Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 424: Fight stronger souls 1 hit glory 1 hit

New thing is right

Sitting on the ground enthusiastically, I explained a few words to Wandering Spirit Pass, and I couldn't care less about the other. The blood in my body didn't know why, and I couldn't calm them down. Read the novel [''] Free text updates!

Boiling boiling from the boiling blood seems to have issued a roar like never before, and the whole body is in an extremely excited state. This situation has never appeared even in the young bloodline fighters who won in front of the house. Too.

Excited, excited to roar and roar loudly in the sky, there was a scene that I had seen in the ancient desert sand and sea, and a scene of the Iron Arm Mantis Bloodline Warrior rushing to death, never shaking back the shocking scene .

Apparently separated by thousands or thousands of years.

At this moment, the enthusiasm felt that he was among the iron-armed mantis-blooded warriors in the charge, and he was the one who knew that in the end he could only die exhausted, but never retreated, never surrendered, dedicated his life, and bloomed his soul Noble, wildest Iron Arm Mantis Bloodline Warrior.

War war war war war

Overnight, it seemed like the glory that had been sleeping for many years. At this moment, with the blood of enthusiasm, the enthusiasm of the body, the fighting, the awakening broke out again.

I have never been more motivated than I am today. I am so honored to be a soldier.

Heart fighting, this moment is no longer turning, but beating like a normal heart. The fighting spirit of the whole body is no longer regulated by the fighting heart. The fighting heart has become a vortex, madly engulfing the fighting spirit of the body, like a Unfillable swirls.

In the heart of the fight, the sorts of gold and slashes are quickly combined. This sort of fight in the heart has never been extremely difficult to cultivate. They are like a lot of building blocks. You need to build it carefully and finally. Only a complete state can be formed.

At this moment, the buckets of money are sorted in a row, instead of building blocks, more like a group of skilled workers, quickly building houses, 10%, 20%, 30%, 50% ... 80%, 90%

After finishing the crazy sorting of arrogance, Jiucheng completed the division of gold and even fighting spirit, and finally stopped the crazy sorting and restored the speed of building blocks in the past.

Energetic did not care about the weird changes in that bucket heart, and closed her eyes quietly [looking] at the scene in my mind that I had seen in the ancient deserted sea.

Unspeakable emotion, unspeakable excitement, unspeakable passion and enthusiasm no longer suppress the excitement in the body, but quietly feel the martial arts, the Holy King, make the sacred king, and kill the god. The proudest Nine Emperor ’s strongest abandoned Shaozhou Zhou the royal family will kill the God of the Seal of the Great Seal of the Night Aojin nineth heaven ’s strongest abandoned Shaotai Zhou throne to seek the magic of the Awesome The Nine Emperor ’s strongest forces to abandon the Great Seal of the God ’s throne. The royal **** created the night to kill the **** and the seal of the throne, and asked the demon to be proud of the world. The nineth heaven was the strongest to abandon the Shaozhou royal family, and the fighting in his body began to boil.

"Oh? Do you want to break through?" Mu Na Tiance shook the folding fan and patted Tie Nan beside him. "Go, give him a punch to kill him."

The iron man opened his legs silently, striding toward the ring, and his bloodline quickly turned on during the run. The black hairs instantly covered the whole body. The two arms were long and thick, and he was clearly standing. Body, as if two arms were to touch the ground.

Rare Bloodline: Chimpanzee Bloodline

Bang bang ...

The slate on the ground was broken piece by piece. The iron man's speed was extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, he had run nearly a hundred meters in length. A series of stones that splashed behind him seemed to be buried under the ground every time he stepped. Magic thunder, showing a series of potholes.

Demons and Demons

The domineering fighting spirit spit out on the iron man, a golden fighting heart was running at high speed in the body, and the almost sleeping fighting fighting spirit instantly raised the speed of fighting fighting, 100,000, 150,000, 200,000

A loud sound of the iron man launched a real attack on the earth. This footstep is so powerful that not only the slate around the body is beating continuously, but it also means that it is away from the ground. Everyone watching the battle also feels that the ground beneath them is shaking continuously, so that People have the feeling of stepping on a soft ball.

"The magic ape and beast fighting skills really are still this kind of bloodline to exert its full power"

Hong Zheling was holding a leaf in his mouth, watching the iron man who drew a black line in the air. This magic ape and beast fighting technique is very flexible. When he shot, he was thunderous, and he could hit long distances. Short-strength close combat.

Strong pressure was overwhelming, and the enthusiasm body seemed to be charged with electricity, and the hair was completely blown up. His eyes suddenly opened, and he saw the huge fist, like a huge meteorite flying down from the sky, in his pupil Zoom in

A punch covering the whole ring has a taste of nowhere to go.

Retire? Energetic lips and twitch muscles convulsed, at this time, can you retreat into a wandering soul? The fighting spirit in the body is roaring under pressure, and the war has not yet extinguished. At this moment, as the pressure increases, it seems like a pot of fire oil is poured on the fire, and the rapid burning is like a volcanic eruption.

The fist was approaching quickly, but something else flashed in the motivated pupils. The image of the iron arm praying mantis in the head was fighting, this moment seemed to come alive, and the rays of light poured into the body from the mind, rushing Into the heart, the heart has begun to swallow again

The arrangement of vindictive images is divided into gold and even cuts.

Suddenly, as the image entered the heart of the fight, only 90% of the gold splitting and cutting order was completely completed to form a unique cycle.

Roar, divide the gold and cut it, and send out your unwillingness and glory for thousands of years

Energetic knees were pressed down slightly, and then a body shot like a sharp arrow rushed out, facing the iron man's fist and turning the two arms into a sword.

Buzzing ... A series of vibrating sounds of fighting knives filled with fighting spirits rang in the air. This time, the airflow was really chopped completely by the gold splitting, and the faint airflow was almost completely materialized, which is an advanced bloodline fighting technique. Symptoms of the second type [Breakwater]

Most of the students who watched on the platform retreated subconsciously at a high speed, as if in this chop, this fist was not an attack on each other, but an attack on the people around it. The sharp edge and the powerful punch made everyone back. Makes the surrounding area extremely clean.

Dividing the money into pieces gives me great motivation to face the pressure without any chance. I have just become a complete body. The order of the dividual money into pieces shines in the heart of the bucket. The arms around the arms are energetic, as if they have given birth to countless arms. Those who have been far away The strong men of the era are back again, blessed with energy, and the vast fierceness erupts

The irony man's fluffy face suddenly changed, and his fighting spirit broke out again. During World War II, his fighting strength was 200,000 revolutions.

Suddenly, the two sides chose the simplest hard-to-hard or hard drive, forced to choose hard-to-hard, the boiling fighting spirit in the body, there is a taste that is not vented, unwilling to heart.

The fist palms collided with each other, and the sound of huge musculoskeletal fighting broke out. The iron man's fist was bigger than the wine jar under the change of bloodline and body. In contrast, the vigorous gold split was much smaller.

At the same time as the thunderous thunder, the energy opened his mouth and spit blood, his arm was blasted back by the fist, the arm that had just receded slightly in the air, and turned over to the depressed fist.

Dividing money, slicing and slicing, is the whole thing

In a short period of time, the banging arm exploded with ten powerful slashes, each of which was a peak attack in the peak, and a super explosion that did not need to breathe back at all

What kind of monster is this? Is your body so tough? Tie Nan felt that his bones were about to break, and the punches suddenly pushed out again. His enthusiastic feet were stuck on the ground. The shoes couldn't hold such a hard fight first. It seemed to be crushed by twisting like twists, and the platform under his feet followed. There was an unbearable state.

Click ...

The specially crafted ring platform was cracked on the surface, and the enthusiastic feet stood on the ground without moving, but gliding backwards with a strong force, as if the foot was no longer a ring platform, but extremely smooth. There is no way to force the ice.

Uh ...

The 20-meter cymbal slides, and the sweat pores can no longer be suppressed. The fighting spirit first erupts from the pores, accompanied by fighting blood and blood mist composed of blood.

For a moment, the energy was like a **** man shrouded in blood, standing sternly on his chest, like a wildly injured beast. Not only did the ferocious wildness not decrease, but it skyrocketed.

Seeing the enthusiastic eyes of the fighters, the soldiers took a step back and Isabella's eyes jumped. What kind of murder is this? This boy, there is no way to generalize the killing gas. He already has such a killing degree. If one day can really use the killing gas, how terrible is it? Is he really an ordinary soldier?

The iron man strongly held up the five fingers, then clenched his fist, and then extended the five fingers again to ease the pain on the fist. His eyes were staring at the energy, and he couldn't believe that he was a warrior who was fought by the demons. The fight was actually promoted to the extermination of World War II

The weird fighting power that erupted just now suddenly seems to be enough for the third battle of extermination? Did he burst any special fighting skills that failed? Instantly tripled the power

He was panting with enthusiasm and guts. UU reading book Is this the Exorcist? That is not only the terrible speed of the fighting gas, but also the quality of fighting gas has changed a lot, as if the airflow is no longer the airflow, but becomes very viscous, like the airflow condenses together and becomes the feeling of water.

I am afraid that with only a speed of 200,000, the burst of gold will be cut in a row, and it will be suppressed. Dividing the money in a row, the perfect ranking of the Holy Bloodline fighting skills, and the power that has completely erupted is far from being as simple as doubling. Dividing the money in a row in a broken order, it is estimated that it has also turned at least four. Times the power

If the sky is converted, the instantaneous combat power output is equivalent to 400,000 rpm, and it is defeated by a punch that may only have 200,000 rpm. Is this the strength of the exterminator?

It's a pity that the order of splitting gold and slicing ... Blasting is still ... I want to remember the bursting of slicing gold and slashing order within a moment, and the whole person stays completely in place.

The order of the gold-slicing and smashing exploded countless pieces of the order of the order, like living clay, gathered and fused with each other quickly. They kept on creeping, spontaneously merging, and within a short time, they have faintly merged. Eighty percent of the time, and there are still non-stop fighting fragments being added to the integration.

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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