【“... What exactly is this. Nami came back to her senses, noticed the blood stains on Dark Luffy's fist, and her face changed: "No, Luffy, do you know how dangerous it is here?!" "】

"Danger? Are you worried about me? Hey, I know, Nami, you won't be some ruthless female cadre of the Evil Dragon Pirates, right? Dark Luffy smiled]

["When is it, you..."

"This one. Dark Luffy noticed the blood stains on his body and said, "Don't worry, these are those evil dragon pirates, didn't you say that?" I'm actually..."

["Road, Luffy! Be careful with the back! Nami's face suddenly changed, and I saw the evil dragon with shattered teeth take the opportunity to open its mouth and bite behind Dark Luffy.

["Damn human imps! Go to hell!!! "】

[However, what meets Nami's eyes is not that Dark Luffy was injured by a dragon sneak attack]

[It's not a picture of Luffy being killed carelessly]

[Instead, Dark Luffy seems to have eyes behind him, his face sank, and his left hand has grabbed the dragon's chin first, and then smashed ~ on the ground]

[Looking at Nami, who was shocked and froze in place, Dark Luffy continued: "Well, didn't you say that I'm actually quite strong-?] "】

Usopp: Wow! This scene, Dark Luffy is really handsome!

Joba: Luffy (??)!!

Frenchy: This is the real man! It is worthy of being super ~ handsome dark luffy!

Karp: That kid, well done, hahaha, worthy of being the grandson that the old man is proud of!

Roger Gor D: A proud grandson? At this time, it is necessary to call out a certain brat who is shouting to become One Piece

Light Luffy: Shhhh Is there something going on?


Karp: Bastard Roger, give the old man death!

Headquarters of the Navy.

Black lines appeared on Karp's forehead.

Which pot is this Rogett not mentioning which pot, right?

Reilly: Hahaha

Zefa: However, that kid didn't hesitate to fight, didn't give the enemy any chance, always observed the movement, and that top intuition, Karp, that kid's fighting talent is probably far above you

Karp: Isn't it nice to be my husband's grandson anyway! Hahaha

Douglas Barrett: That little ghost... It really ignited Lao Tzu's desire to fight, but it's a pity why that kid is not on our side, I really want to wait for that kid to grow up and fight again in a few years

Kaido: +1, this boring world, there must be more such guys, it will be more interesting, Oh Lo!


Klockdahl: Fight? Barrett, I advise you to wake up in that twenty-year-old head, really in a few years, I'm afraid you will not be beaten by that monster Dark Road, and this side... By the way, the kid fruit over here has awakened, and if it is really that rumored existence, the result is really difficult to say

Douglas Barrett: Sand crocodile, after so many years, your guy's mouth has not changed at all, I just don't know if your strength will stay in place like your mouth

Klockdar: Oh, don't you know if you try it? Provided you can get out of the cell.

Douglas Barrett: Hmph, wait, that day won't be too dark! I haven't forgotten to exercise every day in Advance City

Bucky: Every day... All working out, lying groove, Barrett what do you want to do?!

Douglas Barrett: Hey, that's to say, of course, the strongest in the world, that's my name!



Golden Lion:?

Kaido: What shit belongs to you, that's Lao Tzu's!

Charlotte: Don't argue, it's all the old lady's!

Karp: Huh?

Roger Gor D: Huh?

Cycla: Huh?

Akainu: Huh?


It seems that someone in the speaking area today suddenly lost their heads.

The strongest in the world?

Is there any misunderstanding?

Is it because they all don't exist?

Ivankov: Goo ... Facing the big guy shivered .jpg

Tsuru: But what makes me care more... It's what happened in the first place

Tsuru: It looks completely different from the report you received in the East China Sea, right?

Sengoku: Well, not bad

Colonel Mouse: ...

Tokai, Sixteenth Naval Branch.

Colonel Mouse looked at the video that continued to play.

A tissue constantly wipes the sweat from your forehead.

Shouldn't it be the East Window incident? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

No, it's not right.

Since the other grandson of Mr. Karp arrived in Cocosia village so early.

Maybe he still has a chance, a chance to avoid a catastrophe!

The brain is racing.


Because of the physique of the Fish-Terran race, the next words of the evil dragon who did not die immediately directly caused Colonel Rat to squat on the ground without standing firmly, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.


["Cough, cough..."]

[The evil dragon struggled to raise his head from the ground, his eyes were extremely cold, even if he knew that he was not the opponent of this monster imp in front of him]

[But the evil dragon is not panicked, because he still has the last cards and means that are useless]

0 ask for flowers

"Hey, human imp, do you know what the biggest mistake you've made is?!" 】

["Huh? Still alive? "Dark Luffy looks at the dragon]

[I saw the evil dragon take out a phone worm from his pocket and laugh madly: That is, no matter how strong your strength is, the strongest force in this sea is power and privilege, and under this derivative is the navy! ] And by coincidence, Lao Tzu just happened to know the local navy! "】

[Then, the evil dragon will call the phone worm]

"Luffy... Stop him! Nami returned to her senses, her face changing slightly]

[Dark Luffy comforted, "It's okay, Nami. Looking at Nami's nervous look, Dark Luffy did not dislike the sweat on Nami's body at all, but grabbed Nami's hand, and he smiled: "Trust me." "】

[As early as before coming to Cocosia Village, a doubt was in the deepest part of Dark Luffy's heart, why did the local navy let the evil dragon pirate group]

[Now it seems that this answer is finally about to be revealed]

[Not long after, this is a team of navies running from not far away, and then, accompanied by a branch colonel with a rat breathing on his face, swaggering over, this is a scene that besieged Dark Luffy and Nami]

Bucky: ???

Ivankov: Isn't that right? Looking at the appearance of that evil dragon, he was ready to call the navy to help??? No, did that guy really succeed?

Burning Mountain: Abominable, what are those navies doing? If you don't go to capture the pirates, how can you surround Mr. Karp's grandson?

Golden Lion: Hahahaha, laughing at Lao Tzu, the pirates called the navy to help, Warring States, your navy really has one set behind the other, Lao Tzu is an eye-opener

Kaido: Oh, Navy, gee, now you want others to see the true face of hypocrisy, right?

Charlotte: +1

Warring states:... Damn it!

Headquarters of the Navy.

Marin Fando.

Inside the conference room.

When the Warring States saw this scene, they stood up almost immediately.


The people of the naval branch were actually helping the evil dragon pirate group who was obviously extremely evil?

This is no longer something that was problematic in the war report sent by the sixteenth branch.

This is purely smearing the entire Navy!!

And this matter was still compared to the live broadcast room, so that the whole world saw it.

As you can imagine, this is almost too bad to be worse.

"That damn bastard, it must be thoroughly investigated, no, directly order the nearest branch to take down the bastard who colluded with the pirates for me!"

Sengoku gave emergency orders almost in a roaring manner.

Highlight the urgent attitude of the Warring States at the moment.

And at the moment.

The video on the comparison live broadcast room continues to play Ding.

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