Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 459: polite! 1 Be polite!

"I'm ready." Slaughter grabbed the plate from Lilitot, and opened the door with a smile on his face and squeezed into the room: "This is all food that I mixed with some potions, to restore my body Some help. "

"Mr. Sloan?" The motivation was a little unexpected. Was the chairman sent away yesterday? Look at him, as if always guarding the door?

"Everyone is the leader of the Yongliu City Union. We should be closer and closer." Siluo smiled toward the drive, making the drive feel like a wild wolf stared at him. Supplements ... "

"I'll do it myself ..."

Raising the right hand that everyone knows is not too hurt: "Feeding by a man always feels awkward."

"So ..." Sloin smiled awkwardly. "All right."

After 16 hours of enthusiasm, I did feel hungry and quickly swept the food in the plate.

Sloin stared at the drive with a smile. In just 16 hours, the pharmacy union has heard a lot of information about the drive. It conquered the thirtieth place in the Academy's 100 battle list and the future successor of the Torrent Battlefield. Now The new leader of the Blacksmiths' Union seems to have a family relationship with the elf king blood fighters in Qianzhou, and there is not a very friendly relationship. The actual situation will not be known until the people returning to Qianzhou.

Moreover, since the enthusiasm joined the torrent battle, Mu Gui has no intention to change the attitude of the pharmacy union and the blacksmith union, which is a very obvious signal.

Mu Gui's unwillingness to change his attitude towards the blacksmith's union soon, and by virtue of excellent forging skills, he became the president of the blacksmith's union. It may be because of motivation.

Based on the information obtained and his own personal experience, Sloan has basically determined that the drive is a pharmacist who has not been registered at the pharmacy union at all, and is also a very powerful pharmacist. It should even be the top Master of Pharmacy!

should be! Sloin became more and more certain that his speculation should be completely correct, because according to the motivational data, he was also a blacksmith who had not registered at the blacksmith's union at all, but took over the cloud overnight. The blacksmith union presented by Xing Huisheng.

Eaten the last bite of food vigorously, wiped his mouth with a moist towel, and looked at the fantasy Sloin coughing, "Master, do you have any questions for me?"

doubt? Sloan nodded very simply. As a pharmacist who was determined to explore the essence of pharmacy, as long as he could learn more advanced pharmacy, he would not care about the age and embarrassment of the other party.

"Then you ask." The drive reluctantly adjusted his posture: "I will try to answer your questions."

Siluo Yin hesitated for a moment, but did not expect that the drive was so good at talking, and originally considered various methods to meet the requirements that the drive may put forward in exchange for the opportunity to ask questions.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the knowledge of pharmacy may not have the value of a copper plate, but in the eyes of the pharmacist, it will not change even if it is given to the throne of the emperor! If it is not a very familiar relationship, even the pharmacist will not easily tell each other.

"This ..." Sloin readjusted his mind, and started to ask questions in order of the questions he hadn't slept overnight.

That night, Sloyin almost remembered all the problems and questions encountered in medicinal reeds.

Hun York was curious standing outside the door. What was the chairman of the reed medicine doing? Why did I go in for a few hours and did n’t mean anything? Even if you want to attract energy, you don't need to stay in it for so long?

A member of the Torrent Battlehouse anxiously circled the door. If it wasn't for the president of Yaolu, he would have rushed in already, which was explained by Gu Yuejiaying.

"Outside! Get us some water in!"

Sloin yelled in a rough voice, and immediately turned around and looked at the student with energy, holding the pen and notebook tightly in his hand, and quickly recorded the enthusiastic answer.

At this moment, Sloyin was completely immersed in the ocean of absorbing knowledge of pharmacy. At this moment, I felt that I had lived in vain for years, and had studied it for decades. The research for decades was not as good as this class.

"I'm coming!" The members of Torrent Warburg took the kettle from Lilitot and hurriedly opened the door.

Lilitto shrugged his shoulders, this ... hey!

Hun Yorker jealously glared at the members of the Torrent Warburg. He had just been too obsessed with thinking about the origin of energy, and even forgot to grab the kettle.

Sloin saw the kettle raise his arm and waved his hand: "Okay, you can go out."

The members of the Torrent Warrior stood in place and looked at the drive with embarrassment. They had waited for several hours, and it was not suitable for them to continue, otherwise Gu Yuejiaying was not easy to explain.

"Don't you hear that!" Sloin slammed up, snarling with his hands to grab the members of the Torrent Warrior's clothes: "Get out of the way now ..."

"President Sloan, isn't it good?"

In a word of enthusiasm, Sloan's blue forehead suddenly disappeared, and he turned back and smiled embarrassedly at the energies. He was too addicted to the world of medicaments, and was very upset when he heard someone disturb, but he forgot to do Jin is a person in the Torrent War Fortress. What will happen when someone sees a bad attitude towards the Torrent War Fortress?

Hey ... Slowin sighed secretly in his heart. If he is in that position, I'm afraid he would have let himself go.

Low-key, low-key! Slotin secretly warned himself to keep a low profile in front of motivation! You have to put away your previous attitude towards soldiers! Not only do you have to keep a low profile, you need to tell the waste wood when you return to Yaolu, and you will see the soldiers in Torrent Battlefield later. Be polite! As kind as treating his son.

"Mr. Gu Yuejiaying said ... Another shipment of Luo's family was robbed outside the sierra ... Not long ago ... there was a man from outside Sierra who said he wanted to see you."

"Have you been robbed again?" Energetic raised his eyebrows. I heard that the second time to go to the convoy outside of Sai, it was a large amount of cargo. This loss is more than last time!

"People outside the concourse want to see me?" Energetic: "Do you want us to redeem the goods?"

"That's not true, he said, as long as Tihuayan is gone, you will know."

Energetic body shook slightly, Hua Yan was gone! Female horse thief boss! I haven't seen her for a long time. Last time, she said that if something happened, she would send someone to find herself. Did she encounter something? Very likely! Remember that there was something wrong with the inside of the bandit group.

"Go! Find some people and take me back."

Sloin blinked hard. What happened? A few words, will you take people away? What about my pharmacy questions?

"Chairman ..."

Energetic expression frowned and looked at Sloin: "Is something wrong?"

Sloin stared at this with a chill, and the dissatisfaction that surged into his throat disappeared without a trace. His mind flashed quickly and said, "Is there a problem with the Luo caravan? How can I look down on us forever! As your friend, I hope to help you! We at the Pharmacy Union still have some strong ones ... "

"Thank you so much." The drive was also polite with Sloin: "People who can dispatch me to the Torrent Battlefield. I feel ... This time I should really go to the outside, and I might really do it . "

"Okay! I'll go back and arrange it immediately." Siluo Yin agreed quickly, secretly happy in his heart, outside the wall! A chaotic area where the battlefield is not inferior! Although they united with Le De York to surround the Lei family, their relationship with motivation is obviously not as strong as other forces, and they should definitely not let go of such opportunities.


Sloin walked to the door and looked back at the motivation carefully, taking a deep breath: "Chairman, I wonder if you are interested in being the chairman of our medicine reed?"

Hun York York stood at the door and clasped his ears, suspecting that he had heard it wrong. The chairman of the medicine reed union, in a deliberate tone, sent out an invitation again.

President of the medicine reed union! That's not where you can buy gold coins! How many people have broken their heads, and given a large amount of gold coins, there is no place!

Today, the chairman of the medicine reed is talking with the drive, or rather! There was a hint of enthusiasm in his tone, hoping that he would receive the medicine reed.

Hunther York would like to step forward and ask Sloin if his head was squeezed by the door? Or did you kick your horse? That's the chairman's throne of Yaolu!

Lilitot's mouth can be stuffed into a goose egg, what does that mean? Openly digging a foot? In this day, I also know how much he is, the chairman of the blacksmith union, the president of the future torrent battlefield, and the successor of Jun Wudao Wudao, now even Yaolu is here. Dig a foot?

and many more! There was a burst of cold sweat in Hun York ’s forehead. If UU reads, if the drive really picks up the medicine reed, then there are four major forces in his hand. Even if the main city forces join other forces, they can only do it Reluctantly compete!

In the future, Yongliu City, most of the cities, is expected to have a surname!

"Yao Lu ..." After thinking for a few seconds, Sloin almost fainted, and finally heard: "It's not impossible, but the attitude of Yao Lu to the soldiers, I heard it is worse. Than blacksmith The union is bad, and if I take it, this vice will be changed. "

"That's for sure!" Siluo Yin nodded like a chicken pecking rice. Only those who have actually contacted the enthusiasm will know how high his potion level is! The hard work of my life is the medicine reed of Yongliu, but in the hands of his own master, there is no possibility of development.

In Sloan's life, the biggest wish is not how high his achievements in pharmacy, but the greater development of medicinal reed, to achieve the master's wish that was not completed before his death.

(To be continued)

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