Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 417: who are you

Who are you ...

The students around the group lost their collective voice. Several of them planned to see if they could pick up the cheap students after fighting vigorously, and gave up this tempting idea for the first time. Read novels on your mobile phone and update \\! {-


This young man's fighting power is too powerful. Even if he stands still, he will be allowed to fight by the three demon warriors. As long as it is not attacking the most vulnerable position of the man, it will not hurt him at all.

The enthusiasm turned slowly, step by step out of the shade, the shade that blocked the sun, disappeared little by little on his face, like his person, spreading the darkness out.

The three young warrior students looked at the energy and took a step back collectively, which was originally a relatively strong body. After the igneous rock was smashed by a punch, each step forward, the body would become taller and shorter. The short distance gives people the feeling that the gods come to the college.

The enthusiasm slowly walked out of the shade, looking at the changing expressions of the people around him, a faint smile appeared on his face. Uncle Mugui was really right, low-key? Why low-key? To be low-key and low-key? Intentionally lead someone to step on yourself? Isn't that my brain broke?

"Three seniors." The enthusiasm gently raised his right hand and made a [please] gesture: "If you want to come to my performance just now, you should be able to prove that you have the ability to accept three challenges at the same time, then you go together."

on? The three young fighter trainees looked at each other and smiled. The difference in strength between the two sides was too large. Now it seems that the news released by the principal is not to find someone to drive down the rankings, but to challenge The appearance of this person made him quickly become famous in the college.

"Energetic classmate, we are not going to fight. You win, we have sent you too much. In the future, wait for our strength to come up, and then challenge you."

The three soldiers simply put down their anger, collectively knocked the fist of their right hand on the chest a few times, indicating that they agreed with the strength of motivation.

The onlookers have different expressions. Some people are fortunate that they have not just challenged. Otherwise, they will also become embarrassed like the three on the field. Some people ’s eyes are turning fast. This is really great news. Not as embarrassing as the principals.

The enthusiasm gently looked up at the corner of the distant teaching building and smiled. The principal is really the place to watch the show. If an archer who covers the sky chooses to assassinate, the corner of that building is the most suitable. Not only is it easy to hide yourself, but almost the entire front door of the college can be seen.

"Yo? Did you find me?" Isabella turned her long forehead with her fingers and watched with interest the energy she had left after bowing to herself: "Boy, I was still worried, you have Now many young people have bad habits. They like to pretend to be low-key, wait for others to step on you, and then do things to step back on each other. For this reason, they also deliberately release news ... I didn't expect ... I didn't expect that you were better than I thought. . "

"His Highness, this person has no awakening blood power, but has the same fighting spirit as you ..."

"Yeah, it's really surprising." Mu Natian Ce gently shook the folding fan and looked back at the **** man behind him. "I have this fighting heart because of the special secret method of the Zhen Ce family. What is he doing? Did it? Is it because he inherited his father? Is it too expensive? "

"This person can be a good obedient."

"Tienan ..." Mu Natiance frowned. "I also initially thought that I could ask him for obedience. Now I always feel that my judgment is wrong. This person feels like I can't accept obedience."

"Can't accept the obedience?" Tie Nan's **** face emerged with strange doubts. His Royal Highness Six Princes is known as one of the three outstanding His Highnesses of this generation, both in terms of personal charm and wrist. I heard His Highness once say that someone could not accept it as obedience.

"Well, I can't accept it as obedience." Mu Natianze looked seriously, then shook his head: "It's a strange person, I feel like I can't see him through. I don't know how to treat him. Don't accept Hey, what should I do? "

Tie Nan looked at Mu Na Tian Ce with a puzzled look, yeah, he did not accept obedience, so how should His Highness treat this person? His Royal Highness has learned many and many emperor's skills, is there no suitable method?

"Don't worry, don't worry." Mu Natianze strode toward the classroom: "Always think of a way."

"Don't make a fool? This boy's evaluation of motivation is higher than me?" Isabella looked at the back of Mu Natian Ce's departure, his arms around his chest with a faint smile: "People from the Emperor's House Ah, I learned a lot, but I ca n’t learn what ordinary people can learn. If you ca n’t do obedience, you can be friends ... ”

"Friend?" Isabella instinctively raised her hand to cover her lips, Mei Mei jumped a little surprised: "What did I just say? Friends? Let the six princes be friends with energy? How is this possible? Mu Nazhence is the next generation. Among the heirs of the imperial power, he has one of the two most probable. How could he be friends with the drive? Am I affected by the Six Princes? Or was it affected by the drive? Forget about it, go and see As a young man in class, I feel more and more fun about him. "

The bells of the class slowly sounded and spread throughout the academy. There were still a few soldier soldiers walking slowly on the road. At this moment, fighting broke out, and special high-speed movements in the academy began to fly to the classroom.

In a blink of an eye, only a few fallen leaves were left on the college road, and nothing else could be found.

Entering the classroom enthusiastically, he chose a seat casually. His **** just touched the bench. The classroom door was opened again, and three young soldier students walked into the room side by side.


The tall young warrior among the three fighters suddenly gave a knife-like sharp look with a smiling eye, and the crackling of his hands and bones crackled.

Looking up eagerly at the angry young soldier in front of his eyes, he gently tapped his fingers with his fingers, feeling that this person was familiar, but could not remember who this person was, and after a moment of contemplation, he asked: "Excuse me, see you. Ever? "


The tall young warrior's forehead all jumped with blue muscles, his face turned red, as if he had been hit hard with a hammer, and his body shook like he wanted to stand still.

"Hall Iron ..."

The two young soldiers beside the tall soldier quickly reached out to help their companions and whispered.

"Hall iron?" Energetic rolled his eyes: "I should have heard the name ..."

Hall Tie stabilised his staring drive with a hate shape. He insulted Burning Road on the platform the same day. As a result, he was spitting out countless sour water by a punch called a drive, which is already the biggest in these years. I did not expect this opponent to forget himself, which was even more disgraceful than being defeated that day.

"Hall ... Hall family ..." The eager fingers gently tapped on the table. "Warriors of the Burst Bloodline Family? Oh, last time I came to the college, I once bumped you."

"You finally remembered it" Hall Iron's two rows of steel teeth were almost bitten, but there was no feeling of being remembered in the heart. It was only a shame to think of so many classmates for a long time. For the shame of the last battle, I have been training hard these days, just to be able to wash the shame with the voice of the opponent's body bones

"You ..." Energetic glanced at a skinny warrior next to Hall Iron. "You are the Viper Blood Warrior who was scared by the broken wind that day, isn't it? What ... Zago ..."


The young Viper blood warrior stared at the energy with a somber face. If Zhetian is not in the classroom, no war is allowed. If Zhetian is here in the wild, he has teamed up with Hall Tie to kill this guy called Motivation. .

Energetic nodded and nodded. Although the three of them are also bloodline fighters, their strength should not be very powerful, and they are not the people who ranked in front of their own hundred battle list. There is no need to follow and pay attention.

Holtier looked at the drive vigorously and trembling all over. He was ignored and lay in bed for a long time when he was ignored last time, and became a laughing stock for a long time in the college. I never expected to see the drive again. , Once again ignored these ordinary soldiers, how dare to treat the great bloodline soldiers like this? Do they know who is guarding this prosperous real policy dynasty?

"Forget it, Hall Iron." Lilizago pulled his arm hard, and looked around in the classroom quickly and quickly. The corners of his lips drew a cold smile of snakes: "No need. Too serious with this kind of person, we are noble blood fighters. Later he will enter the battlefield, and he will look good. "

battlefield? Enthusiastically looked at the three students who sneered and left a few times, and tapped their fingers gently on the table. Isn't the next course military military psychology? What does it have to do with the battlefield?

An old man with a white beard pushed open the door of the classroom, and went straight to the classroom without even taking a textbook with his hands empty: "Novices, hello, I want to die for you, today I can finally abuse the novices Now. "

Rookie? Abuse? Enthusiastically raised his hand and scratched his head, and found that the classmates around him had bitter smiles on their faces. It seemed that they wanted to fight back the old man ~ ~, but could not fight back.

"Yo?" The old man gathered his gaze and stared at him. "A new rookie is here today? Boy, what's your name?"

The enthusiasm quickly got up and clenched his fists and placed it in the heart position. He bowed respectfully and said, "Energetic."

"Energetic?" The old man opened his mouth, used his mouth with about half of his teeth missing, and choked his tongue. Two beans were not much bigger than the soybeans, and his hazy eyes showed thoughtful expression: "It seems to have heard ... … Oh last night, the prom will not change the person who lay down, that's the name. "

Energetic nodded gently: "Yes, teacher."

"Oh ..." The old man dragged a long note, and a pair of small eyes shot up and down with enthusiasm: "Bloodline warrior? Ordinary warrior? Forget the people who can enter the top 40 of the 100 battle list, basically only the brain is left I'm focusing on my personal combat power, and I'm afraid many famous names have never heard of it. "

What is the name of a famous player? Grinning energetically: "Teacher, memorize the name of the famous general, is there any reward?"

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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