Commanding Wind and Cloud

: Chapter 314 Magnificent! Great decision! ally!

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"What did you say?" The weak eyes suddenly lightened. "What did you say in your state? You have a lot of bone medicine there?"

Sineros was startled by the enthusiastic eyes, and Chenzhou still refused to answer, why suddenly his eyes were full of interest. m free online novel expert))

"It's okay to compare with me." The smile with great energy is like a fox who found a nest of chickens. "The medicines you have are yours, right? If you lose to me, then your All medicinal herbs belong to me! Then I will compare with you. "

All? Siñeros was staring and motivated. Does this boy know how much medicinal herbs I have? How many precious herbs are there? How dare you say it all? Forget it! How could he win me!

Cheek Folter sighed and looked at his empty fighting world. The energetic fighting world was filled with water from the ancient desert sand and sea. The medicine won can only be packed in my fighting world. .

"Okay! I see how you beat me!" Sineros' chest swelled with the inhalation of breath, and looked at Noretta: "Are you interested in joining?"

Noreta's palms clenched tightly at the ointment residue from the drive, and her head shook constantly.

"Coward undead!" Siñeros shifted his lips twice. "How old is this little thing?"

Noreta bit her lip and shook her head again, her eyes showing firmness like never before, compared to motivation? joke! I don't know if he boasted about bone injuries, at least not about trauma! This ointment ... this ointment. He was willing to be my master, and I could kneel down and scratch his head immediately.

small things? Energetic frowning, the pharmacist should have the glory of the pharmacist, but it should not be so arrogant. But he just said a few words to stop him from examining Fuji for injuries and just treated me like that?

Did he have to remove the bandage and hurt his body during the examination, and finally got the result that really does not need treatment? To show his ability?

"Elder Hongxuan," Siñeros turned his attention. "I hope you can witness this time."

"Me?" Pan Hongxuan reluctantly squeezed a little smile on his face: "Isn't this good? I can't look for a homeowner as a witness."

"Homeowner? OK!"

Shineros's face flushed with excitement. Even the guest at home was rarely seen by the homeowner, especially the very capable homeowner of Panjia Contemporary. (? If the online novel can show it in front of the homeowner, and use pharmacy to severely humiliate this young man who is being treated by the homeowner, it will certainly be appreciated by the homeowner and get more funds and resources.

"Then I'll wait for my master to arrive in my pharmacy."

With a look of excitement, Sineros walked up the road with the wind under his feet, much faster than when he came, and his face was already blooming.

Situ Lei resentfully stared at the back of Sineros. If it wasn't for the appearance of the pharmacist Ke Qing, now he has followed the drive and asked for a deeper theory of mysterious pharmacy!

Pan Hongxuan took a look at Sineros who had left, and then looked at her motivation and shook her head again and again. What happened to Panjia today? How come there is a drive, and these Keqings who have been engaged have undergone major changes in their attitudes? The two mysterious pharmacists, Ke Qing, who are inconspicuous to anyone, usually stand beside them with enthusiasm.

Noreta, the pharmacist who despised everyone, looked at this young drive with enthusiastic admiration, even the internal wounded pharmacist's nose, and heard the enthusiasm and rumors, without looking back directly. Going back, only the bone injury pharmacist Siñeros, arrogant and terrible.

"What? You need to be more pharmacological than Sineros? And is it better than bone medicine?"

Pan Hongji suddenly stood up from the wisteria heart chair and looked at Pan Hongxuan with a misgiving look. Deeply doubt whether there is a problem with hearing in his ears, and vigorously say that he is a senior pharmacist in the department?

"Yes." Pan Hongxuan also had a weird expression on his face. "I saw that. The three pharmacists reacted differently to him."

Pan Hongji paced slowly with his hands behind his back. What is this called? I just sorted out all the ideas and made the latest judgement on the group of enthusiastic young people, and immediately overturned it?

Senior pharmacist! That is an important resource that any family will compete for, no matter what the research direction of this pharmacist is, it is of great value.

Full line? Or a senior pharmacist? Pan Hongji ’s brow just stretched out of the condensate has once again formed a “chuan” character. I have never heard of such a thing! I have heard it in the bard at most. I didn't expect that there was such a person.

Moreover, he is still a friend beside him. An ordinary soldier under the age of twenty! Pan Hongji exhaled a long breath, which was really amazing! how could it be possible? If you are dreaming, this dream should have scared people a long time ago.

Pan Hongxuan secretly looked at Pan Hongji's expression and sighed. The master of the family had gone through all kinds of things, and he had been trained for a long time that the Demon King appeared in front of him, which would not surprise him. Just pull out the knife and go up and chop. Today, this little guy named Energetic is really surprising.

"Okay! Good! Good!" Pan Hongji slowly raised his head, and his solemn expression began to be replaced by a happy smile: "Regardless of whether this drive is a true pharmacist of the whole department. At least from the contact with him, this When the boy talks and does things, he is full of confidence to do it. The worst senior pharmacist who is proficient in the third series of pharmacy ... "

The muscles of Pan Hongxuan's eyes that are "proficient in the three series", twitching uncontrollably. If this drive is a white-bearded old man, he can still say that he is less than 20 years old now!

It's really hard to accept the fact ... Pan Hongji turned and looked at Pan Hongxuan with a grinning smile: "Seriously, I also have an idea with you. The news really made me think I was dreaming. Do n’t forget, he also knows mysterious potions! Ever, mysterious potions and potions are full of hostility. Do you remember those two rumors about mysterious potions and potions? "

Pan Hongxuan nodded and walked side by side with Pan Hongji. There are indeed two proverbs that have been circulating with the barbarians and demons for many years in the real policy dynasty. People with a little status have heard this. Two circulating proverbs.

[People who have learned the potion cannot understand the mystery potion. 】

[People who study mysterious pharmacy can't understand pharmacy all their lives]

"Really a strange young man." Pan Hongji expressed his endless emotions with his hands behind his back: "It seems that this young man's future development will not be small. With so many abilities in his body, if he does not die on the battlefield of humans and demons In the end, if he does not die in the hands of the Gan family and other enemies, he is likely to establish his own family power. "

Pan Hongxuan stopped looking at Pan Hongji for a while and established his own family? Establishing a family out of thin air is not easy, and whether a family can have a big development ... "No doubt, he will probably do very well. At least, I am very optimistic about him." Pan Hongji turned back. He smiled and looked at his own brother who has seen a lot of storms: "Hong Xuan, you are doing everything well, but your instinct is a little worse, and your judgment is not bold enough."

Pan Hongxuan accelerated his pace to catch up with Pan Hongji and looked at the ground silently, intuitively! Many people have the so-called intuition, but more time intuition is easy to make mistakes. Only when the true leader has enough self-confidence can intuition become accurate.

"Gan Zhanxuan received too little information about motivation, and he will regret it later."

Pan Hongji smiled: "Since we have so much information, we should do what we should do. Motivation is no longer a transaction ..."

"Don't make a deal?" Pan Hongxuan looked at Pan Hongji in wonder: "So what?"

Pan Hongji smiled with a smile and spat out, "Allies, collaborators."

ally? Collaborators? Pan Hongxuan looked at the back of Pan Hongji, who was walking slightly ahead, still couldn't believe what he heard. Was it what Pan Hongji said? Pan Hongji, who even looked down on Gan Zhan, had such a high evaluation of motivation?

Allies, collaborators! That means equal status! Pan Hongxuan stared blankly at Pan Hongji. Today, the owner is treating a young man with no power at all, as a head of a family of ten bloodline warriors. ~ ~ Well, the wind is broken, it's all very promising. "Pan Hongji hastened some steps:" Even if the wind breaks and he is not qualified to inherit the Pan family, his existence can easily become the whetstone for the other two, isn't it? "

The other two? A faint smile emerged from Pan Hong's dull expression, which is really true! In the past five years, in addition to breaking the wind, there are also two young people who have awakened the power of the Hydra, and they have also appeared in nine shadows, especially in the battlefield of humans and monsters. The **** of death, Panmeng, is a new generation of homeowner successors who are regarded by most elders in the family as Panjia.

When awakening the power of the Hydra blood, each of the Hydra bloodline warriors appeared with nine shadows in the blood. There is immense pride in the blood veins. The broken wind is not outside the family. Whetstone with Pan Mengling.

"Cooperate with them and become an ally!" Pan Hongji strode forward: "We need energy, and those blood awakening potions need energy, too. After more than a month, Gan Zhanxuan may not meet Let the effort go easily. When the drive is dead, we can open up more potions of awakening power, and the development of Panjia cannot be accelerated. In this case, let me do the backing of the energy against Panjia. Come on. "(To be continued,)

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