Commanding Wind and Cloud

: 239 The One Who Can't Offend The Bad Teacher

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Since the beginning of the school day, the principal, who is in excitement, has been looking from the initial happy expectations to the gloomy face these days. If anyone has done something wrong and was run into by her, he will immediately receive special training. Punishment.

The reason for all of this is that the genius magician who enrolled to study in the conquest college was rumored, blue sky! It has not been reported in the college since the beginning of the school, leading the principal's mood to be anxious day by day.

These days, whether it ’s the magic department or the warrior department, whether it is the ordinary soldier or the bloodline soldier, the first thing to wake up every morning is to pray for the blue sky who has not come to report, hurry up, otherwise you can insist It's hard to say after living this semester.

Blue sky! It's that blue sky! The two soldiers stared blankly at the blue sky bowed, some can't believe their eyes, the genius magician in the rumor!

"Me, are you disqualified?" Bi Luo's tone revealed the unspeakable disappointment, reached out to get the admission notice, slowly turned as if to leave.

Suddenly, the two soldiers no longer stiffened like hitting the petrochemical magic, they collectively hit a chill, and rushed forward to pass through the blue sky. They opened their arms together to block the blue sky's way. I wonder if the two have learned the speed of movement like Wanying.

"You can't go!" The two soldiers shouted in unison, and said that if you leave, the headmaster knows this and knows that you left because of a word from us. She hasn't scratched our skin? It is estimated that the skins are light!

"Can't leave?" Blue fell for a moment, but he didn't have anything to do with it, just because he was disappointed and sad, his eyes were a bit wet, and he wanted to turn around and wipe his wet eyes, as long as he left? If there is motivation, even if the admission letter expires There are ways to join the college.

When the two soldiers heard the blue questioning, they suddenly hesitated. I was really afraid that the rumored magic genius would make the temper tough to leave. Then I was afraid to hurt her and not to stop her ... I am afraid the principal knows this. ...

"No expiration, no expiration -... we're kidding."

The two soldiers waved their hands to accept, and at the same time they were worried to see clearly the expression on the blocked face under the magic hat, but they could not see the blue face under the magic hat.

Is she ugly? The two soldiers looked at each other, but did not dare to tell their own speculation.

"Then we can go in?" Energetic glanced up at the passageway inside the school gate: "I don't know, which way is the way to the report?"

When the two soldiers heard the energetic question, they frowned, showing their dissatisfied faces, but they were just a small soldier student who reported coming late.

Blue turned and turned to drive, the big hat turned left and right, looking around for a possible passage.

The two soldiers saw Blue's reaction, their nervous hearts relaxed again, and they could not afford to be angry with the energy. They trot in front of Blue and said together, "Report, go here, I will take you.

Thanks to the motivation, the two soldiers turned a deaf ear and ignored the existence of the enthusiastic four, all their energy was focused on the blue body, for fear that because the rumor does not appear-, the principal may become irritable every day The genius magician disappeared before his eyes.

As for the other four? The two fighters really couldn't think of any reason to deal with the four young fighters who didn't seem to be special. Maybe these four might be the obedience of this talented magician.

The drive was indifferent and shrugged, and Bi Luo had already shocked too many people because of Huang Quan's relationship during the exam. The chairman of the Crystal Magic Tower personally issued an invitation letter, hoping that she could join the magic tower. And as soon as you join the status given to the deacon immediately, other provinces' magic guilds have also issued invitations, and it is rumored that even the Federation of Trade Unions is interested in issuing invitation letters.

Such a genius magician will pay attention to even the magic guild, not to mention two warrior students in school?

The Conquest War College covers a very large area, so the location established is not in the city of Yongliu, but not far from the city. Looking down from a height, it looks like there is another The town is as spectacular.

After walking through several trails, everyone walked for more than ten minutes and saw a very ordinary building. Wind and rain left a lot of traces on the building. At a glance, I know that it has been used for many years. .

After walking through several trails, everyone walked for more than ten minutes and saw a very ordinary building. Wind and rain left a lot of traces on the building. At a glance, I know that it has been used for many years. .

"This is our teacher's office." A fighter walked in front of him.

Frequently looked back: "Here is ..."

"I don't care what happens to your family! I don't want to listen to explanations! You are late for school, just wrong!"

The roaring roar rushed out from an office on the first floor, and eagerly glanced at the office. A middle-aged, blond and restful male warrior, scolding three young men with brash air Soldier student.

When the two soldiers brought in front of the head heard the roar, the smiles on their faces looking at the blue sky suddenly became stiff and together.

He stopped and said in a low voice, "Let's wait here, and wait for the matter in the teacher's chair of Moso Kunsa to be resolved before entering."

Quiet office suffocation, three young soldiers wearing military uniforms of the conscript college students, silently took out a small bag of gold coins from his arms, and quietly placed on the desk of Musocukusa.

Mussolkumsa's arms were anger on his chest, his eyes narrowed down on the gold coin bag on the table, and he stretched out his hands very skillfully. He picked up the money bag and opened it. The room quickly dissipated, and some of the press-staffed offices before the atmosphere disappeared with Musocoonsa's smile.

"Forget it, for the sake of your first offense this time, my job as a teacher didn't delay your future." Musocunsa carefully closed the gold bag and sighed gently: "I just It is also for your good to reprimand you like that. I hope you can understand the hard work of the teacher. "

The three young warrior students nodded again and again, and Musocoonsa took out the seal from the desk drawer, and printed a mark on the identity book of each of them: "Okay, pay attention next time.

The three soldiers nodded and stooped to exit the room, frowning slightly, what kind of teacher is this? He just ...

"I just said, as long as he gave him gold coins, there would be no problem with jade."

"Fuck! This Musocukusa is really the same as the rumor. As long as you catch something, the students will pay. We clearly follow the school rules ..."

"Forget it! Musocoonsa is this kind of person. He doesn't care if we follow the school rules. Last time, there wasn't a student who had to follow the school rules. As a result, he found an excuse to evaluate the student. The trainee was injured and lying in bed for more than two weeks. "

Enthusiastically listening to the whispered words of the three soldiers and trainees who passed by him, and looked at Musocoonsa, which counts gold coins in the room, to beat the trainees in order to make money?

"Who's outside the door?" Musocukan's eyelids fluttered, and a high voice came out of the room again.

The soldier student who walked in the front rushed to the door and bowed: "Teacher, there are a few new students who have delayed admission because of things. I am not taking them ..."

"New students are delayed-time to enter school?" Mosukun lifted his lips quickly to the sides, and his smile flashed quickly at the corners of his lips and eyes, and his righteous anger filled his cheeks again, his palms high Gao lifted and smashed the desk of the desk, making a loud noise, like a roar of war: "It's so outrageous! Call them in! No! Don't call them in! Let them roll!"

The leading warrior student narrowed his neck and dared: "Teacher ..."

"Don't plead with them! As warriors and wizards, the most important thing is to observe discipline! These days have begun, and now I'm here?" Musokusan waved his arm vigorously: "What good student can we be? We conquered the college, No such students! Your offer letter has expired! "

"Lao Feng ..."

"You still plead with them?" Musocunsa stared up at the leading soldiers for a few seconds and sighed: "Forget it, let them in. Let me see if they have any potential, do they understand Be human. "

The truth of being human? Have a good smile, do you know the gift?

Musocoonsa saw the four warriors entering the room, a magician, and his eyes were slightly surprised. It was strange that the warrior students heard their own roar and anger, and they were already scared like obedient lambs. How can I find the slightest timidity among these four soldiers today? It seems that this magician ~ ~ looks very timid.

Forget it! Don't worry about that much! The confident smile that Moso Kunsa's lips evoked, these warrior students are probably pretending to be strong. Now, as long as the magician student is scared to clean up, those soldier students I was afraid.

"You! That's you!" As soon as Mussolkunsa raised his arm and pointed at the blue sky, his finger almost fell on the blue magic hat's brim: "What's the matter with you? Do you know what you're doing? You just take The admission notice is not yet a true student of the college! According to the rules of the college, I can refuse to stamp you with admission! But ... "

Moso Kunsa turned his voice, and slowly returned to the office chair, turning his finger gently on a gold coin, and also focused on the gold coin and dragged a long note: "But ... but ..."

Bi Luo stared down at her eyes, staring at the ground under her feet, staring at the ground.

Musocoonsa dragged the long sound for just a few sounds, and found that the magician student was looking at the ground and didn't realize the meaning of his words at all. The face that had just slowed down suddenly moved up again: "I'm talking to you! Face To the senior teacher, do you have this attitude? Submit your admission letter, and you will retake the exam next year! "

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