Commanding Wind and Cloud

: Chapter 253 Forbearance! hit!

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On the lively long street, in front of the towering giant house, there are two traces of a full ten meters in length. (? Internet novel m wear-resistant and combat-resistant warrior suit under a long kneeling, the knee position of the fabric has been completely worn out.

In the open space in front of this fairly large mansion, pedestrians in the past were surprised to see the energy of kneeling and scratching their heads.

One, one, one

The sound of his head hitting the ground was as loud as the big drum was struck by a heavy hammer.

Gan Cheng looked at the ground with a sudden smile, and his neck seemed to be filled with steel bars, a little, a little, a little slowly, and looked at the young man kneeling in front of himself, like a drum.

A pair of eyes with much reduced vision had to squint and stretched his neck to look at the man with the hoe.


The condensed smile on Gancheng's face seemed like melting snow and ice for a moment, and the deep wrinkles spread quickly around him. The arms resting on his legs shook slowly and lifted up to touch the drive in front of his eyes.

Drive! That's right, motivation!

The sincere arms were shaking more violently, was he dreaming again? In the past three years, I don't know how many times I dreamed of my son coming back. The frustrated son took a burst of heroic posture, walked through the shadows of the power of blood to awaken the failure, and became a real warrior.

With rough hands like old bark, gently holding an energetic face, the real touch sent a little temperature through the skin.


Looking up enthusiastically looking at his father who was tied to a horse stone in front of the door, it was only three years, but his father seemed to be ten years old. The years seemed to have used a knife, a chisel, and left on his face. A deep trench.

Gan Cheng would like to ask the enthusiasm of holding his face with both hands, "Is it really you?"

But with the tacit understanding between father and son, there is no need to say those useless nonsense. When the son is really close, even with his eyes closed, he can know that this is his own son.

In this true policy dynasty, there will never be a second person kneeling in front of his own horseman, except his son!

If it was just physical exhaustion, it would be impossible for three years to make people so old because of mental exhaustion.

"Come back so soon?" There was a little water vapor in Gancheng's dry eyes, and the old hand was rough like bark, and he patted his shoulders with energy: "Stand up and show my dad, you've been through these years how about it?"

Energetic hands slowly stood up, Gan Cheng's face with a gratifying smile gently nodded, I haven't seen it for a few years, my head has grown taller, and my body has become stronger than before. With an inexpressible flourish. (?Internet novel

"good very good."

Gancheng narrowed his eyes and nodded, as long as the son is prosperous, as long as the son is happy, then as a father, what is worth!

There are many things to be motivated to say, looking at his father's happy and happy eyes, for a while, I didn't know where to start.

"Is this the enthusiastic old man? I am an enthusiastic friend.

"Burning a Mad Song."


Simple registration, upright and heroic attitude, revealing a forceful and vigorous momentum, Gan Cheng eyes more joy. I have spent a long time in the house, even if I am not a soldier, I can have a good vision. The three young people know at a glance that they are not ordinary young soldiers.

"Dad, I'm here to pick you up this time." Squat down with enthusiasm, clasping a sincere arm with both hands: "I'm now a fighter in the torrent battalion of Yongliu City, and I'm a fighter student at the War College , I have become a great warrior "

"What about honesty? Hurry up and bring me the horse, delaying your report and seeing that I won't kill you! Do you still have time to chat there? Don't forget your identity!"

The sound of pride resounded loudly from the door of the giant family house, which interrupted the motivational words.

Looking up enthusiastically at the young man standing at the entrance of the giant house, the purple warrior suit was clinging to his body, drawing out the muscle lines, and a giant sword half a foot wide and four feet long hung from his waist.

Looking down! Just looking down with a little light from the corner of the eye, it looks like looking at the ants on the ground.

This is the unique look of the Qiang family, and the drive is no stranger to this kind of looking at people. The blood of the powerful elven king, in the long river of time, glory has long been imprinted in the soul of everyone who is motivated, and pride and pride have long been carved into the bones.

Dry pole!

The enthusiasm recognizes that the young fighter in the front of the family is a child of the family in the same year as Ganli. Oh, right! It can no longer be called Ganji, but it should be called Ganwuji!

This generation of blood soldiers awakened by the blood power will add a word in the middle of the name!

The slender black eyebrows, the raised bridge of the nose, the wide forehead, and the dry body exudes a sharp breath like a blade.

"Well?" Gan Wou-ki's slender eyebrows raised like a whip: "Isn't this motivation? Why, can't I hang out outside, and want to go back to the family's house for food?"

Can't get mixed up? Begging for food? With great enthusiasm and a smile, those who are so powerful that they are almost invincible from the bloodline family of the Elven King have received such education since childhood. It is the highest honor to be a child of the Qiang family and to serve the bloodline fighters of the Qiang family.

"What are you laughing at?"

Gan Wuji looked at Gan Jin with a calm and even mocking smile on his face, and his heart seemed to be uncomfortable.

This expression is no stranger! Gan Wuji carefully examined the motivation. When we were children, we were all descendants. When we lived in the outer yard together, we were working with several people of the same age.

"It's one to one for men."

At that time, the enthusiasm brought down several peers to the ground, and the smile left was still that kind of smile, even a mocking smile.

That's right! That's the smile! Wonderless hands clenched their fists slowly, this kind of smile is the most hated in this life! In the past six months of becoming a Bloodline Warrior, I have not received the same kind of look from other Elven King Bloodline Warriors in the Qian family.

Do not cut! Look down! Defiance!

"The awakened elven king bloodline fighters looked down on me at the ceremony ..." Qian Wuqi took a deep breath and looked at the energy violently in his chest. "He is a person who can't even have the power of awakening blood, Are you qualified to look at me with this look? "

"Gancheng! What are you still squatting for? Do you want to get a whip?" Gan Wou-ki suddenly exaggerated his voice and yelled, "Come over, and make a pony for Lao Tzu."

Gancheng hurriedly held his knees with both hands to support his body, but felt that the big hand pressed on his shoulders was full of strength.

roll? Get a whip? The enthusiasm raised his head slightly, and looked at Gan Wuji coldly, and the courtyard door like him behind him. Is this how his father was treated at the house?

God, here is God! Bear, must bear! It ’s not difficult to get started. You ’re fighting, you ’re fighting, you ’re fighting, but this time to pick up your father.

The real filial piety is to take the father out of the house safely, not to do it for this sentence. Most of the things in this world are not worthy of a man bending down a straight waist, but the father and mother's affairs, even if they kneel down on the knees carrying 2,000 gold, are also worth it!

"Dad, don't go on doing it at home." Energetic shook his head gently. "Follow me, let's live somewhere else."

When Gan Wuji came into contact with the enthusiasm and cold eyes, his heart was shaken subconsciously if he was struck by a heavy hammer, and his footsteps rose under the pride and glory of the blood of the Elven King. original position.

go? Gan Wuji's heart was irritable for a while, and his knees were slightly bent. With the rotation of the ankle, he was standing in front of the exit path: "Go? What do you want to do as a family? Come where you want to come, go where you want to go? It ’s the old slave of the family. Did you say you can pick it up? ”

He watched Gan Wuji calmly and energetically, but at any other time, even if the location did not change, or at the gate of this family's house, he would hit him with a polite punch, let him know what Called the price of Zhang Kuang.

But not today. Picking up my father is the most important thing!

The enthusiasm took a deep breath: "Wan Wuji, I remember the family rules of the family, did not allow the family members to leave the family?"

"Don't talk to me about family rules." Gan Wuji spread his right finger with five fingers and waved in the air: "You are no longer a family member, and you are not qualified to tell me about our family rules. Sincerely, you still Don't roll over for me! "

Suddenly, his right hand suddenly changed in the air ~ ~ Five fingers play like claws of a giant vulture. With the rise of fighting spirit and power, the knuckles make a crackling sound and fall from the air. Xiang Qiancheng's left shoulder! Yeah little novice playing

This grasping force is heavy, not to mention the shoulders of ordinary people, even if it is a piece of wood, it can be severely broken by the dry fingers.

Broken bones! Gan Wuji's heart was so annoyed that he almost made a backward move under the impulsive eyesight. Do it! Only by hands and scratching his father's shoulder bone in front of a motivated face can he wash away the humiliation of that moment.

court death! The enthusiasm that suppressed the anger instantly exploded, and no one could watch his father being beaten!

The enthusiasm of the shoulder shook slightly, as if the current passed through the body, the arm was raised high between the shaking, and the wrist was turned from the outside to the inside at the same time. It was like a poisonous snake attacking a mouse passing by in front of it, biting on Wuji's wrist and wiping it down!

Suddenly, Gan Wuji ’s heart was beating wildly, and his eager arms resembled a foraging snake, like animal fighting skills and real beasts, without being processed into the original state of animal fighting skills.

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