The two of them were very happy.

["Sister Ayame's noodles are always delicious no matter how many times you eat them!"]

[Uzumaki Naruto said with a smile.]

["Really? I'm so glad you like it, Naruto!"]

[Ayame showed a shy smile on her face. She was happy from the bottom of her heart to be recognized by Naruto.]

[Just when Uzumaki Naruto and Ayame were about to have a deep exchange, an inappropriate voice suddenly sounded.]

["Naruto-kun, we haven't seen each other for a long time."]

[Took off the rain ninja village hat, revealing the familiar and disgusting face! ]

[I wonder which unlucky female ninja has been spotted by Orochimaru. ]

["Orochimaru, you dare to show up in Konoha."]

[Uzumaki Naruto was not afraid at all. He could sense that although Orochimaru was very dangerous, he did not emit any malicious intent now. ]

[In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of. ]

["Sister Ayame..."]

[Hearing Naruto's voice, Ayame understood something instantly. ]

[She glanced at Orochimaru, her face was as delicate as a girl, and she looked pure and beautiful. ]

[But the pair of eyes under her willow eyebrows seemed out of place. ]

[After staring for a long time, it seemed as if the guy in front of her was not a girl at all, but a poisonous snake! ]

[Ayame retreated into the house very tactfully, leaving the space for Naruto and Orochimaru. 】

【"Naruto-kun, you worked so hard to see me again!"】

【"Orochimaru, you deliberately knocked out Konoha's Anbu to come see me, aren't you just trying to show off your strength?"】

【"I'm not that bored, I came to see you just because I recognize your strength."】

【"Recognize my strength?"】

【Naruto took a mouthful of noodles and was very calm. 】

【"Yes, to be honest, I know that Naruto-kun hates Konoha!"】

【While Orochimaru was talking, he seemed to be worried that Naruto didn't believe it, so he slowly took out a bottle of perfume from his arms. 】

【This bottle of perfume was nothing special, and many stores in Konoha Village sold it. 】

【But Uzumaki Naruto recognized that the bottle in Orochimaru's hand was the same one that Karin bought before leaving. 】

【He didn't know much about perfume, he just knew that such a small bottle of stuff... was very expensive! ]

[Naruto already understood what Orochimaru meant, and he said in a somewhat cold voice. ]

["What did you do to Karin?" ]

["Don't get excited, Naruto-kun, I'm not interested in that girl." ]

["I'm interested in... the Uchiha clan." ]

["You want Uchiha Sasuke?" ]

[Seeing that Orochimaru didn't answer, but looked at him expectantly, Naruto understood. ]

[He wanted to trick Sasuke into his hands in exchange for Karin. ]

[After all, Sasuke is said to be training with Kakashi now, although Kakashi is not a match for Orochimaru. ]

[But with the reputation of Konoha's 50-50, it should be no problem to hold on until Konoha's rescue team arrives. ]

["Why are you so obsessed with the Uchiha clan?" ]

[In the Forest of Death, Naruto saw that Orochimaru was clearly coming for Sasuke! ]

[Orochimaru was not surprised at all by Naruto's clear understanding. ]

[After all, if it weren't for the Nine-Tails in his body, he would really want to have Naruto's body! ]

["You should know the blood limit unique to the Uchiha clan!"]

[Naruto thought about it and realized that the blood limit Orochimaru was talking about should be the Sharingan. He had seen it on Kakashi and Sasuke. ]

[That kind of eye is indeed very special and convenient. I don't know if the Uzumaki clan can use it...]

["Only the most outstanding Uchiha clan members can open the Sharingan. Ninjas with Sharingan will become outstanding without exception!"]

[Orochimaru thought of the man he had been thinking about day and night. He easily killed him in a second with just a wave of his hand. ]

[If he could also have the Sharingan, maybe he could really defeat him! 】

【"Naruto-kun, do you know the relationship between the Sharingan and the tailed beasts?"】

【Seeing that Uzumaki Naruto didn't say anything, Orochimaru continued to speak. 】

【"The illusion possessed by the Sharingan can easily control any tailed beast in the ninja world!"】

【"And you should know what it means to have the power of the tailed beasts?"】

【"That will quickly rise to become the sixth largest country in the ninja world!"】

【Orochimaru was very excited and even coughed. 】

【Obviously, this new body doesn't seem to fit him very well. It seems that he will abandon it in no time. 】

【"So... your goal is to control the tailed beasts?"】

【Naruto directly pointed out Orochimaru's thoughts. 】

【But Orochimaru shook his head and said meaningfully,】

【"To be honest, Naruto, I don't have much interest in the tailed beasts."】

【"But if I can use the power of the tailed beasts to destroy Konoha, I'm still quite happy."】

【Naruto finally laughed. Sure enough, Orochimaru's purpose of coming to Konoha this time was not simple. He actually had the same plan as himself! 】

【"Naruto, I want to cooperate with you!"】

【Orochimaru said directly. He knew very well that he and Naruto were the same kind of people. ]

[The hatred for the injustice of Konoha, the determination to destroy Konoha! ]

[Uzumaki Naruto shook his head slowly, which surprised Orochimaru. ]

[Does this Naruto look down on his own strength? ]

[Does he really think that he was at his full strength in the Forest of Death? ]

[He underestimated himself too much! ]

[Seeing that Orochimaru looked wrong, Naruto knew that he had misunderstood. ]

["No, Orochimaru, what I mean is that Sasuke cannot be handed over to you for the time being." ]

["However, as long as you can hold back the Third Hokage, the rest will be left to me." ]

["Hmm?" ]

[After listening to Naruto's words, Orochimaru was silent for a moment. ]

[He looked Naruto up and down in front of him. Why is this guy so confident? ]

[In addition to the Third Hokage, Konoha also has countless powerful ninjas. ]

[How can Naruto deal with it alone? ]

[Could it be that... the seal of the Nine-Tails has been released? ]

[Orochimaru thought about it and it seemed that this was the only possibility. Apart from releasing the Nine-Tails, he could not think of any other possibility that Naruto could do. ]

[However, if the Nine-Tails was released from his body, wouldn't Naruto die? ]

[Orochimaru smiled coldly. It didn't matter. He didn't care whether Naruto was dead or alive. ]

["In that case, I am looking forward to that day." ]

[Orochimaru slowly stood up and put his hat back on his head. ]

[But at this moment, the symbol of the Rain Village has been changed to the appearance of the Sand Village. ]

[Seeing Orochimaru about to leave, Naruto suddenly called him. 】

【"Wait, Orochimaru, there's one very important thing I forgot to tell you."】

【"Oh? Naruto-kun, what's that?"】

【"Um... please settle the bill."】

【Naruto pointed to the dozen or so bowls of ramen in front of him and spoke calmly. 】


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