Seeing this, everyone knows that the picture of Erin is over.

The next time Erin sees Hainaz, she may tell when.

After all.

Judging from the scattered information in the sky, even Erin herself does not know whether she will be able to meet next time.

And deeply worried about it.

All this can be traced back to the conversation between the Fire Dragon King and Erin.

What exactly did they say that day?

No one knew, but since then, Erin has acted as if she was about to say goodbye.

Why is that?

Just thinking about it tells what will happen to Heinaz.

And this matter is likely to be related to the previous wrong timeline.

I know that when Natsu woke up, it was the current timeline, but Heinaz’s side was strange about the timeline four hundred years ago.

There is a difference of hundreds of years in between, in the end…

What happened?

Countless people watched the sky with bated breath.

Trying to find the answer to that series of questions in the next picture.

[The screen is fast forward.] 】

[Heinaz walked along the road he had set off before towards the primeval forest in his memory. 】

[As time passed, in Henaz’s line of sight, a familiar wooden house appeared ahead. 】

[Today, in front of the wooden house, uncharacteristically there are no naughty little guys. 】

[“Didn’t you have class today?”] “】

[With doubts, Henaz took a step and walked into the courtyard. 】

[Seats and blackboards used to be used to be used to be in the courtyard are all placed in the courtyard. 】

[Hainaz slowed down, his fingers gently stroking the seat. 】

[An unreal feeling came to mind. 】

“It’s so fast. Heinaz sighed. 】

[In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and I haven’t come back here for a long time. ] “】

[It seems that he has noticed a subtle noise coming from the courtyard.] 】

[The closed door of the wooden house was also slowly pushed open at this moment. 】

[“Naz!! “】

Anna’s eyes instantly widened when she poked her head out of the wooden house, and she looked at Heinaz in the courtyard in surprise. 】

[Then immediately stepped out of the wooden door and walked quickly towards Heinaz.] 】

[Immediately after! ] It’s a big fierce hug! 】690

[Heinaz only felt a wave rippling in front of him, and the dense feeling almost made him almost out of breath. 】

[So I began to struggle hard. 】

[“Hmm… Not…… Anna…… Teacher…”]

[The staccato voice finally caught Anna’s attention. 】

[Quickly let go of Heinaz and smiled awkwardly.] 】

“Sorry, sorry, I’m so excited. “】

The reborn Henaz took a deep breath. 】

[This… It seems to be even more turbulent than Erin’s! 】

After a sigh in his heart, Heinaz shook his head. 】

[Then smiled and said hello to Anna: “I’m back, Teacher Anna!”] “】

“Welcome home, welcome home. “】

[Anna’s palm kept stroking Hainaz’s cheek, and the distress in her eyes was overflowing. 】

[“Look at you, how long has it been, people have lost a lot of weight, and they have suffered a lot outside, right? “】

[“Really, didn’t I give you a lot of golden beans? How can you still be hungry and thin. 】

[“Is it difficult, what happened? “】

[“Robbers? Bandit? Or what? “】

Anna’s gaze looked at Heinaz with concern. 】

[The sound of chatter rings in my ears.] 】

[There is no sign of stopping for half a day.] 】

[Although I can feel the strong care, it is a little scary to keep chanting, and even Heinaz feels that his head is starting to hurt a little. ] 】

So he quickly raised his hands: “Okay, Teacher Anna, don’t worry, I have a good time outside, and I have eaten a lot of food that I have never seen before. “】

“You don’t have to worry about it. “】

[Anna, who was forcibly interrupted by Henaz, was not annoyed, but just smiled helplessly and shook her head. ] 】

[Rubbing the palm of Hainaz’s face.] 】

[“You stinky little devil, no matter what, it’s good to return safely, just return safely. “】

“Did you eat?” I’ll get you something to eat. “】

[Not yet, I mainly want to cook Anna-sensei, so please ask you.] “】

[Heinaz laughed. 】

“What’s this, wait here. “】

[Saying that, Anna ran towards the wooden house. 】

[Then, not long after, a tempting fragrance gradually passed out from the wooden house. 】

“It’s still that taste.” “】

[Hainaz took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and looked expectantly inside the wooden house. 】

[This warmth is what he longs for. 】

[Recalling Anna’s care before, the warmth in Hainaz’s heart became even stronger. 】

[Soon, the hearty dinner was served by Anna. 】

[The aroma is fragrant, and in an instant, it evokes Heinaz’s gluttony. ] 】

[“Eat quickly, knowing that you have a lot of food, and there are still many more in it.”] “】

[Anna brought the bench and sat down opposite Henaz, her eyes fixed on Hainaz, who was eating at the moment. 】

[The smile on the cheek is more obvious.] 】

“You don’t know, during your absence, Gagiru was talking about you every day.”] “】

[“Oh? Does he want to come to me again? “】

[Hainaz responded with a smile as he cooked. 】

Anna nodded: “Yes, it is said that he has exercised some kind of powerful move, and he wants to come to you to compete.” “】

“I can’t take care of that little brat. “】

[Anna smiled even happier: “Obviously you are a little fart yourself, right? “】

“That’s just my apparent age, in fact I’m already mature. “】

[Natsu made a joke without lifting his head.] 】

[Perhaps, only in front of Anna, or Erin, and Iguniru can he laugh so carefreely.] 】

[Heinaz thought silently, also enjoying this hard-won relaxation time. 】

[After that, he still had a cultivation task, and he was in a coma for a month last time. ] 】

[All the exercises in this month have to be made up.] 】

“Okay, you’ve become a little adult, right? Anna smiled and shook her head. 】

[Then looked at Heinaz, and Anna got serious.] 】

[By the way, there should be a lot of gains from this period of travel, right? Want to talk to Teacher Anna? “】

“Of course, no problem. “】

With that, Hainaz began his own story. 】

[However, some dangerous places, such as the battle with the dragon, the life and death crisis where life hangs in the balance, Heinaz did not say. ] 】

[That kind of thing, which has passed, is of no use in saying it except to cause Anna to worry. 】

[It’s better not to say.] 】

[Henaz just wants to see Anna happy, proud of herself. 】

[So, I specially selected some new and curious things, what wonderful scenery and so on.] 】

[Anna was also very interested, holding her chin with one hand, quietly listening to Heinaz gushing, and occasionally inserting a few mouths. ] 】

It wasn’t until after Hainaz finished recounting the journey that Anna asked with a smile. 】

“That… Did you find the answer you were looking for on this journey? “】

(ABCB) [With Anna’s inquiry, Heinaz’s cooking action also stopped.] 】

[After a slight pause, he seemed to have thought of a lot of things. 】

[The violent and strong men in that village, innocent women and children, and the evil dragon race caused the war. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[And, gentle people and dragons like Erin and Belcellion.] 】

“He thought of many, many things. 】

[There is evil in human nature, and there is also good that exudes the radiance of human nature. 】

[There are dragons who are selfless and do not expect anything in return.] 】

[There are also evil dragons whose eyes are full of blood and fire. ] 】

Thinking of this, Heinaz raised a slight smile. 】

[Faced with Anna, he nodded heavily. 】

“In this world, there is no absolute hostility, and there is no such thing that humans should be the rations of dragons. “】

[Good and evil determine the direction of all this, but even good and evil can be subverted. 】

“So, it’s an unsolvable puzzle, human nature is complex, but sometimes it’s pure. “】

[Erin’s face flashed unconsciously in my mind.] 】

[Hainaz said softly:]

“There are always people, even in the dark, who want to bring light to other people. “】

“And what I need to do is be myself, and that’s enough!”] “】

[“As for right and wrong, that’s what others should evaluate, that’s not my business, I only do myself! “】

[Listening to Heinaz’s words, the smile on Anna’s face became a little stronger. 】

[Soft gaze looked at Hainaz.] 】

“You really… Grown up. “】

[Take a deep breath: “Go back after eating, Iguniru is still waiting for you.] “】

“During the time you were gone, it missed you very much.” “】

[There is another sentence that Anna did not say, that is, there is not much time left for them to get together. ] 】

[Heinaz raised an eyebrow at this. 】

[Although I know that Iguniru has always been near him during this time, but he has not pierced it, sometimes, it is better for people to live a little confused. ] 】

[Otherwise, if it is pierced, where to put Inilu’s face?] 】

[If Iguniru’s face can’t be put away, then he will undoubtedly be beaten severely. ] 】

So he nodded gently. 】

[“By the way, haven’t you been in class lately? Hainaz asked. 】

[Speaking of this, Anna nodded gently, she has not been on since yesterday, and the children are accompanying their parents. ] 】

“So it is. “】

[As if he understood something, Heinaz finished eating the food on the table like a wind. 】

[So he got up to say goodbye to Anna, ready to leave and return to the habitat of his memory.] 】

Before leaving, Henaz also took out a beautiful necklace from his arms. 】

“This is the necklace I bought in the human world, I thought, Mr. Anna must look good with it, so I will go first.”] “】

[Looking at the necklace in her hand, Anna’s face bloomed with smiles: “This stinky boy. “】

[By the way, we will have a party tomorrow, and everyone will be there then, so don’t be late.] “】

[“Ah! I know. “】

[Hainaz waved his hand to the rear, and his figure gradually disappeared into the jungle. 】

[On the other side, in an artificially carved out open space. 】

[Iguniru was lying here, one eye opened from time to time, looked ahead, and after finding that there was no movement, he slowly closed it again. 】

[It didn’t take long for me to open it again. 】

[Close again…]

[This went on and on and on until a familiar smell came from the jungle ahead.] 】

[Iguniru quickly closed his eyes, and the snoring sound also sounded. 】

[As if he didn’t notice the person who had already walked in front of him.] 】

“Really, Daddy, I brought you a gift. “】

[A slight voice rang in Iguniru’s ears.] 】

[Iguniru pretended to have just woken up and slowly opened his eyes. 】

[“Hmph! Who should I be, isn’t this my long-lost son? “】

[Iguniru slowly got up, raised his hands up, and stretched nonchalantly. 】

[As if, without caring at all, he wrapped his hands around him and glanced away.] 】

“You still know to come back?”] “】

[Heinaz rubbed his forehead with a wry smile. 】

“I brought you a gift, a valuable gem that I bought at a huge expense, and the dragons outside all like this thing. “】

[Iguniru opened one eye, squinted at the huge gem that Henaz pulled out of his arms below, and raised his eyebrows. 】

[“It seems that you have developed in the human world! “】

“I bought it with my payment. “】

Hainaz responded. 】

“That… In that case, I will reluctantly accept it, and by the way, this will be given to you. “】

[Saying that, Iguniru took out a bracelet inlaid with red scales. 】

“Originally, I wanted to make you a scarf, but Anna said that you don’t seem to like wearing scarves, so she made this for you, and I will wear it.] “】

[Saying that, Iguniru threw the bracelet into Hainaz’s hand. 】

Feeling the bracelet that exuded strong magical power, Heinaz smiled and shook his head. 】

“What a duplicitous old man. “】。

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