Outside 1 second, monthly reading space for a year,

The time efficiency of Infinite Moon Reading is much stronger than the so-called strongest illusion technique of Uchiha Itachi, especially when used on the blackened Naruto whose strength is unknown, it is far more terrifying than the one used when Uchiha is controlled by Kuroba.

Today's ninja world is only more than 60 years from the end of the Warring States period, and although the average life expectancy of people is more than 40 years per capita, it will not exceed 60.

And 60 years is just one minute in an infinite monthly reading.

If Shi Yu followed Hei Jue and used the Divine Tree Realm Birth to keep the middle magicians alive and transform them into Bai Jue, then it would not be much problem to say that they had obtained immortality.

It's just that this eternal life is something that no one wants, because it is more like Sisyphus who was punished by death, forever reincarnated in those suffocating three years.

As long as they fail to complete the trial of blackening Naruto, they will be immersed in this reincarnation hell forever.

Iruka was a little excited and tried to persuade Naruto in the chat room:

"Naruto, those civilians are innocent, how could they pass that harsh trial."

However, the blackened Naruto in the sky said calmly and lightly:

"Why not? Are they worse than a three-year-old? Don't forget that you use the body, talent, and strength of 'Naruto', and you have a more mature mind than 'him'. "

"You should be glad that I didn't put your three-year-old soul into the Moon Reading Space Trial, if that's the case, I don't think you would be talking nonsense with me here so calmly."

Iruka: But Naruto...!

Seeing Iruka, who still wanted to speak, blackened Naruto and said with a look of contempt:

"Shut up, I forgot to tell you, in my world, you are not my teacher, and you don't have much to do with me, so you don't have to try to change the rules of the game with so-called bonds."

Iruka instantly spoke, looking at Naruto in the sky with a heart palpitation, didn't he succeed in helping Naruto in that world?

At this time, the 12 Xiaoqiang and the others who had withdrawn from the moon reading space looked stunned, and they had not recovered from that terrifying meeting for a while.

They were only 12 years old, and it took even the most genius Sasuke 6 years to break out of the moon reading space, which was already half his age, and even he couldn't imagine how the three-year-old Naruto had passed that tragic trial in one go.

Obviously, with Naruto's talent, it is absolutely impossible to pass so quickly.

At this time, Inuzuka Ya and Ding Ji, who were relatively less talented, had a vicissitudes of death flashing in their eyes.

The time they have spent in the Infinite Monthly Reading has even exceeded their age on earth.

In a corner of Konoha Village, the white-haired Jiraiya also looked at Naruto with a look of chagrin.

If he hadn't chosen to leave Konoha with Orochimaru, who had been driven away by the three generations in order to escape reality, Naruto would definitely not have suffered these pains because he was not guided.

After Orochimaru was expelled from Konoha because of the so-called human experiment, he knew that Konoha's roots had rotted, and in the same experiment, the second-generation Hokage was just reprimanded, and then sealed ninjutsu into the sealing scroll, and the big snake pill, who had just obtained massive merits in the ninja war, was directly set as a traitor to hunt down.

This undisguised unloading of grinding and killing donkeys directly made Jiraiya, who had been taught by the Will of Fire, unacceptable at all, so he chose to leave Konoha in the name of chasing and killing Orochimaru.

And this also took advantage of the intention of the ape flying sun, without the help of the master of Jiraiya, Naruto's brainwashing plan was much more convenient.

Looking at the indifferent eyes of blackened Naruto in the sky, he remembered the prophecy that Toad Pill had given himself.

The child of destiny either becomes the great hero who saves the ninja world, or the great demon king who destroys the world, and the one in the sky does not look like a hero...

At this time, the screen in the sky lights up again, and it is a projection of a white frame.

[6-year-old Naruto went to ninja school, and he began to desperately refine Chakra and learn the three-body art in order to become a Hokage and gain everyone's recognition].

[Unfortunately, because of the leakage of the Nine-Tailed Chakra, it is difficult for Naruto to control his own Chakra, which leads to his complete mess in the use of Chakra. ] 】

[Three years after Naruto enrolled, Sarutobi completed the integration of Konoha's various ninja clans, and all the heirs of each family were arranged to receive the influence of the will of fire at the ninja school. (Inuzuka recalls that when he met Naruto, Naruto had been enrolled in school for three years)].

[At this time, Naruto still can't use any kind of ninjutsu, so he became the crane tail in the ninja school and began to skip school with Shikamaru and the others].

[Until he found an adult magazine in an adult bookstore and suddenly opened the door to a new world.] 】

Naruto Uzumaki: "??? "

ps. Find the data

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