The baby was born in a hurry, and the baby was born in a hurry.

"Where is this? Gulp!!"

The face of the fetus in Qiqi's belly showed an adult's confusion! !

The embryo in the belly seemed to have just woken up, and recalled the memory carefully! !

As he explored the memory in his mind, he gradually remembered his memories of his previous life! !

In his previous life, he was a gold medal salesman, and the three-year epidemic made him penniless! !

As a qualified post-90s, of course, he can't suffer himself! !

On the day the epidemic was lifted, he immediately booked a flight ticket, and the destination was the legendary Tianzhu Mountain, Kunlun Mountain! !

Because he didn't have any savings, he had no choice but to accept Ma's kindness and become a Huabei war god! !

Kunlun Mountain, a sacred place in mythology, is full of unknowns and mysteries!

As for why he went to Kunlun Mountain, it was of course a change in his mentality. After experiencing the epidemic, he saw too many separations and deaths in this era of information network explosion!

What's the use of having more or less money!

He decided to live for himself. He liked to read mythological stories since he was a child, and he was full of curiosity and exploration for Kunlun Mountain, the birthplace of mythology!

Put down the responsibility, carry the burden, and resolutely embark on the journey to Kunlun Mountain!

Imagination is beautiful, but the result is cruel!

Less than one-third of the way up from the foot of Kunlun Mountain, he encountered a mysterious cave, which faintly emitted a dark yellow light!

Driven by curiosity, he stepped into the cave!

After a dazzling light, he came to this innate place!

Gulp gulp! !

"It's so fucking cool, if nothing unexpected happens, I have traveled through time!!"

Although no sound came out of his stomach, his excited eyes and the dancing of his unformed hands and feet all proved his excitement!

"I don't have to pay back Ma's Huabei anymore, my debts are gone when I die!! I have traveled through time, it's no different from being dead!!"

Is this what a normal person thinks? ? ?

As Chi-Chi's body shook involuntarily, Son Gohan's thoughts returned to reality!

Because he was a little dizzy from the shaking!

"Goku-san?? Yoshi?? And the feeling of my power that is stronger than my previous life! Could it be???" Although Son Gohan couldn't see outside, he still guessed that he had traveled to that world through the sounds he heard! !

"Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball! The world of Dragon Ball where you can crush stars with your hands and travel through the starry sky with your body! That's right, my soul has traveled to Son Gohan's body!"

But the timing of this awakening is more or less awkward! !

"Balls are sacks!" Son Gohan's whole body is resisting! !

But his resistance is useless

What? ? You ask about Son Gohan's soul? ? Of course it's gone. , After all, how can a blank piece of paper compete with the huge ink splashing across the sky!

A conscious embryo, facing this yin and yang truth, what can he do? He can only watch awkwardly! !

While Son Gohan watched awkwardly, he was curious about why Chi-Chi, an earthling, could compete with the perverted Saiyan Son Goku

Although the bodies of earthlings are not as good as those of Saiyans, Chi-Chi's method of overcoming hardness with softness is fully demonstrated!

Let him be as strong as he can, the breeze blows over the hills!

"I don't know which time and space I have traveled to in the Dragon Ball world, but now that I am here, I am in the main world!! Son Gohan, go with peace of mind!! I will definitely use this body with powerful talents to the limit!! Frieza, Cell, Majin Buu, Beerus, Angels, High Priests, Omni King, Salama!!! I want to see everything in this world with my own eyes!! Son Gohan secretly made up his mind!

"God is above, from now on, Son Gohan is for me, and I am for Son Gohan!! "


The natural thunder, the last trace of incompatibility between the soul of the previous life and the body of Son Gohan was completely dissipated!

In the previous life, the earth lost a graceful and handsome beautiful boy!

The Dragon Ball world gained a black-bellied mixed-race with a soul as black as ink!

As time goes by!!


"It's born, it's born, a big fat boy!!" The midwife ran out of the house happily! !

Son Gohan looked at the midwife who ran out with anger! !

Because he was just born, he couldn't speak yet. As an adult soul, it was impossible for him to cry!

As a result, the midwife thought he was a mute!

So she raised her hand and slapped Son Gohan's butt again and again!

As a last resort

Under this, Son Gohan could only give up resistance and screamed loudly! !

"Damn old woman, wait for me!" Son Gohan's eyes were full of malice!

"Haha, good, good, great, I, the Bull Demon King, have a grandson!" The Bull Demon King's huge body jumped three feet high

"Chi-Chi!! How are you?" Although Sun Wukong was simple, Chi-Chi's tragic howl still made his heart palpitate

"Wukong, I'm fine!! Bring the child here, let me see!" Chi-Chi struggled to get up and leaned half of her body against the head of the bed!

Although she was not as strong as Sun Wukong, as a martial artist, she was much stronger than a normal earthling!

"Wait. I'll hold Gohan!" Sun Wukong turned around and picked up Gohan on the small bed beside him and put him next to Chi-Chi!

Before Sun Gohan was born, Sun Wukong had given him a name. In order to commemorate his dead grandfather, he named him Gohan!

"Hey, why did Gohan have such long hair when he was born? A tail?? He actually has a tail?" Chi-Chi looked at Gohan in surprise and said

"I have a tail too, but wasn't it cut off by Oolong and the others that time?! It must be my fault!!" Goku scratched the back of his head and explained

"It should be fine! But why does he look a little unhappy?" Chi-Chi asked curiously

"Wow! (Of course I'm not happy, why are you ignoring my bull?!)" Son Gohan resisted, struggling with his hands and feet


"Dad, I'm going hunting with you!" Son Gohan quietly moved to Son Goku's side!

"No, you're not allowed to go! Your future is to be a great scholar, not a martial artist who can't make money like your dad!" Chi-Chi walked behind Gohan angrily, grabbed Gohan by the back of his neck and walked into the house!

Walk in one month, call mom and dad in half a year! !

In fact, he could speak after the first month, but he didn't speak for fear of scaring Chi-Chi!

He held back for half a year before he started to speak!

Just like that, Chi-Chi was amazed, and immediately made up her mind to let Gohan become a scholar!

After all, there is a big difference between babbling and speaking fluently!

With such a talent, it would be a pity not to learn! !

Son Gohan regretted it! ! !

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