Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 412: City alert [on]

In countless years, there have been countless strong men in the Gan family, and many notes of various strong men have left a lot. Even though there are many existences like Qian Zhanxuan, there have been many, such **** soldiers with magnificent blood. (

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A thick book, the momentum is gently moving from page to page, the mysterious potion is never a formula you can prepare if you know the recipe. The mysterious potion is a group of people crazy, holding Some medicinal materials they didn't know about themselves, random messy combinations, accidental products.

In the field of mysterious pharmacy, it is well known. Although the mysterious medicament does require extremely large luck components, every success also needs to analyze why it can be successful. Everything has a certain principle, but this principle is in Many people seem completely incomprehensible.

With a bitter smile, he gently touched the tip of his nose with his index finger. In fact, sometimes he couldn't understand what these principles were, and that's why he is just a mysterious pharmacy apprentice today.

However, if the sky does not understand the principle of the mysterious potion, the success rate of the mysterious potion deployment will be extremely low. Why is this so? Olara did not give a scabbard, but just said: If you do n’t understand the principle, then the mysterious potion will not recognize you.

Recognized by Pharmacy? In the eyes of many people, this is one of the reasons why the mysterious pharmacist is crazy. They are just a group of ordinary medicinal materials without vitality.

Energetic only knows that every time you understand the chop of a pharmaceutical formula, your mind becomes extra clear, as if you are identified with something, very unclear.

Slowly chewing on the dry formula and experience, nodded slowly and energetically. Regarding the principle of the first pharmaceutical formula, Olara wrote very detailed and comprehensive, giving ample explanations why this is so, Why does it react?

After explaining the motivation in a simple way, after closing the book notes, closing your eyes and thinking seriously, a series of weird data in the head are constantly organized with each other, and gradually a whole outline begins to appear.

understood! Energetic opened his eyes suddenly and smiled happily. Although the materials of these mysterious potions were not very easy to obtain, as long as he asked Mugui to carelessly, and then took out millions of gold coins, it should not be difficult to get them.

The configuration method is not too difficult. Even if you are an apprentice of the mysterious pharmacist, you can have a successful configuration of 20%.

well! There should be no need to wait a month! Pick up the note book that fell to the ground and continue to look at the back, pouring it on others can open the medicine formula of the bucket world, looking at the foggy water, although Olara has explained clearly, but there are still some Do not understand.

"Forget it ..." I chose to close my notebooks very energetically. The second method is not only difficult, but even if it is currently configured, it seems to be useless. It only works when it comes into contact with human skin. .

Powerful warrior, which one can not be vindictive? The potion has been completely blocked by the external protective body gas before it touches its skin. Unless there is a way to make this medicine have the ability to corrode the physical body gas, it will not be effective. Break the body fighting spirit? Shake your head with enthusiasm and smile, the sort of fighting style of each body fighting technique is different, the method you want to solve is even more troublesome, and you can faint. If you do n’t know the ranking of fighting style, you ca n’t even start. Happening.

There are more than one thousand fighting techniques in the world? Each combat technique is confidential, and it is more difficult to get it than to cut off the head of today's Majesty King.

"What else are you doing there?" Would Eulera look like a master craftsman with his big robe, What is not practical is nothing more than waste wood. "

Enthusiastically put the notebooks back on the bookshelf in the backyard, quickly walked back to a small black room in the yard, and performed the first configuration to break the bucket before the various containers already placed. Mysterious potion experiment.

"Add a little doom ..."

Bang! The violent roar sounded vigorously and pushed open the wooden door and rushed out of the room with the billowing smoke, the cough sounded faster than the drums on the battlefield.

He spit out his energy and shook his head again and again and didn't know what to say. If the sky wasn't Fengyun Jinshen reached the apex in an instant, his heart-warming consciousness mobilized the surrounding forces. This explosion is enough to send himself out of the endless world. Even so, he was wounded in multiple places.

"Fortunately, it is in the endless world." I sighed again and watched the smoke-laden laboratory again: "If the sky is covered by the real policy dynasty, I am really going to lie in bed for a few days. Mysterious pharmacist ... "

Entering into the swollen laboratory with enthusiasm, watching the experimental equipment all turned into waste in the explosion, shaking his head again and again: "It is really a high-risk occupation, I do n’t know when I will die! ..."

Clean the laboratory and take out a set of experimental equipment from the warehouse. Prepare the materials and experiment again.

Bang ... Bang ... Bang Cha ...

I stepped out of the heavy smoke lab again and again and prepared everything to continue the experiment: "Fortunately, the endless world can allow me to spend extravagantly and improve my proficiency. If it was in the real policy dynasty, I am afraid it will be enough The city's guild went bankrupt on the spot. Not only was the mysterious pharmacist's profession dangerous, but the gold coins he consumed were extremely amazing. "

If the sky is not an endless world, the drive really doubts that even if you meet a mysterious pharmacy teacher, would you dare to learn the mysterious pharmacy from the other party? This is a double consumption of the body and gold coins.

The mysterious potion configuration of nearly sixteen hours, the interval between each explosion is getting longer and longer. Although there is no real successful preparation of a mysterious potion, it does have a lot of improvement compared to the original.

When the time was up, the enthusiasm exited from the endless world, retracted the hat into the bucket world, and walked out of the room directly toward the room where Mugui was unconscious.

"Boy, I came very early * ..." Mu Gui smiled enthusiastically as he walked into the room: "Did you think of a way? It won't work. When Fabredis returns, the boy and the Zhenlai Dynasty The people in Black Dragon Guard are a bit related, not only will they kill people, but they will definitely be interrogated * ... "

I was a little surprised when I was motivated. Uncle Fabredis even knew someone from Black Dragon Guard? This Black Dragon Guard is a special special unit dedicated to the royal family. Not only has a strong combat effectiveness, it is also responsible for collecting intelligence, countering work, and so on.

Among them, one of Heilongwei's most famous functions is Heilong prison. It is rumored that no matter how strong the warrior, the magic warrior, and the barbarian warrior, there is no one who does not recruit! Not many can be lifted out alive from the inside, and a few layers of skin will be dropped if they are not dead.

"I don't need it." Looking at the room with a smile, Loki, whose arms and legs were dislocated and still tied up? Ray: "I have my own way, very soon. It will be very soon * ..."

Lokire feels martial arts. The sacred king made the sacred king to kill the gods of the night. The throne of the gods and the pride of the world are the strongest. Moving Qiankun will kill the night of the gods and seals of the throne and ask the demon to be proud of the world and nine strong days to abandon the youngest Daozhou royal family. A cold thrilling chill rises, this smile is too calm, giving a taste of grasping.

Is it? Can he open my bucket? Rocky Ray frowned hard and thought about it. The fighting world can only be opened by himself if he wants to open it. Otherwise, even a strong man who has the ultimate awakening of blood power cannot open his own fighting world.

"Uncle, do me a favor again ..." The motivated palm rested on the back of Mugui's unintentional, pushing the president of the Torrent Warrior out of the room and whispering, "I will give you a bill of materials later. Then I will give you a million gold coins. Help me to buy this batch of materials secretly from different places through our channel of war fortress ... "

"One Million Gold Coins ..." Mu Gui looked at the drive unconsciously, what was this to do? Forging top weapons? If the innocence is forging top-level weapons, one million coins cannot buy enough materials. Every piece of Fabredis' soul material is not a million gold coin.

"Well, buy something small ..."

"What little thing is so expensive? One million more coins?"

"This ......... * ......" I scratched my head with energy, and I was a little bit worried about what to say: "I'm going to get some mysterious potion ..."

"God ... mysterious potion!" Mugui was almost stunned by his own saliva. When is this time, and what mysterious potion is he still doing? Is this kid full of food?

Of course, Mugui has no intention but to secretly talk about it. After all, if you are willing to do something these days, you can jump out of your eyes.

"Alright alright.

Mysterious potion ... What exactly is a mysterious potion? "Gui Gui's face looked weak and weak.

"Open the mysterious potion of Dou ..."

The phrase "What opened the fighting world ..." fell into my ear ~ ~ Mu Gui repeated it with a doubtful look, like a cat with a tail on it, thick His throat growled and roared, "Wait! You said it was a potion to open up other people's fights!"

Make ... Open ... Mysterious Elixir of Others!

Mugui stared at the drive unconsciously. Does the boy know what he is talking about? Fight world! Open other people's fight! The ultimate bloodline warrior can't open other people's fighting world, can he open?

Energetic shook his head slightly and sighed, knowing that speaking out would surprise the president of the Torrent War Fortress, but I thought he was not in contact with himself for a day and a half, and should be somewhat immune to the habit of being frightened, no Think of ... forget it!

Energetic shrugged, in fact, as a mysterious pharmacist, wasn't he frightened when he heard the words of Mr. Olara? Of course, there is no such thing as Mu Guiwuxin, his eyes are about to stare out.

"Can you speak more scary? Can you speak more scary?"

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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