"... just go away! The woman who left the Chamber of Commerce, just like me, is back in office and there she is!

She was fingered by Dunme...... the waitress and accountant's kid shook his body with Vikri.

Though I accidentally came forward, I calm my mind by remembering my promise to Lyle.

"... she took a“ leave ”to have a baby, didn't she? You worked here too when she was on leave, so I thought you knew how it happened, but why did you send her out to hook her up? Leave and retirement are not the same."

Sei stood before her to shelter her, and forsake her.

"... heh, heh. I'm on leave, but I'm retired, but I don't know, but I can only account for carrying such a product. How many women do I have to replace? Yet this Chamber of Commerce is very dependent on her being able to go back and I can't. Or what? Are you and that woman there deadbeat?

To so many remarks, I too, by accident, almost screamed out.

To the emotions of anger, the pull and body tremble with suppression of thoughts wanting to yell and scatter.

To that passion, I even had the illusion that the bottom of my stomach was getting hot and it was coming up.

My insult to the Chamber of Commerce. An insult to Sai. Above all, contempt for working women.

Oh, how can you? It seems like a villain's warrant, and I even think it's okay to activate the Duke's power.

But to keep it pressed... Sei opened his mouth as if to speak for my feelings.

"... I don't want you to imitate too much about women. I'm just asking, it's offensive."

Guillaume and Sai stare at the dumb matter. They also strengthened the power in Dida's hand to catch him, and Dunme was distorting his face to pain.

"Carrying merchandise stuff, accounting... I see, maybe it's a monotonous job indeed. However, because there are people in these roles, this store is around. From me, the work you were doing and the work she's doing is equally important. There is no precious bitch there. Besides, she is an important force for doing her job handily."

"Itatatta, it hurts!

Damme was above all more noisy than Sai's words, enduring the pain inflicted by Dida.

"Oops, I'm sorry. When I heard words that disparaged the girl, I stuck with her."

Dida's apology was not for the dang.... apologizing to Sai for interrupting Sai.

Sai receives the apology with a bitter laugh.

"When you retire, you receive a retirement pension and you treat it the same way as someone who is on leave of absence... That sounds pretty unreasonable. First, the paperwork you signed when you retire clearly states that your leave and retirement are different, and we both explain that in advance.... you were also chosen to take a leave of absence after hearing that explanation, right?

"Yes...... When I told her I was quitting, she asked me why... When I told her I was going to have a baby, she asked me what I was going to do after I had a baby... When I said I was going to look for a job again, she suggested that I take a leave of absence. Honestly, it's hard to find your next job again, and I'm very grateful that you're doing something convenient in terms of shifting even after you get back to work."

There was a slight surprise from the guests.

It seems that the system of suspension is not very common, so their reactions may well be taken for granted as well.

When we introduced it, we asked for explanations from everyone.

"That's not good. I want to work here, too. Husband's salary alone is painful, and given the child, it's not hard to get inside..."

"That's true. Except if you're being kind... basically, you have to quit every time you can have a child... and if you do, you have to work the same way you did before you got back... and given that you can't leave early, going back can be a big deal."

Women's guests have raised such voices. Indeed, it is difficult for women to continue their work inside.

Even Nihon did, but this place is more than that.

I wish I had a family to rely on nearby, but Wangdu has a lot of nuclear families, and there's no first place for me to keep my child.

Either way, it might be a good idea to build a nursery for women who work at the Chamber of Commerce.

"Thank you. I mean, what you're saying is just an argument."

Sai thanked the waitress child for making the statement. All that time, the cold atmosphere seemed to pull in until earlier.


"Nothing. After I left this store, whether you were independent or started working at another chamber of commerce, I didn't mean to limit it, and I didn't. Because if you don't bother the store, as in this situation right now, that's all I'm glad for. … but you…"

When he turns his face to dumbness again, Sei's eyes are cold again, turning to that as if he could shoot people to death.

The dummy that was turned away was frightened and the dummy was shaking his body.

"Not twice. This time, just stick it out to the guards. But... if this happens again, you know then?

of him whispered in Damme's ear. It was like a bottom cold, voice. If there were a next time, I wouldn't have my own life... enough to understand that, that.

Sei deepened her grin with Nicole while Burri and Damme were shaking her body.

"... oh, you just got the guard. Dida, turn him in."

"... is that good?


And turn it over to the guard who just arrived.

Damme was neither willing nor willing to resist, but was taken by the guards with great care.

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