Commanding Wind and Cloud

: Chapter 245: College Ring

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"Really? Then I happen to have a little time." Vivistine smiled and made a lady's gesture: "Well, let me be a tour guide and introduce the great academy that has been passed down for many years?"

Checker Flit looked at the drive, and the three female magicians discovered that another warrior was standing next to the handsome boy who was so handsome that he eclipsed the sun.

She shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head. In this unfamiliar and huge academy, it was a perfect fit for someone to be a guide.

Seeking an enthusiastic response, Chick Follett turned his head and gently nodded at the three female wizards.

Energetic suddenly felt six sharp and hostile eyes, like the grim wolf in the jungle, locked on his body.

Treat me as an enemy? Looking at Chekforte beside him, and looking at the three women shaking their heads again and again, he couldn't help sighing. He was a man anyway, and no matter how handsome and handsome Chekforte was, One man, three of you women treat me as my rival? Is this a bit too much?

Vivienne was naturally standing to the right of Cheekforte. The other two female magicians also began to move to his left. They were motivated to see the movement of the two people, and they really squeezed them. As I went there, it looked like a classmate.

Seeing that they could not squeeze in, the two female magician students gave them a stern look and moved to the right of Chekforte.

Three men and two women, walking side by side, had to admire the speed of changing the face of the woman. When introducing the building of the college to Chekforte, the gentle lady smiled. As soon as she saw herself, she was instantly hostile. look.

"And here ..." Vivienne pointed at a ring not far away, pretending to grab Cheekflett's palm with her left hand.

It's coming! In the corner of Vivistine's eyes, she saw her fingers approaching Cheek Forte's palm quickly, and her heart couldn't stop the excitement.

Huh? Vivistine's palm was scratched or empty, and found that Cheek Flit's palm, which had been placed on one side of the body, did not know when to lift it, and picked up a falling hair from the vigorous shoulder.

This ... the three female magicians froze at the same time when they saw the scene, and in a blink of an eye, the gentle eyes almost sprayed the sharp eyes of the corpse, staring resentfully.

With a sigh of energy and a helpless sigh, the demon warrior in the blood of the fallen angel still has a kind of cleansing existence to a certain extent. It seems that he does not like others to touch his body. He just grabbed his hands like that, If I can catch it, I will cut my head off and let you play as a ball.

But ... look at Cheek Forte with a grudge, and you have no other way to avoid her palm? Only this trick to get me hair?

Cheekforte looked at the platform that Vivistine pointed to: "What's that?"

"One of the oldest ringstands in the college." Wei Weisting said in a loss. "It was a long time ago. The dean invited the famous inscription master and forgemaker at the time. The ringstands that took only a few years to make were the college. One of the strongest ring games. Also ... Hmm? Someone hiccups today? This is less than the monthly ranking ring game. "

"I said it already! The Burning Family is just a bunch, I don't know how powerful waste the Bloodline Warriors are!"

The harsh shouting voice came from far above the ancient ringstand, and Vivistine looked at the ringbeat subconsciously and explained: "This ringstand also has a certain sound reinforcement magic circle, and it can also dodge the dialogue between the two parties. ... "

Vivistine's words have not been finished yet. Seeing that the energy and Cheek Fletcher have stepped away from a few meters, the speed is not as leisurely as they just wandered.

Burning the family? Energetic frowning, according to the arrogant Isabella's words, the Conquest War Academy can rarely recruit fighters from the Burning Path family, and in recent years has not recruited one from the Burning Path family.

Now there are warriors who burned the family on the ring, there is only one possibility! The snooze is the burning song! The pace of enthusiasm stepped up, and he looked up at the young soldier standing on the platform with his chest and his head upright.

Bloodline battle!

The muscles of the young warrior on the ring are swollen, causing the body to be two and a half meters in height. The supposedly smooth face is covered with a layer of brown appearance visible to the naked eye. A pair of eyes are full of black and faintly fierce. His muscles made him look like a mountain of meat, but at the same time it was an explosion of meat.

Looking from a distance, this young warrior in the state of bloodline fighting is more like a bear than Mu Guiwuxin! In other words, the young warrior standing on the ring platform is indeed a bear: a bear-blooded warrior!

If, among the top ten bloodline fighters of the true policy dynasty, there are not Titan bloodline fighters who also have the same respect for strength, perhaps the explosive bear bloodline fighters may also become one of the top ten bloodline fighters of the true policy dynasty.

Enthusiastically approached Yantai, and saw bending down, supporting the ground with one hand, half kneeling on the ground with one hand over his lower abdomen, and staring up, staring at the burning song of the blasting blood soldier.

Obviously, this is a battlefield that has already been played. On the ground not far from him, there are still blood stains on the ground not far from him.

"I'll just say, the Burning Tu Family ... No, no, no! It's ordinary soldiers, all a bunch of waste." The Buffalo Blood Warrior opened his sturdy arms and cheerfully looked at the burning songs of Burning Tu half-kneeled on the ground. : "Just a punch! You said you couldn't resist even a punch. What warrior are you doing?"

Standing among the dozen or so fighters watching the fight, two young fighters embraced their arms around their chests, with cold smiles on their faces watching the burning song, contempt and disdain turning in their eyes.

There are a dozen other fighters, their faces are either disappointed or frustrated, and some people clenched their fists angrily, ordinary soldiers! Still the largest group of warriors in the world! I thought that the family's enthusiasm for burning the road could earn a little glory for ordinary soldiers, but I did not expect to lose so miserably.

"Is the Burning Road Crazy Song?" The Bakugan Bloodline Warrior crouched down his strong body and put his big furry face in front of the Burning Road Crazy Song: "I remember you have an older brother, called the Burning Road Rush, did you? I was challenged to avenge my brother, right? I told you, your brother was beaten like a dead dog by my brother, and I can beat you like a dead dog today. The secret method is really good! But my Hall family not only has 80 tricks like the tricks! It also has blood power! "

There was a bit of sneer in the eyes of Fen Tu Fange's resentment: "Your brother? Hall Tie, if your brother was not a day before the war and used despicable means, my brother would lose to Hollof. Stupid? What's your Hall family other than shameless and mean? "

"You ..." The fluff on Hall's face trembled, the arrogance in his eyes suddenly turned into anger, the huge and sturdy palms were raised high, and he suddenly waved his arms like collapsed giant pillars suddenly. Stiffness was at the distance from the three fists above the head of Burning Road Crazy Song.

A touch of murderous icy cold! Hall Iron's neck turned a little, looking at the drive not far below the platform. The strong forged bow made of steel was pulled into a full moon, and the bright arrow tip radiated the sun's rays, revealing the cold death. breath.

Holtier felt that if he slapped this slap, the arrow would completely destroy himself before his palm hit the mad song.

First-class archer! Hall Tie looked at the drive in doubt, if it was not for the sudden burst of hostile murder on the arrows, he would not have found that he had been locked with a strong bow.

"This friend ..." Hall Tie slowly closed his arms, afraid that if he accidentally moved too much, he would cause misunderstandings in the drive, and the fun would be really big.

What is a top archer? It is clear that the other party has aimed at himself, obviously felt locked, but there is also a feeling of uncertainty to avoid, this is a very powerful archer.

Holtie can even be sure that he has a 90% chance to be shot dead, only 10% to avoid it, and to avoid it under serious injuries. Now the distance between the two sides is too short, and the threat of bows and arrows is too great.

"I'm not your friend." Energeticly watched Cheek Follett help Fen Tu Feng Ge down the ring, slowly closed the bow and arrow of the shooting moon, the palm of the Fang Ru Fang Song's belly was gently pressed, He didn't break the bones and damage the internal organs, but the brute force of bursting the blood of the bear ~ ~

The crowd came out of the young warrior who was born with narrow eyes, slender figure, long nose, thin lips, and long green hair, and his face was insidious. Win or lose? "

"Lilizago, what you said." Holtie retracted his bloodline and shrank his body by thirty centimeters. With a fluff, he looked like a strong bear with thick eyebrows. His eyes showed an unhealthy earthy yellow color: "I really do n’t know why. I burned waste like the Tujia family. When I went to any higher war college, I even got better resources than our bloodline fighters. At that time, his brother burned the road. That's right, and it looks like he will be treated like this now. "

What bloodline warrior is this green hair? With a lot of enthusiasm in his face, Lilizago turned his gaze to the young warrior who was standing slightly next to Lilizago, leaning a little, and with a thin, thin face.

Is this also a blood fighter? What blood fighter?

"Hall Tie, let me say it again." The tingling in the lower abdomen of Burning Road Song gradually disappeared, and the bent waist bar also stood upright. "If your brother does not use mean means, my brother can blow your brother with one hand. "

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