The team was busy, and the students were busy.

【With the end of the bell test, Team 7 was officially established! 】

【But it wasn't as exciting as imagined. 】

【On the contrary, they were all D-class characters, similar to looking for cats and dogs...】

【Although it was very boring, the relationship between Team 7 was slowly established in this boring daily life. 】

【Finally, Team 7 welcomed its first C-class character. 】

【Escort bridge expert, Dazna! 】

【This is the first time Uzumaki Naruto has walked out of the village. 】

【Originally, the C-class mission should have been easy to complete. 】

【But this journey didn't seem to be very smooth. 】

【It was only a short time after leaving the village. ]

[Team 7 encountered two Chunins from the Mist Shadow Village—the Oni Brothers! ]

[The two of them killed the defenseless Kakashi as soon as they attacked. ]

[Looking at Kakashi dying in front of him, Uzumaki Naruto had never seen such a scene before? ]

[He was already scared silly! ]

[Sakura was the same, but even if she wasn't scared silly, it would be useless. ]

[Fortunately, Uchiha Sasuke showed a calmness far beyond his age. ]

[Under his counterattack, no casualties were caused! ]

[Then Hatake Kakashi came out and killed the Oni Brothers directly and neatly. ]

[It turned out that the one who died just now was just a substitute technique performed by Kakashi! ]

[He has been hiding as a test for Naruto and others. ]

[Of course, he will take action at any time to ensure their safety. ]

[But the next mission will probably be more difficult. ]

[Kakashi even speculated that this might not be a C-level mission, but at least a B-level one! ]

[With Naruto's performance, he might die in the mission! ]

[It's better to return to Konoha and seek a more capable team to complete the mission! ]

[In response, Uzumaki Naruto decisively refused. ]

[He raised his poisoned left hand, endured the severe pain, and pierced it with a kunai to release the poisonous blood! ]

[And loudly made a classic oath. ]

["From now on, I will never let anyone else save me again!" ]

[After seeing Uzumaki Naruto's determination. ]

[The conclusion of the seventh team's discussion was that the escort mission would continue! ]

[Then in the Land of Waves, they encountered the most powerful enemy of this mission! ]

[The rebel ninja of the Mist Shadow Village - the demon Momochi Zabuza! 】

Mei Terumi: "I didn't expect that our village's Zabuza would be sent to this C-rank mission!"

Biwa Juzo: "Hehe, let these little guys from Konoha see how powerful our Seven Ninja Swordsmen are!"

Hoshigaki Kisame: "The ninja world is not a game of house, Zabuza, you should teach them a big lesson, right?"

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost: "Of course, Zabuza's strength is outstanding among our Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and his beheading sword is very famous!"

Muri Shinpachi: "Hehehe, I'm dying! It seems that it's finally our turn to be in the limelight!"

Momochi Zabuza: "..."

Biwa Juzo: "What's the matter? Zabuza, you seem to have something to hide, could it be..."

Haku: "It's okay, Mr. Zabuza, I always support you!"

【Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Zabuza and Hatake Kakashi fought! ]

[Unexpectedly, because he was not familiar with Zabuza's ninjutsu, Kakashi was careless and trapped in the water prison! ]

[Uzumaki Naruto and Sasuke were unable to fight against Zabuza's water clone. ]

[At the critical moment, Uzumaki Naruto was quick-witted. ]

[Using Uchiha Sasuke's Fuma Shuriken, Shadow Windmill, and transforming himself into a shuriken. ]

[After a series of combined operations, Kakashi was successfully rescued! ]

[Kakashi, who escaped from the water prison, did not give Zabuza any chance, and the strength of the copy ninja was fully revealed. ]

[By flexibly using the power of the Sharingan, he easily defeated Momochi Zabuza! ]

[However, Zabuza's body was taken away by a person who claimed to be a pursuit force from the Mist Shadow Village. ]

[Hatake Kakashi also fainted due to excessive use of the Sharingan! ]

[In desperation, the mission had to be temporarily terminated. 】

【Team 7 temporarily lives in Dazna's house. 】

This battle is a classic,

It is a textbook performance of ninjas' battle of wits and courage!

It is completely different from the later world where they drive Gundams at every turn,

It is

It can be used as a textbook copywriting!

Zabuza's oppression in Mist Shadow Village,

His elusive actions,

Kakashi was trapped,

At the critical moment,

Naruto and Sasuke's exquisite cooperation,

Survived from the brink of death!

It makes people feel very satisfied,

Of course, some people do not agree with this.

Biwa Juzo: "???"

Biwa Juzo: "Zabuza, you lost already?"

Hoshigaki Kisame: "Kakashi has a terrible kidney deficiency. He just used two ninjutsu and it was over. Can't you hold on a little longer?"

Muri Shinpachi: "The glory of the Seven Ninjas is no longer there. Alas!!!"

Jiraiya: "I'm not saying anything, Kakashi, you're too weak!"

Konoha White Fang: "You should be more restrained when reading things like Intimate Paradise in the future!"

Hatake Kakashi: "..."

Kakashi feels bad.

It's obviously his highlight moment,

but how did it become an exposure of his lack of mana and weakness?

It's really not because I reward myself too much.

On average, it's only twice a day.

Is that too much?

The main reason is that the Sharingan consumes too much mana,

especially since Kakashi's eyes are not his own,

he can't turn them off even if he wants to,

his chakra is always not full!

Hashirama Senju: "Madara, does the Sharingan consume a lot of chakra?"

Uchiha Madara: "It's okay, I think it's just average."

Hashirama Senju: "By the way, although Kakashi and Zabuza's fight was very exciting, I still want to ask a question."

Hatake Kakashi: "What's wrong? First Hokage."

Hashirama Senju: "What was that hand gesture doing during your last ninjutsu duel? I think it's quite interesting."

Hatake Kakashi: "I'm making hand seals! Water Dragon Bullet and Waterfall both require very complicated hand seals to release. !”

Hashirama Senju: “Oh! So, you need to make hand seals to release ninjutsu.”

Hashirama Senju: “I haven’t made hand seals for a long time, I forgot. Sorry, hahahaha!!!”

Kakashi Hatake: “…”

Hiruzen Sarutobi: “…”

Zabuza Momochi: “…”

Tobirama Senju: “Shut up, big brother! People are different, I also need to make hand seals to release ninjutsu!”

Madara Uchiha: “Huh, who would make hand seals if they had the time! If I had the time, I would have chopped down a whole ninja village with my Susanoo!”

Oonoki: “…”

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