
With comparison, the live broadcast room will open the next day.

The whole world plunged into darkness quietly undercurrent.

Ordinary people may not care.

But for most forces, it is destined to be a sleepless night.

Too many blast news received during the day.

First of all, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, 'Fire Fist' Ace, is actually the inheritor who inherited the most evil bloodline.

Secondly, the legendary 'Right Hand of One Piece' Hades Rayleigh regained his youth.

They can already be predicted.

'Hades' Renly will never sit idly by while Captain Roger's son Ace is executed by the Navy.

This represents a possible uncontrollable factor that originally thought the Navy could win the war on top.

And that's only on the surface.

Just imagine, if Renly wants to participate in the top war, can the red-haired pirates still sit still?


I'm afraid not!


The Navy is bound to continue to increase its combat power.

Even retreating monsters will pop up.


The next top war may really destroy the whole world.

Thinking of that possibility, countless forces couldn't help but feel numb in their scalps.

Fortunately, time passed quickly.


Seagulls skim the blue sky.

When the first rays of sunlight appear on the sea.

The contrast live broadcast room across the four seas, great voyages, and new worlds has opened again.

[Ding, the comparison live broadcast room is open].

A prompt sounds.

The speaking area, however, was almost packed.

[Bucky: Coming, coming! ]

[Nami: Ha, is everyone so early?] ]

[Whitebeard: Goo la la la ~ I guess the Navy slept very restlessly last night].

[Sengoku: No kidding, I think it's you pirates who can't sleep steadily, right?] ]

[Zefa, hmm, is Whitebeard so expecting the Navy to sleep restlessly?] ]

[Golden Lion: Hey, you bastards, can you consider the feelings of the dead]

[Golden Lion: Lao Tzu has been bored for a long time before he can finally speak again].

[Whitebeard: Goo la la, forget it, the world of the dead should be quite boring]

[Gore S. D. Roger: Well, it seems that everyone is looking forward to it].

[Solon: Does Luffy from another world develop next?] ]

[Ivankov: I hope there will be no more 'scares' today].

[Frenchy: 'Fright? ’]

[Ivankov: For example, awakening a bully color or something, do you understand that is a concept! ] ]

[Zefa: Hahaha, a seven-year-old domineering imp with a three-color is indeed quite scary].

[Nami:! ]

[Video open...].

[After loading, start live broadcasting].

When the speaking area is in full swing.

The video starts and plays.

[The time for the red-haired pirates to stay in the windmill village began to pass day by day, and a month passed in a flash].

['Dark' Luffy's cultivation not only did not lag behind, but became more assiduous, directly doubling the amount of training every day].

[Because with the increasing level of domineering, 'dark' Luffy found that the uncles of the Shanks Pirates were really strong].

[Nami: Eh, did Dark Luffy only find out at this time that the people of the red-haired pirate group are strong?] ]

[Robin: Ah, this reaction seems to be back to the familiar captain].

[Ivankov: Well, it doesn't seem right... That's not the point at all, hey! ]

[Ivankov: It seems like those red-haired guys have never shown their strength in front of the Luffy boy, have they?] So Dark Luffy can find that the redhead is very strong, which is really outrageous].

[Whitebeard: Goo la la, Dark Luffy's domineering level seems to be increasing at an alarming rate].

[Zefa: It is worthy of being a little devil who inherits Kapu's bloodline, a natural domineering material].

[Karp: This is a good thing, but it can let Luffy from another world see the level of those real monsters on the sea in advance, and setbacks sometimes make people stronger.] ]

Headquarters of the Navy.

Karp looked at Dark Luffy, who was working harder to cultivate on the video, and was extremely relieved.

Unexpectedly, the red-haired kid actually played such a role invisibly.

That's fine.

Seeing the top powerhouse of the sea as soon as possible can also prevent Dark Luffy from having super strength that does not fit his age and give birth to a proud and arrogant heart.

This is also the point that Karp was most worried about last night after watching the video.

Now it seems that he does not use it at all

Karp was thinking of this.


As the video continues to play.

A group of people instantly appeared in the speaking area: "Hmm??? "

The corners of Karp's whole mouth couldn't help twitching slightly.

[Dark Luffy felt his current strength, and sighed with some dissatisfaction, I am afraid that he will not be able to reach the level of the weakest of the red-haired pirate group uncles before he is 10 years old].

[Bucky: Huh? ]

[Nami: Huh?] ]

[Moriah: Hmm??? ]

[Kaido: Hmm??? ]

[Golden Lion: Hmm??? ]

[Ivankov: 'Fright'! ]


You're welcome little ghost!

Dissatisfied with the current strength?

Do you know that the strength you have at your age is beyond the concept of human beings?!

Not to mention the domineering owner of the tricolor!

And also.

What kind of monsters are the red-haired pirates!

That is the cadres are all famous on the sea, and they are known as the most balanced group of pirates with iron walls.

The weakest one bounty is at least hundreds of millions of Bailey!!

Groove, please.

Be a human being, you little devil!

[Whitebeard: Not reached before age 10... Is the strength of the weakest of them? ]

[Ivankov:... This familiar 'fright'! ]

[Zefa: Hahahaha, the grandson of Karp in another world is so ambitious, will he have the strength of hundreds of millions of pirates at the age of 10?] ]

[Yellow Ape: It seems that 'dark' Luffy's talent is more terrifying than in the video we saw before].

[Solon: That monster... Although talent is important, what is even more frightening is that the monster is still very self-disciplined and hardworking

[Sanji: Is this really Luffy, oh my God, even if it's Luffy from another world...]

[Bucky: It's too outrageous, hey, such a straw hat kid is simply a foul-level existence!] ]

[Boya Hancock: This kind of Luffy-kun is also very attractive! ] ]

[Squirrel: Hey, Nanabukai! ] Pay attention to the image, the grandson of another Mr. Karp was only 7 years old at the time! ]

[Frenchy: Outrageous... I feel like our captain must be acting, right? ]

['Light' Luffy: ??? ]

[Reilly: Hahaha, indeed, old man, no, I also feel that Luffy over here is a bit fake].

['Light' Luffy: ??? ]

[Karp: @'Light' Luffy, bastard boy, see it, learn from you in another world, be a pirate, come and become a naval king!] ]

['Light' Luffy: No! I'm going to be One Piece! ]

[Karp: ...]

The old man's fist is hard again!

But just when everyone around the world was shocked by Dark Luffy's terrifying talent.

Soon, the next video once again attracted the attention of countless people.

The reason is simple.

The Q&A bonus session that countless people have been waiting for has finally been triggered again!


The data is a little... It's so bad that the author asks for free flowers and review votes

The early update has maximum motivation!

Thank you very much.

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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