"The" Open Ceremony ”will take place tomorrow. Still, Dean. I can't believe you're ready to go this far... do you think you were planning this?

The answer Dean said from there, though somewhat erroneous, was almost close to that I had in mind.

He knew most of my church demolitions on this side… that is, he knew the hospital and the problems there because he was involved in the territorial government in general. And I heard “rumors" of flirting in the mainland. Dean said it was the result of thinking about them all together.

"... based on that, I ask... are you going to the big battle tomorrow with that face?

"What face is that...?

"Even yourself, you'll notice. Your face is terrible right now."

... He tells me it's terrible. and rebelled for a moment inside, but that's what I thought earlier. I can't argue with that.

"Everyone here has noticed, and you wouldn't dare to say it even if you were worried inside. But let me tell you something. When I heard about you from everyone, when I was working for you… I had questions. Even when your engagement to the Second Prince was broken, even before and in this uproar, when you worked in a shredded capacity thinking of your inhabitants. You don't show tears, you don't make weak sounds like weak sounds, you get everything stashed inside, and you walk forward. Why are you so strong?"

"... try to be strong... I've never tried to be strong"

Because I don't cry, I'm strong...? Or “Iris" now… in this case, “eagle”? The fate is turbulent.

"Are you the one who separates emotions?

Stop. Don't hunt me down any more. With that in mind, I bit my lips for a moment.

"... it won't do anything to make me cry."

The words out of me are cooler and stiffer than I thought.

"... showing tears doesn't help... that's right. But you'll be able to fold in yourself. It seems to me... that you are in great danger. And that's your face now."

No more, no more... when I thought so, the emotions I was holding back exploded.

"So what do you want me to do!? Cry, tell me you need help, and someone will help you? Cry and say one thing about stupidity, solve it? That won't happen......!

A good place to hit eight. But I can't get a toothpick.

"I cried and couldn't stop...! Even when I was Ed... yeah, I regretted it! I'm sorry, I wanted to cry!

Master Ed broke my engagement... and I'm not saying that I had nowhere to think, even though my love cooled down for that trick. Sometimes I was anxious about what was ahead, and I regretted and hated it.

But crying and calling but waiting is the seclusion from the allowance. So I couldn't have cried. That's about it, I'll spin your father a head that's not enough to negotiate.

Even after I got to the realm, I was really full of anxiety. Even though I remember my previous life, I was only a hired employee. This is the first time that politics has happened, and this is really good... what anxiety has always stuck around.

"Even this time...! A broken door? Why the hell would I have to get such a declaration!

Pollows and tears overflow from my eyes.

"I regret it, I can't help it. Why, why not? It's hard, I want to get away. Why are you crying out loud?"

I put my hands on my eyes to hide my tears. Tears overflow from the flat of my hand because I cry but I can't stop crying.

"And to my impudence... my heart hurts. A corner inhabitant... said that the people around me worked so hard to create it... and the presence of me interrupted it. I feel sorry for myself, I'm sorry... it's hard."

Due to spinning words as drooling emotions, the content of the words is not coherent. Later, later, words emerge as emotions and impulses.

"Do you want me to cry and help you? If you say that, you'd think you'd just hide out so you wouldn't get in the way! But that's why I bothered everyone too much at home. There's nothing more I can do where one of me escaped. It's irrevocable that there was a sinner named me."

Yes. Even if I cry and run now and the Duke's house and the Chamber of Commerce have nothing to do with it, I don't think it'll all go back to normal. Bankruptcy certification isn't that light, and something you can't possibly do without that fact. Unless you cover it up.

"I won't cry because I'm trying to be strong...? No, I'm not. Because crying doesn't help... because I'm afraid to cry and do all the love around me... so I just don't cry!

What if I bothered everyone, and now I'm crying… even if I bothered everyone, and they let me out of love?

Even though we all think they're not like that, I really doubt it. Maybe...

"I'm not strong. I just want to look strong... but I haven't even been able to... that's who I am..."

Then I cried woefully. Maybe for the first time since the eagle and I merged. Like putting all the emotions that are in me on the table.

"... your strength is beautiful. But don't make it impossible because of that virtue… that's the whole point of everyone. I can't help but hesitate to show your weakness if I think of your past or your position... but it is those who do not expose you to that spiciness that worry the followers... don't forget that."

Dean's face, which is not a tribute, is serious in itself. It's like your father's preaching to you. But now I know what that word means, painfully.

Long time no see... or the day I cried for the first time, I slept tired and well. No matter what happens, Dean offered to replace me with his shoulder, so I'll take a break.

... and the next day. Thanks to all that crying, my eyes were still a little red, but my face was mostly refreshed in the mirror.

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