my apprentice to temporarily replace me to help Kay's family. As for why I leave ...

Green Lin raised his head slightly, and there was an indescribable pride in the excited excitement on his face: "Because of the feeling of feeling, my spiritual strength is close to the peak. Returning to the Magic Guild for two years, I should be able to condense. Spiritual power, become a great magician! "

The teacup held by Keller suddenly trembled, and looked at Greene's proud look in surprise. The value of the great magician is almost the same as that of the magician. "Congratulations o"

Cage smiled slightly and turned her head slightly. The great magician is indeed very precious, but as a warrior of the blood awakener, he would never look up to a great magician! As long as you give enough respect, after all, on the battlefield of the demon in the future, if you can get the support of a great magician, it is much better than the support of a magician.

Greene was very satisfied with Keller's surprise, and his palm was gently turned with a red gem inlaid, and he named the staff of [The Rising Sun]: "Now I, with this Rising Sun Staff, can almost do some magical instants. The duel tomorrow will be as wonderful as you can imagine. "Yes, yes, and I look forward to arriving early tomorrow. A more charming smile piled on Keller's face, and he secretly calculated the time when Gran went out. It should be almost time to reach Luo's house of worship, right? I do n’t know how much he interrupted his energy and vomited. Satisfied? Don't be excited for a moment to kill the energy of i1. At night, a dark cloud slowly covered the half moon in the sky, and the breeze was deserted on the empty Lingtang street.

Granty walked on the quiet Lingtang street with a big sword, and felt the martial arts. The sacred king created the sacred king to kill the **** of the night. The proudest Nine Emperor ’s strongest abandoned the Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial arts Qiankun will kill the gods of the Seal of the Night and seek the demon. The royal breeze blowing from the back of Da Zhou, narrowed his neck slightly, frowned and looked at the environment. Some of his heart-disliked the strange atmosphere.

"It's the Luo family in front." Granti took two steps with his big sword, raised his hand against the courtyard wall and jumped gently, holding his palm against the solid wall and pulling it hard, his toes supported the wall to help him, and turned over to squat. On the wall of the Luo family's courtyard, his eyes flickered slightly towards the courtyard: "This is ...?

The enthusiastic hand-held saber, standing quietly in the courtyard like a stone sculpture, did not move, and the whole body was not even aware of the living breath.

Glan glanced at first, and even the first stone appeared in his gaze. He took a closer look before he could see clearly that it was really the drive himself, and it looked like he was standing there sleeping.

Luo Ling's body was still parked in the hall, and Jiu-Bai-Yu swayed gently in the wind, and there was no longer any living person. "Tonight, are you motivated to guard the spirit?" Gran smiled lightly, covering the lower part of his eyes with the black cloth tied around his neck = "This is great, I should be able to play for a while, r, r, r One"

"Since it's here ..." A body like a stone sculpture suddenly spoke, floating in the hall, listening even more strangely: "Then come down from the wall, anyway, you are also a demon warrior."

Gran turned around to find, there was no one else on the wall, and he was curiously disturbed. Is he really showing up? Still guessed that someone might come? Casually bluffing?

"Are you still not coming down?" As if initially, closing your eyes and calming down and calming down your mind, "Mr. Gran, you come here with the intention of killing, wouldn't you come to worship the fat?"

Gran was stunned, looked curiously, turned over and jumped to the ground, picking up the black cloth in front of his face: "Boy, where did you learn the warrior scouting technique? If you give this technology tonight Me, then I won't do it, let you be more aggressive and play with Cage tomorrow. "

"Are you also a core member of the Kay family in Auckland?" Energetic did not answer questions and continued his own words: "The reason for Luo Lin's death, should you be very clear? Tell me, I I can forgive you for disturbing the fat man's rest late at night, so that you won't die. "

"What are you talking about?" Gran seemed to have heard the most funny joke. The smile on his face was a little bit heavier, his fists squeezed back and forth with ten fingers, and a crisp sound of Gaba Gaba: "Let me die? Since you don't Give it up, and I'll beat you up and let you know how to write the word pain. "" It hurts? Can you? "Close your eyes without moving:" I rarely give the enemy a chance, you You can think about it again, and put the cause of Rollin's death ... "

Glan yelled, his shoulders turned gaba twice, and his spirit was full of anger, and he did not wait for the motivational words to finish.

For motivation, he doesn't look at it. Where can a warrior who is under the age of 19 become a magic warrior? Unless you are a blood awakened warrior.

Three consecutive steps of pedaling, the dust passing by was shaken by the seismic force to the height of the ankle, all the way to rush forward like a cloud under the foot, thick arms from bottom to top, like a siege car crashed into the vigorous abdomen .

His body was strong and he slammed into the ground with continuous strides, as if a wooden stick was slamming a quilt. Obviously his legs were very aggressive. "It's a good degree, and the angle of the shot is also good. It is indeed the strength of the magic warrior. It is much stronger than the green leather three-armed orangutan."

Enthusiastically, I feel Gran's action with closed eyes. This attack is very powerful. It's like choking off a person's breath, and the **** smell mixes in, which shows that this person has ... killed someone!

Gran rushed to the drive in the blink of an eye, and a little suspicion flashed in his eyes. Was the boy's brain broken or something? Don't even hide? It's not terrified, have you forgotten too much? whatever! Give him a punch first, and spit out his dinner!

In one thought, Gran twisted his shoulders and punched his fist. He banged on the lower abdomen of strength with strength, listening to the slamming sound, and felt the martial arts. The proudest Nine Emperor ’s strongest abandoned Shaozhou Zhou the royal family will kill the God of the Seal of the Great Seal of the Night Aojin nineth heaven ’s strongest abandoned Shaotai Zhou throne to seek the magic of the Awesome The Nine Emperor ’s strongest forces to abandon the Great Seal of the God ’s throne. The royal **** created the night to kill the god, the seal of the throne, and asked the demon to be proud of the world. The nineth heaven is the strongest to abandon the young Da Zhou. The royal family took the fist to the real feeling of the flesh.

this is? The joy of Gran's heart suddenly turned into surprise, and the full blow didn't hit the drive, and he didn't bend and vomit the young man, and his face did not show a distorted expression because of pain. There is no change at all, as if his heavy punch "just touched his lower abdomen lightly, even the strength of the stroke seems to be.s!

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