The appearance of Team 7 attracted the attention of everyone in the classroom.

[Especially Uzumaki Naruto. Although he was not active, he was passively embraced by many ninjas, which made many ninjas envious!

["Damn, Naruto is still so popular!"

[Inuzuka Kiba complained with his fists clenched.

[Logically speaking, he should be at least 50-50 with Naruto in terms of appearance and strength. Why can't those people find him?

["Are they all blind? Akamaru?"

["Woo... woof..."

[Inuzuka Kiba was comforting himself, but Uzumaki Naruto took the initiative to walk towards him. 】

【"Long time no see!"】

【Uzumaki Naruto greeted him with a warm smile. 】

【Inuzuka Kiba didn't know what was going on, but he was also happy. 】

【This Naruto still knows some rules. He knows that he will be the future Hokage, so he came to please him first! 】

【Inuzuka Kiba coughed lightly, and even straightened his back, with a smug smile on his face. 】

【"That... Naruto... ah..."】

【Ah? ... Ah! 】

【In the eyes of Inuzuka Kiba who couldn't believe it, Naruto walked past him and came to Hinata. 】

【He didn't even look at him straight the whole time. 】


【"That's my seat!"】

【Inuzuka Kiba saw Uzumaki Naruto and sat down next to Hyuga Hinata without any courtesy. 】

【If he endured this, would he still be considered a human being? 】

【But as a ninja, Kiba is a ninja. 】

【"Hinata, what a coincidence!"】

【"Naruto... Naruto... what a coincidence!"】

【Hinata's face instantly turned red, and she stammered when she spoke. 】

【Shino Aburame, who was standing by, had a face full of question marks when listening to the conversation between the two. 】

【"Coincidence? What's so coincidental? Aren't you all here to take the Chunin Exam?"】

【"Is there another exam room?"】

Tiantian: "Shino is such a straight man, no wonder no girls like him!"

Shino Aburame: "..."

Shino Aburame sighed secretly,

He was just speaking his mind,

Is there anything wrong with that? Oh!

Women are really troublesome, bugs are more fun!

Yamanaka Ino: "Naruto in that world took the initiative to greet Hinata. Does that mean... he likes Hinata?"

Haruno Sakura: "No... no, he and I have... been..."

Haruno Sakura's face flushed as she spoke.

Although it was not her in this world,

but seeing someone who looked exactly like her,

exchanging breathing techniques in the picture,

she still felt both excited and shy,

especially in front of so many people in the ninja world...

even her heartbeat and breathing sped up a lot!

Hyuga Hinata was blushing just like her.

Looking at Naruto sitting close to her in the picture,

she could even imagine the hot breath of Naruto!

"What... what should I do..."

Hinata's heart was beating like a deer.

She covered her already hot cheeks.

She had already begun to imagine the scene of Naruto in that world kissing her forcefully.

Soon, Hinata's CPU temperature was too high and she passed out!

[Naruto... Naruto... that... you...]

[The Hinata in the black screen is as shy as the one in this world, and is also well developed.]

["What's wrong, Hinata? Do you have a fever?"]

[Uzumaki Naruto stretched out his hand and placed it on Hinata's forehead. He felt that the temperature on her face was very scary!]

[Just when Hinata in this world was about to faint from the overload fever.]

[A white smoke suddenly rose from the podium in the classroom!]

["You bunch of trash, all of you, go back to your seats!"]

[Accompanied by a rough voice, a group of examiners and a man with several scars on his face appeared in the classroom at the same time!]

[This man is the examiner of the first round of the Chunin Exam - Morino Ibiki!]

[Seeing the examiner appear, everyone returned to their seats.]

[Only Ya looked at the seat that originally belonged to him.]

[Now it is occupied by Naruto. And he has no intention of moving his butt. 】

【"Damn it, Naruto, remember this, the seat is mine, and Hinata is mine too.


["Ya, if you don't find a seat to sit down, you'll be eliminated in the first round."]

[As the faint voice of Aburame Shino came over, Ya had to find a seat and sit down.]

[What a coincidence that he sat next to Kabuto Yakushi!]

[Kabuto Yakushi was speechless. The dog smell on this guy was too strong!]

[He felt bitter. He originally wanted to show off his acting skills here.]

[He used the self-torture trick to get closer to Naruto and others, so as to collect information about Team 7.]

[Unfortunately, he was pushed aside by Ino as soon as he came up.]

[When he wanted to get closer, Naruto walked to Hinata's position again.]

[Kabuto Yakushi was helpless. If he had known earlier, he would have given this task to Karin!]

["Hinata, how are you? Are you feeling better? ”]

[Uzumaki Naruto didn't care about these things, and took Hinata's hand without any hesitation.]

[It was so cold and soft!]

Uzumaki Kushina: "That's right, Naruto, boys should be more proactive like this!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "But I am also very proactive in this world, but why does Sakura always ignore me?"

Namikaze Minato: "Maybe it's a test for you, Naruto. Naruto, if you have a girl you like, you have to work harder and make yourself better!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "Ah, so that's the case, I understand, Dad!"

Haruno Sakura: "..."

[Morino Ibiki began to introduce the rules of this exam.]

["First, this exam uses a reverse scoring method. Everyone's initial score is 10 points, and one point will be deducted for each wrong answer. ”]

[Second, the scoring is calculated based on the total score of the three-person team. That is to say, the total score of each team is 30 points!]

[In addition, if the examiner determines that you are cheating, two points will be deducted for each discovery.]

[If one of the people's scores is deducted to zero, his teammates must get out of the classroom together!]

["If you understand, just look at the test paper in front of you."]

["There are a total of nine questions now. As for the tenth question, I will announce it after 45 minutes!"]

["Does anyone have any questions to ask?"]

[Seeing that no one below spoke and everyone was looking at the test paper in front of them, Morino Ibiki was very satisfied.]

["In this case, the exam begins!"]

Senju Tobirama: "Oh, I didn't expect that the current ninja exam also has theoretical knowledge assessments, not bad, monkey!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "As a ninja, we need comprehensive talents. If you don't even understand some of the most basic things about ninjas, you are not qualified to be promoted to a Chunin. ”

Orochimaru: “Teacher Hiruzen, you are not deliberately showing off your title of Ninja Doctor, are you?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen: “Why? Orochimaru, do you think you can’t pass the test? Yes, how can someone like you who doesn’t have the will of fire in your heart pass this test!”

Senju Hashirama: “⚆_⚆…”

Senju Tobirama: “What’s wrong, big brother?”

Senju Hashirama: “That… Tobirama… Why can’t I answer the first question?”

Senju Tobirama: “…”

Senju Tobirama: “Big brother, can you shut up for a while? "

Senju Tobirama was so angry.

His elder brother was a natural fool who lacked a string.

He was bragging to other ninja villages with Monkey King,

but his elder brother came out to ruin their show.

You can't?

Of course you can't!

With the attack range of your Buddha on top,

do you need to calculate the triangle relationship,

to determine the attack distance?

Orochimaru: "Oh my, I didn't expect that the creator of Konoha's fire consciousness, the first Hokage, couldn't answer it. According to what you said, Mr. Hiruzen, could it be that the first Hokage is not even worthy of being a Chunin?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Orochimaru, I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious! ”

[Some of the questions on the test paper are indeed difficult and beyond the syllabus.]

[Most of the Genin who took the test were scratching their heads.]

[But for a hard-working ninja like Sakura, she was able to answer them.]

[“Naruto… Naruto…”]

[Hinata saw that Uzumaki Naruto was still not moving, so she made a cheat sheet and prepared to give it to Naruto.]

[“Hinata, you don’t want me to copy you, do you?”]

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