[Uzumaki Shinna: My God, how is Naruto again, please God let him go. ] 】

[Jiraiya: Don't be afraid, maybe this time is a good thing.] 】

[Terumi: I guess it's not just a good thing, maybe it's a happy event.] 】

[Four generations of thunder shadow: what does it mean?] 】

[Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon: Do you still need to think about this? This little girl must be thinking about the two men getting together again. 】

[Nagajuro: Ah, Mizukage-sama, you have been seen through by your ancestors. 】

[Terumi: So what's going on?] Did I say something wrong? Why do you look at them in a discriminatory light, and if you had chosen to bless Uchiha and Senjukuma, would there still be turmoil in the ninja world? 】

[Senjujukuma: What does it matter to me? 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: No, I still want to hold my grandchildren! ] It's the two cuties in the world of another video before. 】

[Zhaomei: It's okay, the technology in this world is very developed, you have to thank the big snake pill, don't say male and male, anyone can have a baby. ] 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai:......]


At this time, Naruto became the Hokage of Konoha again.

With his Asura Chak 567 Ra awakened in Ghost Lantern City, his strength is unmatched in Konoha.

Of course, only in Konoha.

After becoming a Hokage and fulfilling his dreams, Naruto was stunned and not so happy.

One is that once a person gets something, desire does decline.

Second, the positions of each village shadow, under the influence of the globalization of Yuyin Village, it is indeed not as great influence and role as before.

As soon as Naruto came and went, his life returned to the same as in the first video before, as a Hokage, he did such a thing as helping his grandmother cross the street every day.

Even if the world line is closed.

The only difference is that Naruto in this world seems to have not married and had children because his dream was not completely fulfilled, and he did not have a family.

On the contrary, Sasuke, relying on the technology of the Great Snake Pill, before going to the Great Tube of Wood Ancestral Star, cultivated a daughter and raised her in the cultivation cabin.

And Naruto, after losing the protagonist's aura and the push of fate, he completely has no goal.

After struggling for a long time in Hokage's seat, Naruto finally chose the life that his mother Kushina had always wanted him to live, the life of an ordinary person.

But before that, Naruto had one more thing he couldn't let go.

It was precisely because of this incident that Naruto and Sasuke chatted all night in the tavern and confided their hearts.

Sasuke comforted Naruto over there.

Tell Naruto that this era is not the same as before.

With the Otsuki gene and the emergence of various new technologies, the ninja's lifespan has broken through its limits.

Therefore, ordinary people who are not ninjas may still need to get married and have children as before.

But for people with increased lifespan, there is no need for this at all.

Thirty or forty is middle age?

That's for the case of seventy or eighty years of life.

And after a long lifespan, inheritance is no longer so necessary.

Konoha's will of fire, the inheritance is endless, and it is not so attractive.

However, this unease was okay, and Naruto was even more confused when he comforted him.

And then.

Drunk, Naruto spoke out his thoughts about marrying a wife and having children.

As the Hokage of Konoha, although it is not as good as those big people in Yuyin Village, it is still infinite for ordinary ninjas.

Naruto also has no shortage of suitors.

Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hand: "Sasuke, you said, your illusion, is there a way to help me?" "

"Help you with what?"

Sasuke was puzzled.

Naruto decadence into this is something he can't understand (bich).

And when it comes to illusion, does Naruto want him to read it privately for an infinite month and immerse him in fantasy?

"Sasuke, help me... Let me forget my first love, I want to be an ordinary one with peace of mind... Belch...... Hokage... Chief. "

Naruto intermittently said what he thought.

"First love?"

Sasuke suddenly realized.

It turned out that Naruto had never been able to let go of his first love, so he was entangled in this.

"Remember it was Sakura?"

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and recalled.

And the world of another video is different.

Sasuke in this world defected early, oh no, after being an exchange student, he basically never met Konoha and the seventh class.

Almost thirty years.

Sasuke had almost forgotten that there was such a person.

Naruto's words, if it weren't for the bond of Asura and Indra Chakra in the bodies of the two, Sasuke might not have cared.

"Okay, then help you again, crane tail."

Sasuke sighed and put his hand on Naruto's head, which had already drunk and fainted.

It just so happened that the chicken rib ability he had developed before could help Naruto fulfill this wish.

"Naruto, don't resist, I'll implement your idea, you just need to agree." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Sasuke revealed the reincarnation eye under his hair and began to use it.

The principle of this technique is essentially the box of bliss.

Sasuke, as a spellcaster, is an intermediary.

Naruto uttered his wish.

Sasuke granted his wish.

But exactly what happened, Sasuke didn't know.

All he knew was that he used the eye of reincarnation to open the reversal world and send part of Naruto's memories into it.

Then, due to the consumption of a large amount of Chakra, he directly fainted in the tavern like Naruto.

Fortunately, the ninja world is relatively peaceful now, and the tavern owner sent the two to the hotel next door.

In the period of war, or the period of the regiment, if you can't wake up, Sasuke's reincarnation eye will be cut off.

The next day.

Sasuke woke up first, found Naruto, and called him awake.

"Well, this is the first time I've used this technique, have you forgotten Sakura?"

Sasuke asked, looking at Naruto who rubbed his eyes and woke up.

"Who are you and why are you in my room?"

Naruto rubbed his eyes and opened them, then took a step back in shock.

Sasuke: ?.

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