Commanding Wind and Cloud

: Chapter 305 Guest Prophet? Slap!

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305 guest comedians? Slap!

Enthusiastically watching Situ Lei's performance, his eyes crossed the door and looked out the door. The person came at such an accurate time, and dared to open the door without permission. I'm afraid there is someone behind him?

Who will it be Outside the door was the first elder Pan Hongxuan. Without his consent, this Situ Lei would not have the opportunity to open the door?

Do not believe? I laughed with enthusiasm. Indeed, at my own age, I suddenly ran to a completely strange place and told a group of big men who have seen countless big scenes and already have a lot of experience. My buddies have learned a little bit about mysterious pharmacy. Do you think a man is a lunatic or a liar?

Is this person Pan Hongxuan deliberately putting in to test himself?

The mysterious potion that can open the blood power of Hydra is from a young man less than 20 years old. It is definitely not as convincing as a white-haired old man. [Baidu Search: Book title latest and fastest TXT novel]

"You are less than twenty years old," Situ Lei revolved around with enthusiasm: "Even if you were born, you began to recite contact with mysterious pharmacy, and today it is only less than twenty years! The vastness of mysterious pharmacy is like Ancient deserted sea

Looking at Situ Lei energetically, looking more at the door, it seems that the elder Pan Hongxuan wanted to help the old man in mysterious pharmacy to see if he could force the so-called real The man behind the mysterious potion.

"Your metaphor is not appropriate." Energetic hands behind his back, accepting Situ Lei's questioning eyes: "The vastness of mysterious pharmacy is as wide as the stars."

Situ Lei's dissatisfied eyes flickered, and a strange hallucination appeared in his eyes, as if it was not a young man younger than 20 years old who was talking, but the instructor who led himself into the mysterious pharmacy, and Stepped down from the stars and guided himself again.

How could this be? Situ Lei shook his head vigorously to shake all the hallucinations in his eyes, and looked at the motivation again: "Since you know the greatness of mysterious pharmacy, why should you pretend?" The drive to see Pan Hongji did not interrupt Situ Lei's words sighed softly. Although the homeowner has an incomprehensible eye that can see through his strength, has a broad mind and attitude, and has even believed that his words are true, but he has accumulated experience in things in the past. But he still maintained an instinctual suspicion.

It seems necessary to prove myself! Looking at Pan Hongji with enthusiasm, I have previously said that the conditions of the transaction are to meet the producer of the mysterious potion. Although this is not a mysterious potion at all, it is not made, but it cannot always be told. The only way Just to prove yourself, I really learned a little bit of mysterious pharmacy.

Mysterious pharmacy is different from pharmacy. Sometimes an apprentice can formulate a mysterious medicament that even a mysterious pharmacist can't do. For Lula's words, luck is very important to mysterious pharmacy! Every time a mysterious potion is deployed, there must be a firm belief that the blind tiger hits the dead goat!

As long as you can prove that you have learned a little mysterious potion, you can convince the Stuart who came to question.

"Mr. Situ Lei, I didn't pretend." Learned Situ Lei's look when he was looking at him, and circled Situ Lei again and again, and sniffed in the air: "Mr. Situ Lei, before you came, you should have just I have been exposed to 36 kinds of mysterious medicinal materials. Among them, three kinds of medicinal materials account for 70%, namely blackberry inflammation bud, black dragon grass and ferocious cactus. As for the thirty-six kinds of mysterious medicinal materials, the least proportion is the wind devil wolf. Drool, the weight is only half a foot long. "

be quiet! For a moment, the lobby fell into the ground, and the sound was quiet! Baidu writes about it, fisherman.

Pan Hongji looked at Situ Lei ’s reaction as if he had been in petrochemical magic and knew that this time he was really fully motivated!

Situ Lei stared energetically, the ability to think completely disappeared in an instant.

bingo! All hit! Before receiving the news from Pan Hongxuan, Situ Lei was indeed trying to deploy a mysterious potion, and the materials used were exactly as enthusiastically said, and there were no mistakes.

Tu Lei's throat seemed to be stuffed with a peeled cooked egg, and he could not say anything for a long time: really understand? "

"I don't understand." Shake his head again and again, joking! Dare to understand mysterious pharmacy? Then if you let Euler know, it will be really troublesome! In the entire endless world, the only person who can suppress Teacher Olara is Uncle Black.

"I just learned a little bit." Energetic hands held a third of the fingernails of the little fingernails: "Just a little bit like that, maybe even more said."

Situ Lei stared energetically. Is this modest? Still "No!" Situ Lei took a deep breath. "I still don't believe it! Unless you go to my mysterious potion and give me a mysterious potion, I can believe your words are true."

"Don't go!" He shook his head resolutely and determinedly, and there was a look that the knife would never go around his neck.

Situ Lei smiled: "It seems that you just happen to know these materials."

"Will I go to your mysterious pharmacy to find death?" Energetic rolled his eyes: "Fortunately, you come quickly, otherwise you will return to the arms of the stars."

"Return to the stars?"

At the same time, Situ Lei was panning with Pan Hongji, a lot of doubts appeared on his face.

Shrugging with enthusiasm: "Do you want to deploy a first-level mental burning potion?"

Situ Lei's grey eyes flickered with doubt and surprise, and he even knew the potion of mental burning.

"Then you shouldn't add black dragon grass, and you've put in so many doses." Looking up energetically, looking at the sky, "I can tell from the smell of the herb on your body, it should be almost the same now."

"What's the same?" Situ Lei frowned: "It takes three days to prepare for success" to support the high-rise building, click to subscribe to vote.

"Success?" Motivatingly squeaked his lips: "At most one minute, your pot of mysterious potion will explode. If it is not a metal-made house, the power of that explosion is enough to blow an ordinary house completely. level."

"Fart!" Situ Lei's tan facial skin became slightly red because of excitement: "I"


A loud roar interrupted Situ Lei's words. The huge fire flew into the sky at a height of tens of meters, and the numerous debris and rubble on the house itself also rushed into the sky with the fire.

The sound of the words of fart still lingered in the room and did not dissipate. The huge roar was severely thrown on the most direct loud slap on Situ Lei's face.

Situ Lei's old red face had just turned red, and it became pale in an instant. The angry look he had just turned into stiffness and stagnation was too accurate, right?

Pan Hongji looked at the drive with enthusiasm. Although I do n’t know what mysterious pharmacy is, I can make such a precise prediction, and I can only make such a prediction by smelling the smell of the drug on the other person. The strength of the mysterious potion is already far away from the land of Situ Lei.

Feeling enthusiastic about the gaze of the two people, if you really deploy a mysterious potion, you may not be better than this old man, and may even lose a lot, but under the guidance of Olara in these years The basic skills of mysterious pharmacy are exceptionally solid.

Ollala once said that if all other aspects of mysterious pharmacy are left out, and only basic skills are evaluated separately, he can barely be a master of mysterious pharmacy, this kind of wastewood-level ability.

Master of mysterious pharmacy equals waste wood? Enthusiastically thinking of Olara's words, as soon as they had a little strong idea about the two of them, they were completely wiped out by Olara's words.

The masters of mysterious pharmacy are all wastewood and shook their heads energetically, so what am I? Not even waste wood! That is to say, I have not encountered the top masters of the mysterious pharmacy of the true strategist dynasty, otherwise, but the energy and scratched my head, should there be the master of the mysterious pharmacy and the master of the mysterious pharmacy? I haven't heard of it, but it should be?

"Master of the family" Situ Lei's momentum was weak to an unprecedented low, and his expression was extremely frustrated: "This enthusiast, he should be a very authoritative scholar in mysterious pharmacy."

Pan Hongji nodded gently. This Stuart was very proud of mystic pharmacy, and Mr. Slubbart, who is known as the No. 1 in mystic pharmacology by Pan, never accepted it, and today he gave up so quickly. .

"Master," said another loud, full-sounding voice outside the door. Across the yard, there was no need to look back for energy, and a mysterious pharmacist came!

"Oh? Mr. Slubbart, are you here?" Pan Hongji watched the figure mysterious pharmacist Slubbart, who was three times more fat than Stuart Lei, and deliberately dyed his hair, eyebrows, and beard black: "You are here to prove , Is the energy a liar? "

"That's right!" Slubbart got Pan Hongji's eye permission. As he walked towards the hall, his eyes flickered at Situ Lei: "You just made the explosion just now, but fortunately you come quickly, otherwise you hum."

Don't go to see Slobart ~ ~ Eye steering wheel macro machine: "Master, you should have more than one family business, can you build a house and clean the house?"

Pan Hongji nodded suspiciously, eagerly, "What do you mean?"

"That's good." Energetic expression nodded again and again: "This Mr. Sreibart seems to like challenging the difficulty. Before he comes, he should be equipped with a young potion, just like the old man who drinks it. Hair can turn black, wrinkles disappear, and the whole person truly regains mystery of youth. "

ps: I have been advertising two new books to my friends the other day, and the result.

Something happened at home a few days ago, and every time I upload, I am extremely busy and always forget.

"Goddess of God", three new books by the author with three million subscriptions.

Zhang Junbao's "Master of Love", currently the author of Green City.

Yesterday I watched the lyrics written by a friend Feng Yunyun. Although it is not rhyme, I like the taste, so it is also related to the works.

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