
[After solving this group of pirates]

[Nami still hasn't come to her senses, looking at the dark luffy who is obviously younger than herself, but can easily solve the pirate who has a reward of more than 5 million Bailey]

["Lu, Luffy, what the hell are you?! "~】

["Huh? I'm Luffy. Dark Luffy returned to Nami-'s ship and laughed]

["I don't mean this, I'm talking about your strength, how can you not have a little fame-.] "】

[Dark Luffy's performance refreshed Nami's three views, although I know that Luffy is not simple and can solve that kind of sea king, but... Dark Luffy defeated those pirates too easily]

When Dark Luffy heard this, he rubbed his forehead and explained truthfully: "Well, it may be because I have been cultivating in the mountains of Windmill Village, I just came to the sea. "】

【“... In this way, windmill village, is a place that has not been heard of, and the people there must be very strong, right? "】

[Nami is a little suspicious, but thinking that Dark Luffy seems to lack some common sense things]

[It seems that everything has become reasonable again]

["Is it strong...?"] "Dark Road Hearsay]

[Grandpa, Jiedan, brother Ace, Marcino's wife, and the residents of Windmill Village come to mind]

Luffy said, "Actually, they're similar to the people who live in other towns, but it's a friendly place?" "】

["Huh? Like this? It seems that it must be a very peaceful place, and the people who live should be very happy. Nami's eyes showed longing, and at the same time a flash of gloom]

"Hmm. Luffy nodded, then interrupted Nami's thoughts, "By the way, Nami, how much more Bailey do I owe you." "】

["Bay, Bailey? Well... And three, no, eight million Baileys! Nami subconsciously prepared to say the number and quickly changed her words]

[Dark Luffy is so powerful, she doesn't want to miss such a thug]

["There are so many, but the bounty of those pirates should make up for some of it, right?] "Dark Luffy looks at the pirate ship]

[Nami was stunned, then nodded: "Yes, of course, but don't forget that you still owe me a lot of Bailey!] "】

"Okay. "】

[Subsequently, Dark Luffy and Nami exchanged the pirates with the bounty for Bailey from the previous town naval branch, and the remaining pirates informed the location of the navy in the local naval branch and they were imprisoned]

[Later, Dark Luffy looked at Nami who saw the treasure's eyes shining]

["Nami. "】

["Huh? "】

[Dark Luffy sat down and said, "Let's talk.] "】

["Talk? Are you trying to take Bailey?! This is mine! "Nami is a little nervous]

[Dark Luffy rubbed his forehead: "Don't worry, I won't.] "】

["Whew~" Nami breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat down: "Then you say, I'm in a good mood now, no matter what you want to talk about. "】

"Good. Dark Luffy nodded and looked at Nami: "Then I'll just say, stealing is a bad act, you know?" "】

["Ahhh... I said it all, you won't really believe that gang of pirates..." Nami was about to make an excuse to prevaricate, but noticed Luffy's serious eyes]

[Nami knew that she couldn't hide it, and sighed: "So what? Luffy, you know, those guys are all hateful pirates who deserve to be stolen, right? "】

[Dark Luffy nodded: "Well, those guys don't deserve sympathy, but although we just met, we are now friends, so I still hope you don't do such things in the future.] "】

"Don't do it..."Nami muttered, her palms clenched quietly, she noticed the sky today, and said, "Okay." "】

[So, you promised? "】

"Well," Nami nodded, squeezing out a smile, "But let's talk about other things tomorrow, if we don't hurry today, we won't be able to reach the next town." "】

"Okay. Dark Luffy nodded in agreement, although he noticed the unnaturalness of Nami's revelation, but as his new friend, Dark Luffy decided to give Nami enough trust, and believed that even if it was a little hidden, Nami would tell him sooner]

Bucky: Hey, Straw Hat's companions were stealing pirates' treasures so early, no wonder Lord Ben's previous navigation chart was stolen! It's abominable!

Renly: Haha, it can be seen that Luffy's companion really likes treasure

Yamaji: But Dark Luffy will persuade Nami to give up, do you think it will succeed?

Solon: Well, unfortunately, Dark Luffy will not succeed at that time

BROOKE: Why? Miss Nami?

Nami: ...

Solon: In short, Nami had her own troubles at that time

Solon scratched his hair and looked at Senbon Sakura around his waist.

Although knowing that Dark Luffy in another world will not persuade Nami to succeed.


Solon thought about what happened in the village of Cocosia.

With Dark Luffy without the nervous character of their captain.

"Perhaps, it's not a bad thing for Nami to meet the captain of another world too early."

"And seeing that guy so strong..."

Solon took out Senbon Sakura and laughed at himself on his face: "Really, my hard work is still not enough." "

The video continues to play.

[Dark Luffy and Nami embark on a new voyage, this time very, and before it gets completely dark, they arrive at a populated island]

[Because of what happened in just one day, both of them decided to take a break here]

【And I chose a hotel to live in for a long time】

[However, as Luffy finishes his workout, after a night's rest]

[In the middle of the night, Dark Luffy detected the sound of Nami quietly getting up next door by seeing and hearing the domineering]

[Dark Luffy opened his eyes and muttered: "It seems that there is something that I didn't tell me, but... Nami you should come back, right? "】

[Afterwards, Luffy sleeps]

【Time to the next day】

[Dark Luffy notices Nami's unoccupied room next door]

[Dark Luffy came to the hotel alone and had breakfast first]

[Then go to the beach and watch the disappearing ship and Nami disappear on the island]

["Sure enough... I still left. "There is a touch of complexity in Dark Luffy's eyes]

Choba: Eh, why did Nami leave?! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Frenchy: Why is that, hasn't Nami seen Dark Luffy's strength?! Isn't it safe to be around Dark Luffy?!

Yamaji: Maybe that's why Nami made Dark Luffy a friend, so she left

Nami: ...

【After discovering Nami leaving】

[Dark Luffy rubbed his forehead and didn't say much]

[When he returned to the hotel, he saw that the boss was about to hand him a note]

["This guest, this is something that the guest in the next room of yours forgot, I saw that you are companions, so I handed it over to you, do you know when that companion will return?] "】

"Well, it should be my stuff. Dark Luffy took the note, and then said, "Calling Nami back, is it because she didn't pay?" "】

["Nami, what a nice little girl, but you don't have to pay for it, and Bailey was found with the things, which is enough to pay for several days. "】

"This way, trouble. "】

【"No trouble, serving guests is as it should be. The boss smiled and turned to leave.

[Dark Luffy looked at the note in his hand: "Well, Nami guy is not bad, just, let me see the content.] "】

[Dark Luffy opened the note and saw Nami write that for some reason, she thought it was better to travel alone, and said that she was really happy to know him, and if Dark Luffy considered her a friend, then bless each other]

[After reading the content, Dark Luffy rubbed his forehead: "What, isn't there anything written at all, it seems that Nami really has something to hide from me.] "】

[After the owner of the inn served another guest's breakfast, he saw the faintly distressed dark Luffy, and couldn't help but ask: "This guest, has something happened?" "】

[Dark Luffy smiled and said, "It's nothing, but ah. "】

"But? "】

["Well, boss, have you been to many places in the East China Sea? 】

When the innkeeper heard this, he smiled and said: "Hahaha, don't look at me like this, when I was young, I dreamed of going to sea, I have been to almost every place in the East China Sea, and I am very confident in my eyesight. "】

"That's great," Dark Luffy's eyes lit up, "Can you get rid of that and you can wait for me for a while?" Plus I need a piece of paper and pen. "】

"Well, I'm not busy now, but I'm fine. The boss smiled and fetched a piece of paper and pen for Dark Luffy]

["I want to think..." Dark Luffy thought for a moment, then took a pen and kept drawing on the paper, not for a long time]

[Dark Luffy raised his head and showed the paper to the boss: "Boss, can you see that this kind of ship is generally in that place? "】

["The ship... Well, it's hard to tell. The innkeeper pondered, "There are so many of these boats, but if you want to go somewhere, it's better to have a sign." "】

["Sign..." Dark Luffy suddenly remembered something, drew crookedly on the paper with a pen, and then looked up and asked, "What about this?" "】

"I'll take a look. The innkeeper re-produced the paper, and then, the innkeeper's face suddenly changed: "This is...?" "】

"Looks like boss, you know what this means, right? "】

[The innkeeper's face was grim: "Hmm... But, guest. "】

["What's wrong? "】

The innkeeper advised: "If you want to go to a place related to this sign, I suggest that you better not go." "】

"Why? Dark Luffy wondered]

[The innkeeper was a little afraid: "Because there have been very bad rumors in that place in recent years, and I heard that the owner of this symbol is a group of pirates, they have done all kinds of evil, occupying more than a dozen villages, in short, it is a very chaotic place, not a place for your age. "】

["So that's it..." Dark Luffy thought thoughtfully, is this something that Nami is hiding? But. 】

[Dark Luffy raised his head and smiled, "Then please tell me the name of that place.] "】

["Name... Hey, you wouldn't really plan to go, would you? "】

"Don't worry, I just want to hear it. "】

["Whew~ Fortunately, that place is called...."]

[Not often, when the dark road fly out of the hotel]

[Dark Luffy came to the edge of the island, looked at the endless sea in front of him, and muttered: "Cocosia Village... The Evil Dragon Pirate Group, knowing the specific name, should be easy to find, and Nami doesn't look like a bad person, in this case,

I'll go check it out and tell Nami that guy by the way..."

[Dark Luffy's eyes flashed: "If you really treat a person as a friend, no matter what happens, even if it is a goodbye, you must say goodbye to me!" "】

Yamaji: 0.0!! Huh

Joba: Wow, Dark Luffy went to find Nami!

Frenchy: Sure enough, Dark Luffy STRONG is handsome and gentle!

Usopp: Dark Luffy YYDS! Great, originally I was worried that Nami and Dark Luffy would separate so soon

Solon: That guy... Sure enough, whether it is the captain of our world or the dark Luffy of another world, they are guys who like to be random and easy to be expected, and they actually plan to go to Nami's hometown for the sake of Nami who he just met, but it is Luffy.

Nicole Robin: Ahhhh

Whitebeard: Goo la la, don't you give up on friends easily? I really want Dark Luffy to be the grandson of the old man

Golden Lion: Come on, when you are your grandson, you have received so many sons, how to calculate the generation? Newgate?

Whitebeard: Goo la la, then it's okay to be the son of the old man, right?

Golden Lion: Huh? Karp:??? , Finally someone admitted that it was the son of the old man?

Bucky: Poof...!

Ivankov: Hahaha, this next generation seems to be more chaotic

Karp: Haha, but the old man doesn't have such an old son

Whitebeard: ... Evening.

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