Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 646: Realize

Six four six enlightenment

How to clean up this endgame? Energetic ‘looking’ at your body, even if you wake up in this state, you have no way to configure your medicament. Those advanced dispensing methods require more advanced control and stability, which cannot be achieved.

The gray mist didn't stop its diffusion, it was slow, but it spread very firmly.

Another piece of broken bucket print was completely swallowed up by the gray mist ... just like a star in the sky consumed the last bit of light and heat, no longer shining, and disappeared forever in the stars and rivers In.

Stars? The stars long river? Look at the shards of fighting marks in your body with enthusiasm, so it really looks like the stars scattered among the stars.

If Zhitian sees my body as stars, then these are the stars ...

Endless stars hang in the air for unknown years. When humans appeared, they existed. In the era when no humans appeared, or in the wild, they still exist. No matter the fog, no matter how great the change, the stars are the stars, forever. Right there.

It will disappear the stars, and it will give birth to more stars, and it will never go out!

Stars! Stars! The enthusiasm faintly felt what he had caught, and the two broken shields appeared in the enthusiasm's mind again as the thoughts rose.

Different from last time, the last cycle of stars was only half and incomplete.

This time the drive is complete! Stars are connected to each other. They are like fighting tricks in the body, but not just 108. They are connected ... They are strangely connected ... Life and death fighting tricks are connected together. !!

That's right! The most amazing! When they are connected together, the iron breathing method turns a little ...

this is……

Looking at the tandem in the body with enthusiasm, now the link of the stars is not a combat technique, it is just a combat technique! It's also just a map!

The reason why I can be linked is because of the feelings of the stars these days! Understanding of the stars! Knowledge of your fighting skills and vigor! Instinctively regards it as a theory and a state, in fact, it is not a theory or a state at all.

Just like someone sees a mountain peak as a mountain, and someone sees a mountain peak but not a mountain, it is a truth!

It is because I have practiced death fighting tricks that I instinctively believe that all fighting tricks are a whole! It is because of this thinking that life and death tricks can be integrated into one!

The consciousness of accidental hitting and making life-and-death tactics are truly connected together, and their respective operations and real intercommunication are completely different from the previous state.

The battle of life and death is practiced into a huge circle, and the human body becomes a complete sky and the stars of the sky, and the fragments of the broken seals around it are all regarded as stars, or small stars around the stars.

"The stars of heaven and earth come into my body! The fighting marks are the stars, and I am the sky!"

The thoughts flashed, the fragments in the body began to move, and the four souls all turned together because they were turning, and the endings were turning together to form a small vortex, and the power of this vortex was increasing As soon as possible, there is a wind ...

This gust of wind drove the scattered fighting spirit in the body again, and the wind rose! The stormy wind is up!

Together, the atmosphere began to blow the gray mist power all over the body, and those scraps of the fighting marks that had not been completely eroded were revealed again, and they were all being sucked into different fighting spirits.

The four souls' fighting marks turned faster and faster, and a new fighting mark gradually appeared at the center point. When they raided in the ancient deserted sand and sea that day, the feeling of breaking the sky seemed to return to the body of energy.

This is ... cut the sky!

Finally understand, no wonder how you can't study how the fifth seal is condensed. It turns out ... This is how it can be condensed. The seal must first become a soul seal, and it must be gradually turned out by continuous rotation. .

It seems that the body will be a little bit better ... a little sigh of energy, and the fighting spirit is really not looking like it. I want to recover ...

This is ... gazing at the gray mist that blows away, the essence of Lucifer's heart that was once plundered, entering the body, they are like sticky solids, and it becomes very difficult to absorb and digest them. It is trouble, I am afraid it will take a long time to do it.


The essence of Lucifer was eroded by the power of the gray undead, and they melted, just like a cricket creek. It was very, very, very easy to be absorbed.

These essences flow in the enthusiasm, they quickly flow to various fighting spirit positions, where they pass, those bones, those fighting blood vessels, those damaged internal organs, and suddenly absorb a lot of essences, just like The dry earth waited for a long, long time.

These Gan Lin watered the dry earth, and the earth quickly became wet, moist, moist ... and began to restore its original vitality.

When the fighting spirit touched the essence of Lucifer's heart, it suddenly flashed a strange brilliance, and immediately began to madly extract Lucifer's essence into it.

The already broken fighting spirit began to squirm again, squirming, squirming ...

Warhammer soon returned to its original shape, and it was stronger than before! It continues to absorb.

The essence of Lucifer's heart is too much. That is, before the death of countless generations of Lucifer, all the benefits of his life were poured into it. Even if it is only one percent of the benefits, the benefits are not data. Can be expressed.

It took a long time to truly and thoroughly digest these essences, but now the essence of Lucifer's heart has been refined by the gray undead power, and it has become the biggest supplement after an energy injury.

The fighting spirit burns, there is almost no experience of being able to repair it, and no one knows what the fighting spirit repair looks like after burning.

The three major fighting spirits are patching fast, and the enthusiasm clearly feels that the three major fighting spirits have become stronger again, which is not simply a growth in strength or an improvement in quality, as if undergoing an essential change.

Life fighting trick ... Death fighting trick ...

Energetic looking at Liancheng's fighting tactics, looking at the broken and restored fighting marks in his body, like stars that have experienced death and come back to life.

It's special. It's special. The continuous transformation of the stars between life and death has formed a complete natural form.

Who doesn't die in the world? How many people are born under this star?

The two broken seals turned suddenly and madly, and did not pay attention to the energy, and did not even notice that two of them were forming quickly. They looked at the broken seals in the body, and looked a little broken. The cracked seals cannot be recovered for the time being and can only be retrained.

The organs in the body are restored again, and the cycle between life and death fights forms a special circle, which is endless and endless. Death and life are so harmonious, so smooth, that ...


Energetic suddenly felt a shock in the body, two huge! huge! There has never been a huge fighting mark, suspended in the fighting spirit of the situation.

Two large seals exuded two different flavors, one full of flourishing vitality, and the other was the peace after death of Wan Di. The two giant seals were turning, as if they were gestating and producing. Dead, gradually ... gradually ...

Two buckets have become one bucket! A complete, even bigger fight than before! There is a little bit of starlight entwined around this bucket seal, as if the stars are all around it, the life and death in the bucket seal are such a fusion, not mutual exclusion.

Star seal of life and death! Eight Desolate Hell King Bloodline Demon Warrior, the highest fighting skill! It took a decade or more to get the sprint printed completely, but now because of the shield's perception, because of the help of Lucifer's heart, because of the combination of fighting and fighting spirit, because of the link of life and death fighting tricks.

It is also because the enthusiasm has just experienced a feeling from survival, death, and death to rebirth. It is not only the soul fight, but also the life and death rebirth of the energy warrior.

The special feelings, under the appropriate time, make the star seal of life and death be completely produced at once, and the energy itself is very incredible.

Born! Throughout her whole life, those broken seals in her body recovered miraculously, and in a few moments several seals have been restored as before.

This ... energy is stunned again, this is the rumored seal of life and death in the Star Seal? Terrible seal! This is faster than the recovery of the soul fight!

Born! The thoughts re-emerged, and the injuries in the body were quickly recovering. The degree of recovery was staggering. Although it was not as good as that of Mr. Adams's potion, it had passed too much normal recovery.

Only dry fighting skills, Kun fighting skills such top-level fighting skills, will not obey the orders of the Star of Life and Death, as if it has its own rules and regulations, everyone is equal.

The gray mist kept retreating ~ ~ but it still didn't dissipate. Although the undead power that penetrated into the body was very little, its waywardness had no fighting spirit in the past.

The enthusiasm of the enthusiasm in his body has no interest in absorbing this power. All the forces are working hard to reject it. As soon as it appears, it will immediately attack it.

How can we remove this power? Just let it die ...

The star seal of life and death bloomed again, the gray mist disappeared ceaselessly, forcibly discharged from the body.

dead! The more enthusiastic is the special ability of the star seal of life and death, and at the same time, what is the state of the comprehensive fighting marks of the other five top bloodline warrior families?

Thinking with enthusiasm, sensing the marks in the body, they are quickly connected to each other, like star-like constellations.

Not all links are connected sequentially.

[... June 4th and 6th Enlightenments are updated the fastest ...] a! !!

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