Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 337: Queen of the Undead

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"" This seventh ..., Arknash slowly nodded: "You should have never dealt with her"

Otherwise you should have died. Online novel it is called the coat of arms of the undead queen! Did you hear me? "It is a heraldry" is not an ordinary magic array! If you are motivated by hundreds of thousands of thunderbolts at the same time hit the body coat of arms! It is a coat of arms! A rune can evolve into hundreds, even thousands of magical arrays. "So trying to understand that a rune can cost a runer's life.

A coat of arms is a new thing created by a number of runes "arranged in different ways.

If the magic circle is a warrior "then the rune is a demon or even a demon warrior" and the status of the coat of arms is equivalent to the sanctification level among the warriors.

"Really ... there are undead ... looking at Akash as if eagerly. If it is someone who says that there is an undead, he can still refute it. But this one is Aknas! In the whole village, "The strongest rune master! The kind of calm **** and firm tone" is by no means a joke.

"" Undead ... "" Energetic reached the bottom of the valley: ". Will runes be used ...? I remember you said" Any rune is just a mysterious lock. Just find the key "to unlock it, right?

"Undead naturally use runes.

"Aknash climbed onto a bench that was taller than herself and sat down." Both legs shook gently in the air: "If you know how the undead came. Naturally I don't think this is strange.

How did the undead come? I have heard many stories of bards enthusiastically "that is, after the death of the creature" because of disobedience and resentment during life ", the existence of undead with a strong will.

These monsters, which were merely relying on the consciousness of "non-human beings," did not have any consciousness, "just acted according to the will of their lives", but with the constant increase of strength and coincidence for special reasons, there appeared undead with wisdom.

Of course, "all these have just appeared in the bard's mouth." The real policy dynasty and even the demons and barbarians have never seen "living undead!"

I do n’t know if I should say that I ’m lucky ”or luck. According to Arknash,“ I have seen at least two undead, and one of them… maybe… maybe not!

will not!

Shake her head vigorously and want to shake Hai Qing'er's shadow in the ancient desert sand and sea out of her mind. "She's just a female undead looking like Hai Qing'er." It's not the real Hai Qing'er!

".Undead ... actually ..." Arknash smiled and filled his bitterness: "You can say. Baidu Search: Book title latest latest and fastest TXT novel

It's human. ".

people? The shaking head stopped. Staring blankly at Akash.

"Or, they used to be humans." Aknash looked energetically. ". Have you also learned the mystery potion? Do you know what the highest purpose of the mystery potion is?

Make God! Create an invincible mysterious potion. "Energetic answer to the slogan Ruolala mentioned to countless mysterious pharmacists:" Don't say it's a human. "Even a pig drinking it can become a mysterious potion of God! "Go into the stars" to see the gods that always exist only in rumors!

Arknash slowly nodded his face. Then he asked a slight question: "Then you know. What was the original purpose of the runes? ""

He shook his head with enthusiasm. "The creation of any kind of profession has a special goal. Blacksmiths are forging great artifacts." Even ordinary people start to release artifacts when they get their hands. " A few acres in two days.

Go for a hoe. You can make a well on the ground! When encountering flood disasters. Ordinary people can also use the artifact to fight against the evil artifact!

arms? armor? However, it is a better way to reach the artifact. "When this channel is reached," the experience of making artifacts by making weapons will be used to make the artifacts that people really need.

The ultimate goal of a pharmacist is to create a potion that will not get sick until old age, or no matter what the serious illness is, a universal potion that only needs to be taken once.

The mysterious pharmacist is to make people eat "to become gods immediately!"

Warriors and mages "want to take in the power of nature" and "temper their bodies to the point where God can serve their loved ones and give them long lives" to take care of them without being attacked by natural disasters.

Energized to discover that I have been studying runes for a while but still do n’t know what the goal is to create them. (Baidu 叱咤 bar thin cat update)

Borrowing the power of nature "through foreign objects ..."

Shi Yan slowly points to the sky: "make God!"

Make God? Momentum. Isn't this the same idea as mysterious pharmacy? only"

The goal of the mysterious pharmacist is to drink the potion to make gods and the runes are to use different magic materials "and magic circles to make people gods!

"Yes. Make God." Akhnas looks up at the ceiling of the room. "The eyes seem to see through the ceiling to the endless sky:" Humans "don't want to be gods? Although everyone wants to be God for different reasons, but if you can No one will refuse the existence of God ... "

Sitting down and nodding enthusiastically, he expressed his approval. Among the bards, the **** who is so powerful "whatever he wants to do, who doesn't want to do it?"

"Then," the rune master began to study "how can he become a god." "Acknash sighed," "But" the life of a person is too short. Even if you are holy, it is only a thousand years in a hurry. So the "rune master thinks that if you want to create a rune that becomes a god" it will take a long time. Then, in order to increase the survival time, we have developed a special way of being "that is ..."

"Undead ...", the sublime sublime response "It is rumored that the undead is not incapable of dying", but it has a much longer life span than ordinary people.

"Yes! Undead. All its prolonged gentry" are collectively referred to as eternal badges. "Aknash nodded and admitted:" But. This Yonghui chapter is not without side effects. "

It will change the user's total indifference to life "much more indifferent than the mysterious pharmacist. Compared to the undead, the mysterious pharmacist is like a **** guarding life."

Enthusiastic and hopeless Akash. The mysterious pharmacist is configured as a mysterious potion of God "

It is even possible to poison all Tongtong poisons in the entire city.

In the mouth of this rune teacher, "Mysterious pharmacist who is still clamoring for truth" has become "the mysterious pharmacist who fights for the truth" and has become a **** guarding life. Then where does the dead soul ignore life?

"In the future", when you encounter an undead, you can kill and don't show mercy "and kill directly! . "Aknash jumped off his chair:" If you can't beat it, run away! " Don't expect them to be kind to you. ""

"" Teacher ... "" Ahnash looked energetically: "Is there any way to untie the coat of arms of the queen of the undead?", Ahnash looked at the drive strangely: "No! Absolutely not!" "

Gently staring at Arknash, he closed his eyes gently. The rune teacher heard a question about unlocking the coat of arms of the Undead Queen. "Why is the expression so weird for a moment? Is it really there? He doesn't want to say?

"Okay, you go out." Aknash climbed down the stairs to the second floor. "He lay down on the bed and turned to sleep." "I talked a lot today". I'm exhausted. "

That's it again! These teachers are the same as they are motivated. After saying what I want to say, "I do n’t have any questions at all", as long as I do n’t want to say anything, I ca n’t ask anything. There must be a way to solve it! There must be! Pull out an Akhenash from the bookshelf. Looking at the notes carefully, "As long as you learn all the notes here," there may be a way to open the mysterious coat of arms of the undead queen! Whether that person is Haiqinger or not, you should drag people out of the undead world.

Time spent one minute and one second "Enthusiastically unknowingly read the book until the time for the game to exit"

Was forced out of the game.

Open your eyes with enthusiasm and want to enter the endless world again. Suddenly I thought that even if I found a way now, and learned it, I couldn't really open the coat of arms of the woman. "She has the Jinpeng Thundercarp beside her." She didn't even have a chance to win. What to talk about?

power! Enthusiasm again thirsty for increasing his own strength. "Heart consciousness pushed away the sand around him." He dug a new bunker.

Drop directly into the bottom of the bunker. (Baidu 叱咤 bar thin cat update)

It's hot. "" Energeticly watched the red-bladed fighters shaking their heads. Just touching Jiuyang Zhenyan Iron for just a moment will make this tenth-tier fighter continue to burn red "if you touch it for a while more", I am afraid this hacking knife has killed many old people. Will turn into a pile of molten iron.

""what? "" I was gazing at the saber in my hand ~ ~ I always felt something wrong. "I couldn't concentrate for a while" and couldn't really find out what was wrong.

"" I'm afraid that the temperature of this thing is really advancing to a higher level of metal, right? "" Looking enthusiastically, I looked at Jiuyang Real Iron, which was slowly buried in the sand: "However, how can this thing be forged? What flame can be used to melt it? What hammer is used to make it?" ""

"" Burned me! , "

The burning path snarled and snarled out of the sand underground at high speed. ”With both hands covering his buttocks and jumping around on the ground, his eyes searched the sand around him:“ What happened? Is anyone just releasing the fire magic curse? ”

Watching the enthusiastic song of Burning Path dozens of meters away eagerly "feeling the hot temperature under your feet and shaking your head again and again! This stuff obviously becomes so hot! If you get into the sand" I'm afraid ... the energy seems to smell The flavour of his own meat "seems that this bunker has not been dug deep enough", but the scope of the ability to fight heart consciousness can only be controlled so far. "If you want to expand the scope of control, you must add more vigor.

Zero out! Fifteen words! There is wood!

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