Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 410: The true origin of the strong

The true origins of the forty-one strong

Mu Gui patted his shoulders with enthusiasm: "This matter is easier than you think. Qihang Fiction ~ Net Reading Novel [-

-] Free text updates! Sometimes, human life is really worthless ... Go to sleep. This kid, let me look at it for you. Come to me if you think of a way. "

He nodded enthusiastically and left the room where Mugui didn't care, and looked up at the starry sky. This time I'm afraid that Yongliu will become very unstable. But if he doesn't make this decision, God knows what the Lei family will do next?

Several female relatives of Gu Yuejiaying had already fallen asleep, and returned to the room with great energy and energy, and put a magic hat directly on their heads, and slept directly.

The small village in the endless world is always so quiet. Everyone is always busy with their own things. There are few things that can attract them to other things.

Standing energetically on the quiet and harmonious street, I gradually lost a lot of my troubled heart. I raised my hand and rubbed my forehead to walk towards Uncle Black's yard. I thought in my mind whether I should go to Enrak's fighting room. That Enrack teacher, is there any way to open other people's fight.

"Boy, come here." Ollala stood in the room and waved again and again: "Try my new potion."

The drive was shivering, and the new potion was really terrible. God knew what strange potion the Ollala mysterious pharmacist had made.

The bright red **** medicine rolled like a magma tossed in a test tube, and a pungent breath passed into the nasal cavity, causing a kind of pain to explode his head.

Energetic cracked his mouth to look at the mysterious potion in his hand, looking at Eulera curiously, wanting to know what mysterious potion he was testing today.

"This is an ultra-high-speed body full recovery potion." Ollala looked at the opposite Adams Pharmacy Shop with pride in his eyes with contempt: "10,000 times more powerful than inferior potions"

Swallowing with energy, this Olara really likes to compete with Teacher Adams? She who prefers to engage in human body development, will even make a mysterious medicine for the treatment department? But does this medicine really work?

Two sharper eyes than the blade, suddenly sighed with energy from Ollala's eyes: "Teacher Ollala, I'm in good health and not injured. There is no loss, this mysterious potion ..."

"Just because your body is still normal, you are allowed to drink." Ou Lala waved his hands impatiently. Most of the time, if you do n’t drink, your mother will help you drink.

"Just drink it." Energetic sighed again: "It seems that I have to carry this wave of potency before I go to Teacher Enrack."

Spicy, like boiling potion flowing into the throat, motivated and even wondered if he would be poisonous for life.

pain? Enthusiasm for the first time discovered that the mysterious potions made by Eulera drank, and there were also painless potions.

Within a few seconds, the energy suddenly began to miss the pain of the series of volcanic potions. It turns out that what ’s worse in this world than pain is ... hemp

Yes, just a few seconds, first the tongue was numb, then the legs were paralyzed, the arms were paralyzed, and the whole body was paralyzed. Since becoming a magic warrior, there has been no paralysis of the body. The last time the legs were paralyzed, Oakland Academy of Magic and Warriors squatting too long, caused by squatting.

The long-lost paralysis is unspeakable and uncomfortable. This is not a mysterious potion for wrong configuration? Where can I recover my body a little bit?

After a few seconds of paralysis, the energy found that the body had a new change. This time, the acidity was the feeling of sourness in the legs that had run to the point where there was no strength at all.

Body cells are undergoing various changes at high speed every second. Ollala smiled and nodded and walked toward the room frequently. "It seems this medicine is successful. As long as you take this medicine for a long time, the body's recovery ability will be It ’s more than ordinary people. When it ’s time to fall asleep after a serious injury, it recovers on its own. It even recovers in a blink of an eye. It ’s much better than restoring the magic of forbidden spells and restoring potions. ”

Long-term use? Sleep? Blink? He reluctantly turned his paralyzed eyes and looked at the back of Olara, who is indeed a mysterious pharmacist.

"People still have to rely on themselves in the end." Ollala fiddled with various experimental equipment: "What kind of cure is good, when you are facing the enemy, you still have time to eat that?"

The numb eyes were stunned. Although this mysterious pharmacist of Olara was sometimes insane, it really made sense. People ultimately depend on themselves ... on the battlefield, the enemy will not give the opponent Time to take medicine to recover your body.

"When paralyzed, try to control your physical activity." Euler said without raising his head. "The greater the degree of activity, the stronger your body's ability to recover."

activity? When you want to laugh, you find that the muscles on your face are completely paralyzed, and you can't make any expressions at all. It is not easy to move your eyes slightly. Even a little finger can't control it. Very uncomfortable, but still out of control.

What is the relationship between paralysis and the body's resilience? I don't understand the motivation, but how much should this mysterious pharmacist of Eulera want to come?

Fighting spirit ... At this moment, fighting spirit seemed to be completely paralyzed, and even the fighting spirit was completely paralyzed.

The iron breathing method is stupid, and in any danger, the iron heart breathing method that has created miracles several times, the heart of the second heart of the fire, today is also ... paralyzed by the mysterious potion

"Use yours, don't count on your vindictiveness." Olara continued the weird experiment: "Your vindictiveness is all trained from your body. Only your body is the real thing. Without you Body, where is the fighting spirit? After so long learning with us, we still do n’t know where the source is? It ’s a fool. ”

idiot? The enthusiasm somewhat likes the feeling of paralysis. At least now, I can't even do things like blushing.

The idiot is very powerless, turning his eyes difficultly, the endless world is too far from the real policy dynasty, and his performance can be exchanged with the praise of Uncle Gugui, and the evaluation that can be exchanged in the endless world It's just the word stupid ...

"Concentrate your spirit and control you." Ollala added some strange potions to the test tube: "Mysterious potions cannot really develop your body. He can only create opportunities to develop your body. Physically, it depends on you. "

Control ... Close your eyes with energy, no longer tangled with the problem of stupidity, all the spiritual feelings of martial arts, the sacred king will make the sacred king will kill the gods at night, and the throne will be demonized. The God of the Seal of the Immortal Seeking Demon Pride in the World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned the Shao Zhou Emperor's Martial Forces to Kill the Night God Deity Seal Jiu Zhongtian is the strongest to abandon every inch of muscle and every young muscle in the body of the Royal Family of Shao Zhou to understand their true condition. Only by knowing it can it be controlled.

With a look of impatience on his face, Ou Lala finally expressed a slight happy nod, not stupid enough to be treated with medicine.

Is it the source? The enthusiasm has never considered this issue. In the history of the true policy dynasty, the soldiers have always emphasized fighting, fighting skills, or even more naked pursuit of the opening of blood power.

When the blood power reaches the top level, the pursuit of top combat is also the pursuit of top combat skills, as for the body ...

Any warrior has a very good physique. In addition to the tempering of the body, who will pursue it? As long as the fighting spirit has enough high bursts, or enough special, it is enough

As long as the fighting spirit is strong enough, the body will naturally be better tempered by fighting spirit. Therefore, the body of the bloodline warrior has always been the strongest group of people.

Fingers ... Control your fingers to move ... Enjoy that your ears can shake slightly, but your fingers still have no response. The whole person feels like the seal in a bard population.

One minute, ten minutes, half an hour ...

In an extremely uncomfortable state of energy, but also to concentrate on controlling physical activity, I found that it was more than 100 times more difficult than taking volcano medicine on the day.

An hour later, the enthusiasm body finally returned to the original, and the hands and feet were completely under its control. There was almost no progress in the whole time. The only progress was that the ears could move slightly.

"Remembering that feeling, having time to simulate your physical state, and getting yourself into that state, is also a good training." Ou Lala shook his head with a serious thought in his face: "But you stupid like you I'm afraid I can't do it. "

The enthusiasm cracked his cracked mouth, and finally made the expression of bitter smile that he couldn't do before, bent down, bowed, and turned towards the door.

"Right." Ollala raised his eyebrows and asked casually: "You just said you were looking for Enrack? Look down on the great mystery potion? Don't ask me anything ~ ~ And ask En Luckner wastewood? "

Is Mr. Enrak a wastewood? Raising his hands and scratching his head, he looked at Eulera bitterly. I am afraid that only Uncle Black in this world is not waste wood in the teacher's mouth.

"I want to ask Mr. Enrack about the fighting world." Energetic sighed and looked at Ollara very weakly. Although I don't know how strong Mr. Enrack is, obviously the worst is also the one who is holy. Right? Maybe there is any special research on the fighting world.

"Fighting circles?" Ollala dropped the test tube in his hand, clasped his hands on his chest, and piled up the **** under the wide experimental robe. A smile with a look of interest asked: "Fighting circles are not fighting fruit." Did it merge with the fighting spirit? Speaking of it, fighting fruit is just a material for a mysterious potion. If you have any questions, you might as well ask me. Enrak's waste wood, the fight is okay, other things ... "

Eulera raised her hand to her lips, raised her white and tender neck, and issued a series of extremely fast and proud smiles: "Ou ... hahahaha ... tell me, what's wrong with the fighting world?"

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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