Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 414: City Alert [Next]

John vigorously tried to pull his arm out of his enthusiastic palm, but found that no matter how hard he tried, his enthusiastic arm was like a mountain, and he couldn't even shake him. No ads ~

Is this kid's bloodlines? John took a deep breath, and I can't clean up a student today? What if you are a fighter student at the Advanced Expedition Academy? Unless you are a bloodline warrior! Otherwise, your first-year students will be brute force at best, and they will be stronger than me?

Five Battles! John's hair suddenly turned upright, his anger mixed with the anger in his heart suddenly released, and suddenly the civilians around him had a taste of encountering a beast alone in the jungle, as if a big stone was pressed on his chest.

Amazing! Is this the strength of the Captain of the Guardian? The onlookers of civilians swallowed saliva, terrible! too terrifying! This young soldier is going to be unlucky!

Twenty or so soldiers around the carriage woke up a faint smile. The captain is a fighter of the five wars. If it was not the obedience of the second owner of the city, he would have gone to a remote rural town like Auckland to become a city defender and live a more comfortable life. This kid, it ’s going to be bad today!

Five Battles! John's arm pulled back abruptly, and the free palm held the knife handle of his sword directly at his waist. The sharp knife Meng erupted from the scabbard.

Cut off this little boy, one hand! Second lady, it should give me a good reward, right? With a slight tinge of shame on his pupil, may he be promoted to chief obedience?

Move the knife? The eyebrows of the enthusiasm are raised, and the high-speed operation of the heart will directly promote the fighting to the battle of the evil spirits.

Click! Covered with metal inlaid leather, the leather armor suddenly collapsed, and a series of crisp bone fractures sounded in the arm bones of Yoo's arm.

pain! Intense pain! Far more pain than the sword, the pain of the axe! John's war-filled cheeks were twisted by the pain in an instant, as if he was an art master. The inspiration came suddenly, and he painted the extremely abstract oil painting.

For a moment, Joel suspected that his arm was not pinched, but was smashed by a blunt device such as a stiff hammer!

this is? Everyone's scalp was numb for a while, and he couldn't believe what he was watching. The powerful Captain John had his arm broken! And, most importantly, this young man was on the street against the captain of the defender? Does he know what he is doing? The soldiers around him would not be punished even if he was shot on the spot.

How could it be possible that soldiers all around, listening to the sound of the familiar bone fracture, couldn't believe their eyes? how can that be! Captain Joel lost to a young soldier? Is this young soldier crazy? How dare he do it? He is ... looking for death!

"Ah ..." A scream came from John's mouth, the cold sweat on his forehead kept emerging, his head snarled at the two crossbowmen not far away: "You guys! What else are you looking for? Kill him! Kill me! I'll take all the responsibilities! "

The two crossbowmen quickly recovered from shock. Everyone was a warrior who had been on the battlefield. They had long been accustomed to death and disability. His eyes suddenly narrowed into a gap, and the crossbow was locked on the vigorous body.

kill me? Energetic pupil contraction and heart consciousness turned. Feeling the martial arts, the sacred king will create the sacred king to kill the gods of the night, and the throne will be the best. The Night Killing God of the Seal of the Seal of God Seeking Demon Pride of the Ninth Heaven is the Strongest Abandoned Shao Zhou The Royal Family Will Create the Night Killing the God Seal of the God of Seals Seeking Demon Pride of the Nine Heavenly God is the Strongest Abandoning the Shao Zhou The Royal Family Abandons Every Airflow in the Five-meter Distance from the Body As if your body is full of eyes, any wind blowing within a radius of five meters cannot escape detection, including the fingers of two crossbowmen who use crossbow on the machine.

No finger movement is needed, even if the muscles on the fingers change slightly, the air will come in at the first time. This is the perception ability of the heart consciousness.

The two crossbowmen suddenly felt a strange feeling in their hearts, like their fingers. Even the whole person is shrouded in a special aura, as long as any one of his muscles moves slightly. The opponents knew it immediately.

Weird feeling! The two crossbows stared at the drive without moving, and they were not even dared to fire arrows by being suppressed by this weird feeling.

"You ..." John's painful body trembled and roared, "What are you waiting for?"

fast! Shoot him! Shoot him! The two soldiers glanced at each other. The fierce breath suddenly filled the chest, and they lifted the crossbow machine in their hands again slightly, aiming more vigorously.

Collapse! The bowstring vibrations of the two crossbow planes sent a shocking muffled sound. Two arrows on the battlefield that could easily penetrate leather armor or even iron armor, spun out at high speed.

Want to kill me? The corners of the eager eyes jumped slightly, and the wrist flicked slightly. It was as easy as an ordinary person waving his hand freely. John ’s body of two hundred pounds flew out of the ground like a child ’s sandbag, and his body hit the arrow in the air!

puff! boom!

An arrow pierced through John's leather inlaid with iron, blood gushed outward around the arrow. People looked in shock at the enthusiasm that stood still. The other arrow that was fired by the machine was unexpectedly caught by him empty-handed!

With only two fingers, the index finger and middle finger, the arrow was steadily sandwiched between the fingers, giving a strange illusion, as if the sandwich was not rigid? Faster-than-visual killing arrows, but toys for children.

"This kind of crossbow machine can only exert at most 40% of its ability." Motivation gently turned the arrows in his hand. If the sky crossbow machine was taken into his own hands, after a small adjustment and modification, Both speed and penetration can increase power by more than twice.

"And this arrow ..." Shake his head lightly with energy, and his face was very disdainful. The arrow was originally used to kill the enemy. If it was caught by a bare hand, what else would it do? If Zhaotian slightly modified the interior of the arrow, as long as the arrow body was touched, there would be countless thorns with venomous needles popping out of the arrow body like hedgehogs, which could easily play a successful role in sneak attacks.

The crude crossbow machine, the superfluous arrows, only knowing the archer who hit the target ... stunned John ’s body and fell to the ground and gave out a painful moan, and everyone looked at everything that happened in an instant, and today this is really the case It's too routine, how can it be.

John supported the ground with one hand, trying to stand up, but felt abnormal pain in his chest. He looked down at the chest, his angry pupils were filled with shock, and then he showed a sullen look.

Arrow, hit the heart! At the very moment when the body was thrown up, the heart hit the arrow! Is this a coincidence, or is John ... he fell back to the ground with heavy body, his eyes full of puzzlement, shock, looking at the energy in wonder, this young man is so brave?

You do n’t even look at Joel, who is motivated to see it. This time the killing is indeed dangerous, but if you do n’t kill him, you may be more troublesome. You do n’t know him, but he keeps asking for trouble.

A soldier suddenly grabbed the whistle in his chest and blew it vigorously, and the sound of the whistle with a special rhythm spread out.

Whistle! Frown with enthusiasm, unless you kill everyone here, or even if you break the whistle, others will continue to blow the whistle. The way of transmitting the whistle is the same as the slogan. The Warrior Academy must learn. A course.

There are demons! Come on!

Standing stagnantly, he didn't move. He looked at the whistle warrior with a slight smile. If he used the whistle to say that he was a gangster, he still had a lot of trouble. If he said that he was a demon? It wasn't just the city defenders who heard this whistle, and the soldiers in the Torrent War Fortress also came.

It is the responsibility of every warrior to kill the demons. Even if it is not a torrent battlefield that belongs to the garrison, you must rush to hear the news. Not only the warriors will come, but the magicians will also come. .

"Devil? Where is Devil?" The murderous roar came along with the high-speed galloping of the war horse. The general riding on the horse was in metal armor. The whole person was like a ball of light under the sun, and his hands were silver. His spears shine with dazzling ambitions! Under that helmet, a pair of dark blue eyes like the sea, as if from the nether hell.

Bloodline battle! Bloodline Warrior! Nine Demon Battles!

Energetic eyes leaped wildly, and the pupils really shrank to the size of the needle point. Among the generals of the defenders of Yongliu City, there were even bloodline fighters! Bloodline Warrior of the Nine Demon Wars!

Yeti Bloodline Warrior! Energized to see the white fluff underneath the armor refreshed, it turned out to be a rare Yeti bloodline warrior!

The icy spear wrapped in the icy bite is like the lightning that blows from the air. People around the scene can feel that the icy atmosphere covered by this rifle! It has a feeling of entering a snowy winter day.

The pounding sound of the war horse, such as the roar of thunder and the stun mixed with the onlookers of the crowd, rushed to the front of energy in a blink of an eye.

The big gun trembled, and a simple knight stabbed into the air, crying like a wolverine baby.

The enthusiasm felt that the air of the gun was blown on his face, the big gun was not yet killing, and the irritated skin shivered and responded. This is not a simple one, and the momentum is even more terrible! This shock, cleverly combined with the surprise of all the people present, a shot stabbed as if it were falling apart, as if everyone followed him to launch a group-like charge!

There is a feeling of motivation rather than facing an enemy, as if everyone in the street is enemies.

Spears close! Come and shake your wrist again and again, the whole gun body makes a strange buzzing sound, like a dragon chanting. The whole big gun is like a paintbrush in the hand of a master of art! Shoot dragons and snakes and break through the thousands!

The earth shuddered under the pedaling of the war horse. It was just one shot, but it made people feel the breath of life and death on the battlefield of humans and demons, and the power of bloodline soldiers!

The swaying gun tip turned up and down into countless gun heads, as if a large tree bloomed with hundreds of flowers overnight, making people wonder whether the gun was going to sting the neck, tie the waist, or attack the legs.

Pierce your waist and cut yourself off!

This is the real power of the big gun! On the battlefield, one of the invincible weapons destroyed the city!

Seeing this shot, everyone around them is a tower, and will be completely destroyed by this shot! Under this attack, the only way is to dodge first and then fight back!

However, can such a brutal attack be overwhelming and powerful? Even if you dodge, the next will be the endless spear hunting, which will be pursued until death.

Retire? Energetic two eyebrows raised high, as if two battle knives were inserted obliquely over the eyelids, and there was a sharp edge only in the real blade edge between the corners of the eyebrows!

From the iron heart mantis blood vein once glorious forged heart, there is no retreat! After the battle is over, the army will never retreat!

Plan all! When the enthusiastic wrist turned over, he grabbed the violent and domineering wide-bladed saber from the bucket world. The heart swept the air flow with a radius of five meters. The neck muscle and the heart muscle were beating clearly. The feeling will only appear after the hand is locked, and it was instantly known that the gun came in the heart! As for the position of the neck, there was a hidden archer.

He was at the top of the house fifty meters away, hiding behind the chimney! The two joined together to form a near-unsolvable killing situation!

The enthusiasm did not pay attention to the lances that came in. After grabbing the handle with one hand, the position suddenly fell down, and both feet were rushing forward on the ground at the same time. The full moon is cold.

Seven styles of blood battles! Blood Moon Scar! No defensive, completely for life!

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh, the saber-knife is mixed with the fighting spirit and the air is making a ghost crying sound, faintly mixed with the sound of the intersection of the Jinge iron horse sword.

With a single-handed knife, the position and the back hand can not be separated, the mountains can be divided!

After enthusiastic, he gave up his hand, and in the face of it, it would give people a solitary soldier who faced thousands of horses alone. With a slash, he spit out an unprecedented astonishing momentum. It seemed that the roaring tsunami would also be ruthlessly split by the slashing sword. .

Knife and gun confrontation, life and death line! Countless times more dangerous than fists! The several-meter-long fighting pistol and the impact of the blood power of the Nine Demon Nine Wars, the chariots on the battlefield will be scrapped and destroyed by a single shot.

Huh! Alas ... come to see this terrible style of play, my heart spear slightly closed. Changed the route of the big gun and attacked by three points. As a defender, he is also a bloodline warrior. His life is far more expensive than that of an ordinary little person.

Energetic lips sneer, do you still have the mind on the battlefield that your life is more precious?

This isn't what it is to die for?

The knife-to-gun collisions sparked a beautiful splash of Mars, just like the celebratory magic dazzle released by the magic students, but the horrific and aggressiveness that bloomed in it could almost form a real power to hurt people!

The enthusiasm smashed the opponent's shooting, and the sword in his hand broke out in full force to make a squeaky creak in the gun in his hand, but the warhorse could not bear the impact of these two fierce forces. With a tragic hissing, the front legs knelt directly on the ground, splashing countless dust, blood spewed directly from the horse's mouth, and the white saliva splashed on the ground.

collapse! Huh!

There was a whistle-like sound in the air, and the archer hiding behind the chimney caught the soldiers and fought hard. That should be the moment when the old force was gone and the new force was not born, a life-threatening arrow bloomed.

"Kill me? Seek death!" The heart of the second heart of the fire broke out at this moment, and the saber in his hand broke out and turned into a silver long dragon in the air. Chimney, cut to the archer's body.

fast! Faster than electricity and faster than light! Gong Fei's hand didn't even have time to respond, and his abdomen had a severe pain. He looked at the flying stones in front of him, and the blood flowers blooming in the air. The motivation of the gun, I realized that I was wrong!

Because of this mistake, I lost my life!

Immediately after the soldier's full strength erupted, his physical and mental struggles were in a relatively depressed state. This is always the best opportunity for archers to kill the strong! It now appears that the target soldier was intentional! The so-called Tongli broke out intentionally.

Because after the archer really locks the target and launches the attack, he is actually no different from the fighter. It was a full-strength blow that gathered the energy and spirit. At the moment when it was released, the archer also had a very depressed moment.

As a hunter hiding in the dark, he was preyed as a prey ... ridiculous!

The archer's eyes stared to the fullest, staring energetically. Even if a person dies, the eyes are still staring at the enthusiasm.

Capture the gun? how can that be? Unbelievable surprise bloomed in the eyes of the general's fallen horse. The snowman blood warrior has his own unique aspect. What is a snowman? Cold! Extremely cold! The fighting spirit of the Yeti Bloodline Warrior ~ ~ is like snow in the ice sky, the fighting spirit is extremely cold, and the moment of collision with most soldiers, you can even freeze the opponent's fighting spirit instantly! The body of the soldier is very easy to be frostbite!

The enthusiasm grabbed the slightly bent and deformed spear that was chopped, and the arms flew out of the opponent's hands in a flash, becoming his own control.

Five-tier combat? The spear in the drive slammed into the ground! With a crackling sound, the bent fighters became straight again, just like the original, only he knew how much the damage of this spear was. The spear will be cut off!

how come? How could this be? Come and jump back and forth, the blood of the tiger's mouth in both hands has been condensed by the cold tussle, and a pair of eyes stared at the energy.

I am the Nine Devil's Nine Wars! How could this be? Not only did he not freeze his vindictive spirit, but he could not even slow down his vindication slightly! Is he wearing the bucket of the Burning Star? Does n’t it mean that only the Demon Warriors and above have the chance to get the Burning Stars? Unless he comes from a large bloodline family! But he was obviously not! Just an ordinary soldier? Why is my vindictive ...

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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