At the suggestion of little Paimon, the group first went to find Flora from the flower shop.

“You see, that’s his fantasy friend,” Wendy’s voice sounded, “a fluttering plant, well… It’s Pompon. ”

“Can fantasy friends also be plants?” Little Paimon couldn’t help but ask.

“Huh? Hello traveler, poet! ”

Seeing the comer, Flora happily stepped forward to say hello.

“Hello, can I take up some of your time?”

“Okay!” Flora was enthusiastic, “Is there something wrong with Flora?” ”

“This one around you… Is it your family? ”

“Huh??? Can you see the puffy? Flora was surprised, “No one else can see the fluffy!” ”

Finding that someone could see Ponpont, Flora was very happy, “Ponpeng is my best friend, we grew up together~”

“Oh… This feeling that only I am being excluded…” said little Paimon very unhappy.

“Flora, why is your friend a pontocarpus?” Wendy stepped forward and asked.

“Why not?” Flora asked rhetorically, “I’ve always wanted to be friends with flying plants. ”

“Flying plants? Friend? Paimon’s little hands were behind his back, tilting his head and asking curiously, “Why?” ”

“Hmph! When the wind blows, you and your friends will fly into the sky and go farthest away, how powerful!!! ”

“Isn’t that just being blown away?” Little Paimon was speechless.

“Hee-hee, some people say that,” Flora squinted and smiled, “I heard other people’s adventures to know that there is such a plant in the world.” ”

“If memory serves, that traveler seems to be called… Stanley…”

“Listen to his story, as soon as he opens his mouth, he is an old adventurer~ Heehee, “Stanley’s Bizarre Adventure”, in our super famous !!! in Mondmond” 977

“Besides, Stanley is in town, if you want to hear it, you can go to him~”

Flora enthusiastically recommended Stanley to everyone.

“That’s nice,” Wendy laughed, “we’ll listen to it next time, but for now, we have other things to do…”

Leaving Flora, the group came to the bridgehead outside Mondstadt.

“Traveler, come and see our old friends!”

“Ruins guard?”

Ying couldn’t help but be surprised.

“What… What the? Little Paimon’s eyes widened, “Timmy’s fantasy friend, it turns out to be the relic guard?” ”

“Huh? It’s a surprise. Wendy also crossed her waist and raised her eyebrows, “Perhaps, this is the giant of the heart!” ”

Little Paimon shivered at the thought of the pigeons that had been eating Timmy before.

“It’s terrible… Will it be attacked? Little Paimon tugged at the traveler’s sleeve in fear, “Brigade… Traveler, listen to me – the area ahead, come and explore later…”

Leaving Timmy, little Paimon breathed a sigh of relief.

“Unexpectedly, these children’s hearts are really free! Is that why there are all kinds of fantasy friends? ”

“Born in the city of freedom, these children should have unlimited imagination,” Wendy said her opinion, “traveler, after seeing the children, let’s go see the adults!” ”


Outside the tavern, Kaia and Diluc sat around the table and drank.

“Sure enough, wine still has to be more fun in the tavern…”

Several adults began to communicate, and not far away, the traveler once again brought the detector.

But this time, nothing (ccah) was seen.

“Sure enough, it’s the same as you said,” hearing this result, although it was expected, little Paimon was still a little disappointed, “Adults, there really is no fantasy friend!” ”

“Is it really because of the lack of childhood?” Wendy’s voice was also a little embarrassed.

“Is it true that when you grow up, you will become a person without dreams?” Little Paimon’s tone was a little low, “Then I don’t want to grow up…”

“You! I won’t grow up in this life! Ying teased from the side.

“Traveler, what are you talking about!!!” Little Paimon was unhappy.

“Oh?” Ying raised her eyebrows, “That little Paimon wants to grow up?” ”

“I… No…… I…… Hum! Traveller! Paimon ignored you!!! ”

Little Paimon stomped his little foot, indicating that he was angry.

“So, how old do boys’ and girl’s fantasy friends usually last?” Wendy’s voice interrupted Ying and Paimon’s playfulness, “We… Go check it out! ”

At Wendy’s suggestion, the group went to the training ground, intending to see Erin’s fantasy friend.


At the training ground, looking at Erin, who was training hard, the detector was put on the glow.

“It’s Jean!”

“Captain Qin?” Little Paimon was surprised, “Could it be that Erin’s fantasy friend is Captain Qin?” ”

“Hey? Hello guys! Is there something going on? Seeing the comer, Erin wiped her sweat and stopped training.

“Have you been practicing sword here?” Little Paimon asked.

“yes!” Erin nodded, “Listening to Stanley talk about his adventure today, it’s wonderful!” It makes my heart rush! ”

Erin’s expression was excited, “I hope that one day, I can also become a good person like Mr. Stanley!” ”

“Is it to fight alongside Captain Qin?” Wendy asked suddenly.

“I… Of course I want to be a knight! Erin smiled sheepishly, “If only I could go on an adventure with Captain Qin… It’s even better! ”


Lisa: Jean, it seems that Erin admires you! (laughs) (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Jean: Erin, it’s an honor to be your fantasy friend Erin, Erin has always been a very hard working child, come on!

Erin: (blush) (blush)

Erin: Jean, thank you, Captain Jean, I will definitely continue to work hard!!! (fist shake)


“Erin really admires Captain Qin!” In the picture, little Paimon sighed on the side.

“You will definitely succeed!” Ying also encouraged from the sidelines.

“Thank you…” Erin just nodded, suddenly seemed to remember something, and her face changed, “Oops!” ”

“What’s wrong?” Little Paimon asked subconsciously.

Ying rolled her eyes on the side.

You know why there are so many tasks, right?

Most of them are small paimons!

“I was so focused on the practice that I forgot what I was meant to do!” Erin grimaced, “Originally, I was going to discuss the adventure plan with the new adventurer Jack… But I’m too tired to move… Traveler, can you bring me a message with Jack? Tell him about the adventure plan another day? ”


Thinking that there seemed to be nothing going on recently, Ying agreed.

“Great, thank you!” Erin quickly bowed, “I think he should have ventured in the South Wind Lion Temple today… With Mr. Stanley. ”

“Mr. Stanley is a legendary adventurer who once arrived in the Sea of Ash!!!


Bidding farewell to Erin, the group left Mondstadt and entered the Temple of the Lion of the South Wind.

“The Lion Temple of the South Wind… In order to deal with the Wind Demon Dragon incident before, have you already explored here? Little Paimon said thoughtfully, “But now it has become a place for adventurers to adventure!” That is…”

Little Paimon suddenly exclaimed, “We didn’t clean up last time!!! ”



“Traveler, quick! Don’t let other adventurers get ahead!!! ”


As travelers gradually penetrate deeper into the temple, one monster after another is cleaned up.

After cleaning up some of the monsters, the group found two adventurers dressed as people.

“I thought I was going to die!” One of them covered his heart and had palpitations.

“It’s really just a little bit close,” Wendy stepped forward, “By the way, you’re Jack the Adventurer, right?” ”

Although it was a question, Wendy’s voice was very affirmative.

“Yes, are you…”

“We’re here for you!” Little Paimon said from the sidelines.

“Eleto, let’s bring you a message, she can’t discuss the adventure plan with you today, she has to go another day.”

“Uh… So that’s so…” Jack scratched his head embarrassedly, “I’m sorry to bother you guys to come here to find me and save me…”

“Hah! Have a finger in the pie! There is no need to save at all! Couldn’t I Stanley figure out this simple situation! Another man suddenly spoke up, interrupting Jack.

“That’s right! I’m Stanley!!! Stanley clasped his hands to his chest, looking refreshed.

“Huh! It’s an honor to meet legendary figures! Wendy was noncommittal and looked at the traveler on the side, “So, what are you going to do now, go forward, or turn back?” ”

Before the traveler could speak, Stanley’s laughter came out, “Hahaha, little girl, with you, but the great adventurer Stanley who shocked Mond!!! ”

“With me here, is there still a need to turn back?”

The group reached an agreement and decided to move on.

Along the way, Stanley kept thinking about newcomers repeating his own identity.

“Okay, you’ve repeated it several times!” Little Paimon couldn’t stand it, “We know, you’re Stanley, the great adventurer who shocked Mond!” ”

Sensing the dissatisfaction of the group, Stanley coughed dryly, “Cough… Let’s continue with the story of my adventures with my companions! Jack, where did you just talk? ”

“The legendary Ember Sea, without a trace of wind, is terrifying!”

“Oh… Right! There is a ringing silence, and the sea as far as the eye can see is made of ash…”

“It’s terrible! My companion, I was almost taken away by the whirlpool set off by the Warcraft! Thanks to me pulling him tightly…”

“He… Is he all right? Jack asked worriedly.

“It’s a pity…” Stanley’s tone became lost, “I was the only one who finally stepped on my hometown land again, and let the wind blow the tears from the corners of my eyes…”

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