Commanding Wind and Cloud

: Chapter 299: A Sensational Miracle

"Mysterious Mystery" Pan Yun held the water sac and could not stop shaking: "Throwing up is the mysterious potion in the rumor?"

He smiled energetically, almost everyone didn't like to contact the mysterious pharmacist, and thought that they existed like lunatics, but when needed, they also looked forward to those mysterious drugs that might poison people. Play a role. Full text novel

Mysterious potion! Energetic breath out, man! That's it! Sometimes it ’s too easy to get, but instead of believing that it is true, I will believe that what has been obtained after going through all kinds of hardships and almost losing my life is true.

Hydra's blood battles as witnesses, and mysterious potions as physical evidence! Pan Yun couldn't help but believe that the wind was broken. She suddenly closed her eyes hard, put the water outlet of the water sac in her mouth, and murmured water.

Qingshui slid into the stomach along the esophagus, Pan Yun closed her eyes hard, and accumulated a wrinkle at the corner of her eyebrow. Her brows were locked in the center of her brows like Wanjinsuo, waiting for the rumor to make life impossible and death impossible It hurts!

The mysterious potion has become very, very terrible after years of exaggerated propaganda by the real dynasty, the demons, and the barbarians.

For one second, two seconds, and three seconds, Pan Yun suddenly felt that the body's blood was ignited by something, and all the blood seemed to be boiling.

coming! Pan Yun clenched his fists in both hands, his tense whole body muscles were tense like stones, and a wild roar tumbling in the blood, straight into his cerebral cortex.

Suddenly, Pan Yun closed her eyes and "looked at a huge Hydra, in the middle of the war-torn field, surrounded by humans with various weapons in hand, as well as Warcraft who knew or did not know.

The Hydra stands proudly in the middle of the battlefield. Nine snakeheads with completely different attributes and abilities erupt with different powers such as flames, poisonous fog, and ice. They either condense or explode, turning the battlefield into something like Doomsday exists.

Scales! The black scales began to appear on the surface of Pan Yun's body. The sharp nails popped out from the fingers, making a hissing cutting sound when rubbing against the air.


Pan Yun Yangtian uttered a roar full of wildness, two eyes dark as night, and the power of the demon warrior appeared on him instantly, and the Hydra bloodline battle body was all completed in an instant!

Two crystal tears slowly flowed down the corner of Pan Yun's eyes. He reached out and wiped away the tear marks on the corners of the eyes. It was the awakening of the power of the blood. Feeling the martial arts. The Nine Emperor ’s Strongest Abandoned the Shao Zhou Emperor Will Kill the God of the Seal of the Night and Seeking Demon Pride of the World The Nine Emperor ’s Strongest Abandoned the Shao Da Zhou Emperor ’s Throne of God to Seek the Pride of the World The **** of creation will kill the **** of the night and seal the throne of the gods and ask the demon to be proud of the world. The nine strongest abandoned the young Da Zhou royal family to the anger when the Hydra was besieged by countless groups.

"I" Pan Yun looked down at the changes in her body, her black eyes bloomed with confusion and surprise: "I, I really awakened the power of Hydra's bloodline."

Next second! Pan Yun grabbed the cowhide water pouch that hadn't been drunk yet, and murmured again. The first-level awakening is not enough, and then drinking is the second-level awakening, then the third-level awakening, and the fourth-level awakening. "Boy, are you so thirsty?" Broke off the wind and look at the greedy panyun with a smile on his chest. Let me tell you, it ’s useless to drink too much. This kind of potion can only help to awaken once. Otherwise, the Hydra blood is not a punching of the elven king, stepping on three golden dragons, spitting and killing the blood of God of War. Fart and kill all the magic warriors? "

Pan Yun embarrassedly held the cowhide water sac in her hand, and found that, indeed, as the broken wind said, the body did not feel the power of sleeping in the blood again.

"Okay, give it back to me." Broken Wind raised his hand from Pan Yun and "taken back the water bag:" How is it? "

Pan Yun gazed at the broken wind, and looked at the complicated water bottle in his heart to give it back to the owner, which is a great achievement!

"Want to grab?" Breaking the wind and smiling at Pan Yun with a smile: "Do you think you can beat me? Or, do you know what kind of kindness is?"

A bit of shyness and embarrassment appeared on Pan Yun's face. If he wasn't this person, he was still doing the porter work that looked bright to the outsiders, but was actually full of humiliating concierge work.

"Boy, what is your ability?" Fufeng Fuji looked at Pan Yun with interest.

Pan Yun raised his hand and caused a drop of green juice to flow up and down the blade-like nails, and finally turned gently at the fingertips: "Poison."

"Today's matter" Pan Yun bowed a little contemplatively, "You can rest assured, I swear by the glory of the Panjia Hydra blood, I will never say what is happening today, let alone confess you. Just greedy Yes, please sorry. "

"Don't say it?" Broken wind stiffened his face: "How can you not say it? We asked you to help you open up the bloodline power, just to let you say it."

what? Pan Yun looked dumbfounded. This mysterious potion is indeed very effective. If the family knows that it is not very easy to handle, one who is not likely to be motivated will get close to Pan Yun's body and sniff his nose hard. : "This poison is not too powerful.

Warriors who have surpassed the magic of World War III can be forced out of the body within one second with their fighting spirit. "Support tall buildings, click to subscribe to vote.

"Three battles to drop the magic? That's great!", Broke the wind and patted Pan Yun's shoulder to encourage him: "Boy, Hydra bloodline warrior is very special, our special abilities will increase the power with the increase of vigor. Of course, if the special ability you awaken from covering the sky can instantly poison the Demon Warrior, it will be really amazing. "

Pan Yun took off the blood and battled his body and shook his head gently. Where is the ability to just wake up so strong? Only the special altar of the family has the opportunity.

"Do you really want me to say it?" Pan Yun looked at the broken wind dubiously: "It will be difficult to control if this thing spreads, it is very likely"

"Mysterious pharmacist was arrested?" Broke the wind and looked at Pan Yun with a smile: "I ask you something, if you cover the sky, I am a mysterious pharmacist, you caught me, forcing me to configure mysterious pharmacy for you . Then I will match it for you, do you dare to drink? "

The back of Pan Yun's spine suddenly burst into the brain, and the scalp was tingling, and the hair almost stood upright.

Joking, who dares to drink this mysterious persecution? Is your brain broken? Who can guarantee that there is no resentment in the mysterious pharmacist? These lunatics have a very low success rate in helping users to use medicaments, but it is really their old business to deploy medicaments that poison people.

For a moment, Pan Yun also laughed, yeah! No wonder in the history of the real dynasty, the demons, and the barbarians, no one has ever persecuted the mysterious pharmacist, and at most it has been hired.

As long as there are not enough people, you will never force the mysterious pharmacist to make a potion.

Energeticly patted Pan Yun's shoulder: "Today, we are looking for your homeowner, and we also want to talk about a deal. If you want to come, you know, what are we going to provide?"

Pan Yun nodded again and again, just kidding! As long as they are not fools, they must know at this time what these people have to offer.

"However, even if you go back now, tell them that you have successfully awakened." Energetic whispered two times: "I'm afraid they won't take it too seriously. So, I hope you can do us a favor."

Pan Yun looked at her enthusiastic eyes, and there was a strange kind of warmth in her heart, and hesitated for a few seconds before reflecting on why.

In the Pan family, since the awakening of blood power failed, Pan Yun felt the martial arts. The sacred king created the sacred king to kill the gods and seal the throne in the night and seek the pride of the world. The Nine Emperor ’s Strongest Abandoned the Dao Zhou Emperor ’s Martial Arts Will Kill the God of the Seal of the Seal of the Night and Seek Demon Pride in the World The eyes of the Zhou royal family are contempt, disdain, and look down from above.

The bloodline warrior's family can only be respected if the bloodline power is turned on! Pan Yun has a profound experience, that is, the loving father of the past. Whenever he casts his eyes, he cannot sigh.

That's right! That's the look! Pan Yun stared at the enthusiastic eyes, whether in his role as a concierge or successfully unlocking the power of Bloodline Warriors, the man's eyes did not change in the slightest, and in his eyes, there was only equality, pure equality !!

This equality is a thorny look in the eyes of the bloodline warriors above, but it becomes very warm in the eyes of ordinary people.

"What can I do for you?" Pan Yun felt a surge of blood in his chest, and raised his hand and slammed his chest. "As long as it is not against the interests of the family, I am willing to help."

"How can you harm the interests of the family?" Broke Fengfu put his arms on Pan Yun's shoulders, and he looked good. "Just, I hope you find more people like you who have failed to open up blood power. . "

"You" Pan Yun looked energetically.

"Just let you have the power of awakening blood" shakes the index finger: "This shock is not enough! Especially for the snake king Pan Hongji, the owner of the Hydra bloodline warrior family, it is far from enough. I just want to talk to your family The only thing I want to talk about is that your homeowner can be the master. Therefore, I can only shake your homeowner. "

"Okay! No problem!" Pan Yun's eyes glowed with light ~ ~ In this way, he still made great contributions to the Pan family! There will be a lot more Dou Jing Dou Shi benefits in the future! See who dares to look at yourself with disdainful eyes in the future.

One, two, three, four, fifty young children of the Hydra bloodline family who failed to awaken. In the same day, four of them actually awakened the bloodline power that might have been asleep in their bodies.

Pan Yun only knew how lucky he was. It turned out that the water in this water bag does not necessarily awaken the power of the blood when it is drunk. Only fifty people added four of them.

The numbers of the four newly awakened Hydra bloodline powers may not be much for a large Hydra bloodline family.

However, the four young fighters of the newly awakened Hydra blood power are all candidates who have failed to awaken in the altar, which has become completely different!

Pan Hongqing stunned and stood in front of them. The four children who suddenly awakened the power of Hydra's blood within a day, opened their mouths to swallow a watermelon.

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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