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Uzumaki Naruto: "What? I thought I was so powerful, but it turns out I'm no better than when I first started learning summoning techniques! Such an old toad, it's obvious that he's useless!"

Jiraiya : "Stupid Naruto, that's the Great Toad Sage!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "The Great Toad Sage? Is he more powerful than the Toad Boss? He doesn't look that powerful!"

Namikaze Minato: "Naruto, the Great Toad Sage The immortal has lived for thousands of years. He has the ability to predict the future and is highly respected in Myoboku Mountain!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "So that's how it is! It seems I was wrong!"

Jiraiya: "That's Of course, Naruto! Do you think everyone is like you? You can only summon tadpoles, so you are worthy of being called a summoned beast?"

Naruto Uzumaki blushed.

The first time he summoned a summoned beast, he did A lot of ugliness,

I didn't expect the lecherous immortal to be so ruthless,

Xiaoying is still in the group!

[“Little Jiraiya, we haven’t seen each other for a long time!”]

[The Great Toad Sage sat on the green throne, his old face looking very calm.]

[It seemed that being summoned was not a big deal. 】

【After all, when he was young, he was often summoned by that man. 】

【He... hadn't been summoned for a long time. This joyful feeling was like meeting a friend who had been separated for many years. It's like meeting someone. 】

[It's more pleasurable than drinking a hundred bottles of Myoboku-san sake in one go! 】

Uzumaki Naruto: "Hey, why does it call you 'Little Jiraiya', the lecherous sage? Is it because you Is it very small there?"

Jiraiya: "Shut up... Shut up! Didn't I tell you that the Great Toad Sage has lived thousands of years longer than us? Our human lifespan is of course very small compared to him. "

Uzumaki Naruto nodded, and something suddenly dawned on him.

Only Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a close call. Naruto almost ruined his reputation!

[“The air in the outside world is really nostalgic!”]

[The Great Toad Sage looked at He looked around, and the world here was somewhat different from Myoboku Mountain. It was the world where he and Yuyi had fought together! 】

【The Great Toad Sage seemed to recall the past, and pictures kept appearing in front of his eyes and in his mind. ]

[Until he set his eyes on Uzumaki Naruto, his expression, which had been calm before, finally showed some emotion. ]

["Are you...Hagoromo's...child?"]

[The Great Toad Sage didn't know Why can I see a familiar shadow in Uzumaki Naruto? But this shouldn’t be the case. Hagoromo’s child should have died long ago! 】

【"No, I don't know any Hagoromo, my name is Uzumaki Naruto!"】

【"Uzumaki Naruto? I seem to have some impression of this name... I remember that you are the little blond guy, the child of Minato Namikaze Right!"]

[The Great Toad Immortal smiled slightly, and his eyes became extremely kind and friendly. He felt good about both Yu Yi and the former blond little guy!]

["The Great Toad Immortal!"]

[Since He never expected that the Great Toad Sage would directly reveal Naruto's life experience. He had not thought about telling Naruto about his life experience so early. 】

【But seeing that Naruto seemed very calm and did not look surprised , Jiraiya did not speak any more. 】

【"I see in you the future of changing the ninja world! But..."】

【The Great Toad Sage suddenly spoke, but hesitated. Naruto in front of him It will undoubtedly bring about earth-shaking changes to the entire ninja world! 】

【But whether that direction is good or bad, the Great Toad Immortal does not understand. 】

【Although he is called an immortal, he is just a toad after all. He does not understand the human world very well. 】

【However, the Great Toad Sage can still barely see that in the coming new era, there will be no more wars in the Ninja World! This may be a good thing! 】

【“Could it be that… the Great Toad Sage... you mean..."】

【"Is Naruto really the son of prophecy...?"】

【The big toad sage nodded slowly, but did not say anything else. It's a little too early for us to meet. 】

【"Little Naruto, I'm looking forward to your future

Come to Myoboku Mountain to find me one day!"]

[After the Great Toad Sage finished speaking, he took a last look at the outside world, and then took the initiative to cancel the summoning technique!]

[A white smoke appeared where he was, and along with this smoke, the Great Toad Sage returned to Myoboku Mountain!]

["Hey, why did this Toad Sage leave?"]

[Uzumaki Naruto had originally wanted this so-called Great Toad Sage to teach him some ninjutsu. He has lived for so many years, so he must have very powerful ninjutsu!]

[Unexpectedly, this guy left as soon as he said he would. Isn't the local Myoboku Mountain Sage too rude?]

[Seeing Naruto's disappointed expression, Jiraiya said angrily.]

["Naruto, you don't want to go back to Myoboku Mountain with the Great Toad Sage, do you?"]

["Ah, how did you know? ”】


【Jiraiya patted his face. It was true. Naruto was really big-hearted!】

【He was not afraid of the Great Toad Sage and even wanted to follow him back to Myoboku Mountain...】

【This was in stark contrast to his embarrassment when he first met the Great Toad Sage!】

【However, compared to these, Jiraiya was more concerned about the fact that according to what the Great Toad Sage said, Naruto was the new child of prophecy!】

【It seems that this is why the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze left the Nine-Tails to Naruto. Jiraiya once thought that Minato was the child of prophecy who could change the ninja world.】

【But the facts proved that even a genius like Minato was not the child of prophecy. ]

["Since it's Minato's choice, then the key to seal the Nine-Tails..."]

[Jiraiya rarely showed a serious expression. He certainly knew that Minato Namikaze gave him the key to seal the Nine-Tails for today.]

[But... why does he always feel uneasy in his heart?]

[Jiraiya couldn't explain this feeling for a while. Although Naruto in front of him always had a smile on his face, there was nothing wrong.]

[But Jiraiya always felt weird in his heart. Could it be because Naruto was too brilliant? He moved his eyes to Naruto's face again.]

["That... Naruto... what do you think about Konoha?"]

["What... what do you think?"]

["You shouldn't attack Konoha in the future, right?"]

["Of course not!"]


["Swear first!"]

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