
[After saying goodbye to the people of Windmill Village, Luffy begins to go to the sea alone].

[He must use his own experience and witness, and have his own judgment to determine the path of his navy king].

[However, with going to sea, Dark Luffy drifted at sea for three days before he realized a serious problem].

[That is, he has no experience in navigation at all, and he cannot distinguish his specific location, so he can only let the sailboat go to unknown places with the help of the wind].

[Time passed day by day, Dark Luffy had been adrift at sea for nearly a month, almost exhausting all his reserves, and had not yet seen the island].

[Nami: ...]

[Joba: ...]

[Sanji: Dark Luffy doesn't have any sailing experience at all! ]

[Solon: Well, the most worrying thing has appeared]

[Ivankov: In other words, the Straw Hat boy wouldn't just starve to death at sea, would he?] ]

[Bucky: ... Don't say, if it goes on like this, it's really possible.]

[Rayleigh: Ahh That's a lot of trouble

[Solon: Who just said that Luffy's luck has always been good?] ]

[Nami: Eh (〃▽〃), shouldn't you?] ]

[Solon: Hey, don't play the fool! ]

[Brooke: Yo hehe, now I just hope that the captain's luck in another world will not continue to be bad]

[After continuing to wander for a week, Dark Luffy knows that this is not the way to go, so he prepares to catch some fish for food].

[But on this day, the bright blue sky suddenly changed color, it poured rain, and it was accompanied by a storm, and the sails were directly hung up, but fortunately, Luffy flexibly used his ability to act as a sailboat, and used his arm rotation as a power to avoid the possibility of being engulfed by the storm].

[Brooke: ...]

[Whitebeard: ...]

[Gore S. D. Roger: ...]

[Bucky: ...]

Do you people from the Straw Hat Pirates have some kind of magic?

It's just a quasi-statement!

[Ivankov: But that ability, it's really nonsense].

[Marko: If you change to other abilities or ordinary people, I am afraid that it will be directly devoured].

[Renly: yes, so Luffy is really related to that fruit]

[Sanji: It's over, I now suspect that Dark Luffy is no longer a matter of strength, but of whether he can survive at sea].

[Sengoku: ...]

[After a day and a night, the storm finally stopped].

[The sky has been blue for a long time, and seagulls begin to skim by].

[Dark Luffy lamented that life at sea is really not easy, but fortunately, after more than a month of drifting].

[An island finally appeared in front of Dark Luffy].

[Dark Luffy landed on the island without hesitation and learned from the local residents that it was called 'Shells Town'].

['Light' Luffy: Shells Town?!] Huh?! Isn't that where I met Solon?! ]

[Solon: Yes, but Dark Luffy went to the sea too early, I'm afraid we won't meet at that time].

['Light' Luffy: Whoops, that's it]

[Sanji: And you don't have to worry about yourself in another world being killed by Luffy as a pirate]

[Solon: Bastard curly eyebrows! ] ]

[Nami: Phew~ It seems that there is no need to worry about Dark Luffy being starved to death at sea. ]

[Usopp: But it's really fate, Luffy came to the town where Luffy met Solon on our side]

[Kirby: I really doubt that I met Mr. Luffy.]

[Brooke: So now...]

[Frenchy: Stop talking! ] Bruno, I suspect that Luffy over there is going to have something bad again.]

[Bruno: Huh... This way]

[After arriving in this town, Luffy learned about the local situation].

[I knew that there was a naval branch in the area to maintain the security of the town, but Dark Luffy did not bother them].

[but after this brief experience].

[Dark Luffy realizes that he lacks something common sense].

[So Luffy plans to take a break here and start asking experienced fishermen for serious advice].

[Although the process was not smooth at first, fortunately, the fishermen in the town found that the outsider of Dark Luffy did not have any malice, so they patiently passed on some knowledge].

[It took about a month for Dark Luffy to master this knowledge].

[During this period, Dark Luffy met an enthusiastic naval soldier of the local naval branch, Monka, and saw that Dark Luffy would help the townspeople repair things, so he took the initiative to invite Luffy to a big meal].

[Solon: Dark Luffy that guy...]

[Zefa: Hey, it's really amazing growth and learning ability, and you will correct it as soon as you realize your shortcomings, Karp, you have to learn this from Dark Luffy, haha.] ]

[Sengoku: Fortunately, it seems that he really did not inherit Karp's character with a nerve strip]

[Burning Mountain: No wonder Dark Luffy chooses to go to sea alone].

[Ghost Spider: Although it seems presumptuous, it is indeed easier to look forward to the future of Dark Luffy].

[Kirby: But then again, zealous sailors.] Monka? What the hell is that?! Isn't that guy a very murderous Captain?! ]

[Solon: At Luffy's current age, that Monka shouldn't have become a captain yet, but... The same person seems to be a little too bad, and something is a little wrong. ]

['Light' Luffy: Huh?] Monka? Is it the guy with an iron mask on his chin? I didn't even recognize it

[Nami: ...]

[Burning Mountain: Well, the best thing is that Dark Luffy did not inherit Mr. Karp's nervous personality, but Mr. Karp's grandson on our side seems to have fallen behind].

[Karp: ...]

The more you watch this comparison video.

Especially the dark luffy who found the above deficiency and went to supplement the knowledge at the first time.

Then I think of my grandson who is now shouting to become One Piece.


The old man can't wait to run to another world to be Luffy's grandfather!

[Bruno: Although I joined late, maybe something happened to cause the change in that person's temperament?] ]

[Kirby: What happened... Wait, I remember that Monka was promoted to captain because he solved the people of the Black Cat Pirates and became the only survivor in that siege with more than 100 casualties, but Mr. Luffy here met the captain of the Black Cat Pirates later, right? ]

[Solon: Ah, so I suddenly remembered that there was a guy who was good at hypnosis in the group of black cat pirates that Dark Luffy solved, right? Could it be related to that guy? ]

[Kebi: Eh, so Mr. Dark Luffy indirectly solved two things over there?] ]

[Kebi: "It's Mr. Luffy!"] "]

[Solon: But looking at that enthusiastic Monka, I still feel weird]

['Light Luffy': Well, it's good that the guy didn't become a villain, it's not quite responsible]

[Enthusiastic Monka takes Dark Luffy to visit some of the whole picture of Shieldstown].

[During the period, it tells how their branch heroically protects civilians and fights with pirates].

[Although casualties can sometimes be avoided at every attendance, there are also people who shrink and fear

After all, they are also living people, but once they enter the actual battle, in order to protect this hard-won peace, thinking of those innocent people who cannot protect themselves, they will do their best to repel the invasion of the hateful pirates, because there are people who are very important to them, and as a navy, this is not only a responsibility, but also a belief that they want to protect.]

[At the end of the day's visit, Dark Luffy lies thoughtfully on the boat that has lost its sails].

[Sure enough, this world is very exciting, but it is precisely because of this that the guys who break this peace should be even more unforgivable].

[So after staying here for nearly three months, Dark Luffy silently left here one night].

[After understanding, he has understood that the naval branch here is very diligent, the local residents are also very stable, plus his supplies and the knowledge he needs have been supplemented, there is no reason to continue to stay here].

[Dark Luffy embarks on the journey again].

[However, Dark Luffy underestimated the extent of the damage to the wooden ship in the storm].

[The corresponding knowledge did not bring enough strength to the wooden boat].

[So that night, the wooden boat... Just flipped].

[Nami: ...]

[Joba: ...]

[Rayleigh: ...]

[Gore S. D. Roger: Ah this... The grandson of the Kapu guy is really doomed].

[Solon: I think... This luck is probably unique in the world].

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