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pain! For a moment, the energy of the motivated arms seemed to be falling, and the money that was simulated by the situation was slashed. After all, it was not the slackness of the iron arm mantis. (?Internet novel

This is the gold split of Iron Mantis Bloodline! In the lightless flash of light in the mind of Gan Wuqing, he thought of a fighting technique that was almost completely forgotten in his mind.

One of the top ten bloodline warriors of the true policy dynasty, the unique fighting skills of the iron wall mantis bloodline warrior! But with the decline of the Ironwall Mantis Bloodline Warrior family, many Bloodline Warriors have long been forgotten.

Sudden use of energy, but also as an ordinary soldier, to surprise Qian Wuqing to bear, it is tantamount to a flash of lightning in the sky, hit him hard.

The arms are tightly intertwined and intertwined, and the key to the competition is only fighting spirit, strength and skills! Fighting spirit is the key among them. In this case, arrogant fighting can severely kill opponents through prolonged contact.

The four arms are entangled, and the fighting spirit collides like a giant drum of Zhenshan! While Gan Wuqing felt invincible, a huge amount of brute force passed through the fingers of enthusiasm. Come.

The motivated body suddenly leaned back slightly, with both arms pulled backwards! Gan Wuqing's feet, rooted on the ground, no longer remained stable, but he was dragged closer to the drive, and when he saw the drive, his head slammed into it.

Head hammer! Gan Wuqing's eyes widened. He was also a warrior who had experienced countless killings on the battlefield of humans and monsters. After seeing this blow, he knew that the next battle was not just the hardness of the brain, but who had a stronger neck! On the battlefield of humans and monsters, he once saw that someone had been hit by a head and had his neck broken, all his chest cavity, but his brain died intact.

Suddenly, Qian Wuqing took a breath, and the muscles on his neck wriggled at a high speed, and suddenly became thicker in a circle, completing the preparation for the battle in an instant.

With such a distance and such contact, there is no way to avoid it. The Elven King's bloodline is already very hard, plus

Suddenly, two shields appeared in front of Qian Wuqing's forehead, one was a stone shield composed of flying dust, and the other was an ice shield formed by condensation of water in the air!

This is the advantage of the magic martial arts. No matter when and where the magic can attack or defend!

"Want to hit me?" Gan Wuqing sneered, "Let my two shields hit your eyes and say Venus! Even if you are tough, I don't believe your head is hard enough!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three loud sounds, like firecrackers that exploded together, and two shields made of different elements were smashed by them in an instant. It seemed that what was blocking him was not a sturdy shield that could hardly hit the stone, but only two. Beautifully decorated egg shells. [Baidu Search: Book title latest and fastest TXT novel]

Energetic is like a giant beast submerged in a charge, hitting the head of Qian Wuqing fiercely, the situation is like an uncontrollable volcano, and it breaks openly against the body of the Wu Qing body. Blood splattered into his sight as he smashed his head.

At the same time that everyone was inhaling the air, there was a sound of bone disconnection in the dry and innocent head. After releasing the arms vigorously, the whole person flew up and down for a distance of ten meters before falling heavily. On the ground, it slid for more than ten meters before stopping.

The fierce battle was like a battlefield between humans and demons, and the roar of the front door of the Qianjia mansion suddenly restored the original quietness, which could even be said to be dead.

Gan Wuchen and Gan Wuji stared blankly at a blood stasis on his forehead, struggling to stand up, his body dangled dry Wu Qing, he spent many days in the battlefield of humans and demons, and was about to enter the blood of the Qian family of the Qianzhou War College The soldier was so defeated and so miserable!

Defeated! Gan Wuqing shook his body, and the drive in his eyes seemed to be shaking. He couldn't believe it, but he was defeated by a waste that didn't have the blood power of the awakening elf king.

"Failed! It was such a miserable defeat, such a whimper" Qian Wuqing shook his head, wanted to shake off the blood that was attached to the pupil, shake off the red image, shake off the fact of defeat, shake away A battle that should not have been defeated.

Kun fighting skills! Dry fighting skills!

The strongest fighting skills of the Elven King bloodline family! Only a true Elven King Bloodline Warrior can exert the essence of his strength, which is enough to turn the situation into a special fighting skill at the moment of absolute disadvantage.

But he could not do anything but had no time to use dry fighting skills and Kun fighting skills, he was defeated.

Energeticly raised his hand and touched the forehead after the impact. The strength of Fengyun's golden body can be compared with that of the tortoise beast in the Valley of the Four Seasons. Gan Wuqing is only relying on the blood of the elven king to fight the body without the body fighting skills. People, compared to Fengyun Jinshen is still worse.

"Come again!"

Qian Wuqing roared and raised a roar, and his fighting spirit broke out again and again. The pain was mixed with the defeated humiliation and anger, and his fighting spirit began to rise again. The bright eyes like amber also became flickering, as if to be bad. The light bulb flickered.

Awaken! Awaken naturally! Energetic is not unfamiliar with Gan Wuqing's performance, and Gan Wuqing, who was severely wounded in a fierce battle, is going to awaken for the third time.

The most annoying thing about bloodline soldiers is the sudden natural awakening.

In the case of the Nine Battles of the Demon Demon, Chek Flit immediately entered the realm of the First Battle of the Nine Demon Wars after a second-level awakening.

Awakening is a surge in combat power! This is already something that will happen to any Bloodline Warrior.

If you do not have the Qingfu Demon in the Seventh Battle, you will be awakened at the third level, and you are also the top-level Elven King Bloodline Warrior. God knows whether you will directly rise to the Fumo Nine Battle, or even suddenly fall into the Devil Nine Battle, and enter a new realm?

No matter what state you enter, the motivation is very clear. As long as Qian Wuqing completes the breakthrough, even if the body of the elf king bloodline warrior is still seriously injured, it is very likely that he will not be able to walk today.

The blood of the elven king is a double martial art, and each awakening is not just an outbreak of fighting strength, but the mental strength will also increase again.

"Wake me up slowly!"

Motivation can no longer take care of others, legs are slightly bent, feet soles suddenly support the ground, the body turned into a cannonball and rushed out, five fingers opened directly to cover the dry door!

"court death."

There was no overdrinking, and no angry words, suddenly sounded from the air, and the enthusiasm suddenly felt a huge power falling from the sky. Under this power, it seemed like a toad held by a large hand, and it was like a whole body. Countless ropes were tied and became captives without break.

The pressure skyrocketed! A few times of vigorous throat agitation, a long howling spurted out of the mouth, and the pressure that seemed to be pressed on the chest was blown out, and the feet that stepped on the ground stepped on the ground again, and the muscles from the toes to the thighs were at high frequencies. The trembling shook the dust with a radius of three meters below the ground, and the impact accelerated again, leaving a faint ghost in the air.

Wanying! Old Blacksmith Uncle Black, the strongest way to move! Never missed, repeated Jianqi Super Fighting Body!

"Bang!" The loud noise on the ground behind him was more than ten times louder than when he stepped on the ground. The ground was under a heavy blow as if the tabletop was hit hard. It really jumped.

On the sturdy ground, a huge palm print with a diameter of two meters was left.

The clear palm print has a depth of half a meter! It looks like a craftsman, carved on the ground.

The power of a palm, the wind is mad! The enthusiasm of the body stopped, the fingers pinched the dry and green head, the roots of the blue tendons staggered on the back of the hand, blooming a momentum that could release explosive power at any time.


A trembling wind blew on the back of the enthusiasm. The black warrior suit was crackled by the violent wind. Long black hair fluttered in the wind. A pair of sharp eagle eyes stared up at the stem. The man at the entrance of Jiaju Mansion was wearing a golden robe, with white long beards, two white eyebrows, and a domineering atmosphere all over his body, with eyes like dragon eyes.

Ganjia contemporary owner-Ganzhanxuan!

Every family in the Gan family receives a new hanging portrait every year-a portrait of the contemporary family owner of the Gan family.

Even young people who do not have the power of awakening blood in the Qiang family also know what the Qiang family's owner looks like.

Over the years, enthusiasm has long been deeply aware of the appearance of Gan Zhanxuan ~ ~ Even if I have not seen the new portrait of the owner for three years, there will still be no memory errors.

I didn't expect any motivation. Today I will meet the contemporary homeowners of the Gan family. Today, one of the top powerhouses in the real policy dynasty, the demons and the barbarians!

The most powerful Elven Bloodline Warrior today! Known to be only one step away, you can enter the ultimate awakened elven king bloodline warrior!

Energetic looking up at Gan Zhanxuan's gaze, the bones in the body crunched, this is the imposing coercion of the strongest, even if he did not give it all, then the rumored pupil like a dragon is Kind of power! Huge power to crush people!

What luck is this? Energetically facing up to Gan Zhanxuan's gaze, his head was reluctantly raised. If he lowered his head under this gaze, the defense line in his heart would completely collapse, and then he would unconsciously let go of the only negotiating capital.

Gan Zhanxuan stood on the high platform and quietly looked at the motivation, and was very surprised. Where did this young man come from to defeat the Elven King Bloodline Warrior of the family? Seeing that they are almost the same age, how can they be ordinary soldiers? The way you just moved is strange! Accelerating like an explosion in an instant, the blow that should have been hit must be "Elven Fingerprint"

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