The Land of Fire, Konoha Village.

Right now, this is the focus of the surrounding major countries!

Because the Chunin Exam is already in full swing in Konoha Village!

And it has come to the last round of the Chunin Exam!

Hyuga Neji has been defeated by Uzumaki Naruto, Nara Shikamaru has also shown his IQ, and next, Uchiha Sasuke will fight Gaara! It is also the last highlight of the Chunin Exam!!


Just when Kakashi led Uchiha Sasuke to the final assessment competition site.

A mechanized system prompt sound exploded from the sky!!


【The dual ninja world comparison system is about to start!】

【Activate the Ninja Sky Curtain! 】

After the prompt sounded, a huge virtual screen suddenly appeared in the sky of the entire Ninja World!

"The words"Comparison of the Two Ninja Realms" were extremely clear!

No matter who you are, from any angle, you can clearly see the huge sky above!

At this moment!

The entire ninja world is completely boiling!

On the high platform of the final competition of the Chunin Exam, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, immediately stood up and looked at the virtual screen above the sky with a solemn expression.

"This is......"Is it a genjutsu?"

The sudden appearance of an unknown prompt sound, coupled with the sky covering the sky, made all the ninjas at the Chunin Exam venue panic.

"Illusion: Release!"

Hatake Kakashi, who was standing in the middle of the field, immediately lifted up his forehead protector, and the three-magatama Sharingan slowly rotated!

However, the sky that covered the sky still existed!

"Not an illusion?!"

Kakashi was slightly stunned.

Soon, not only Kakashi found that this was not an illusion, but all the ninjas around him also found that they could not solve this"illusion" at all.

At the same time, the huge sky curtain was covering the entire ninja world at an extremely fast speed!!

The Land of Earth, the Hidden Rock Village

"What is going on?"

"It can't be an illusion! Everyone in our village can clearly see the sky."


What on earth happened!" Ohnoki, the Tsuchikage, was floating in the air at this moment, looking solemnly at the illusory sky above.

This scene was not only happening in the Land of Earth.

It was also happening in the Land of Thunder, the Land of Water, and the Land of Wind!

【Ding! The"Dual Ninja Realm Comparison System" begins binding all ninja realm ninjas!】

【Ding! Hatake Kakashi enters the Skymuseum chat system......Uchiha Sasuke enters the Skymuseum chat system......Sarutobi Hiruzen enters the Skymage chat system......Two days scale Ohnoki enters......】


At this time, all the ninjas who were pulled into the"Sky Curtain Chat System" could clearly feel that they only needed to think about what they wanted to say and publish it on the huge"Sky Curtain".

【Kakashi:"What's going on?"


Kakashi took the lead in using the"Sky Curtain Chat System" to post a message.

And this sentence also appeared on the sky curtain!

【Might Guy:"Kakashi!"】


【Sarutobi Hiruzen:"What the hell just happened?"】

【Ohnoki:"I can actually see your speeches?"】

【The Fourth Raikage Ai:"Is this another illusion trick of your Konoha Village?!!"】

【Mei Terumi:"It must have been someone from Konoha Village!"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen:"Nonsense! We in Konoha Village didn't do anything!"】

【Tsunade:"What the hell is this sky curtain that suddenly appeared?"】

【Jiraiya:"Tsunade! Tsunade! Can you see me!"】

【Tsunade:"I can't see"】






Soon, there was a round of crazy bullet screens!

Just as all the ninjas in the ninja world were curious, the sky screen system once again showed a prompt!


【Start binding the Pure Land Ninja!】

【Uchiha Madara enters the Skymuseum chat system......Senju Hashirama enters the Skymuseum chat system......Uchiha Izuna enters the Sky Chat System......Senju Tobirama enters the Sky Curtain Chat System......】

All the ninjas in the ninja world swallowed their saliva fiercely after seeing this!

Even the dead bosses were pulled into the"sky curtain"?

【Uchiha Madara:"Have I been resurrected?......Something is wrong, I was not resurrected?! Wait! Where on earth is this place? Am I still in the Pure Land?!"】

【Senju Hashirama:"Madara? Madara! It's really you! Madara!!"】

【Uchiha Madara:"Get lost! Don't come near me!"

Uchiha Madara was already confused at this moment. According to his plan, he should be resurrected by Nagato.

What is the situation now?!

【Senju Tobirama:"We were probably all awakened by the voice before."】

Based on the previous clues from the sky, Senju Tobirama quickly deduced a rough idea.

【Uchiha Izuna:"Nissan?!"】

【Uchiha Madara:"Odoudou?"】

【Uchiha Izuna:"It’s really Nissan!!"】

【Uchiha Madara:"Odoudou, come to Nissan and give me a hug."】

【Senju Hashirama:"I want a hug too!"】

【Uchiha Madara:"Hashi hot mom! Get down on your feet!!"】

【Senju Hashirama:"Cry!"】

【Senju Tobirama:"Aniki, be careful! I just studied it and found that the Sky Curtain Chat System we are currently pulled into does not only include us, but also ninjas from the entire ninja world! Moreover, no matter whether they are dead or alive, they are all in it."】

【Senju Hashirama:"???"】

【Senju Tobirama:"In other words, all the ninjas in the ninja world saw your behavior that made me want to vomit just now."】

【Senju Hashirama:"?????"】

【The Fourth Raikage Ai:"Hahaha! I didn't expect that the First Hokage who founded Konoha Village with Uchiha Madara would have such a personality!"】

【Mei Terumi:"I really learned a lot."】

【Senju Hashirama:"I......"】

In the Pure Land, Senju Hashirama's face turned black.

The next second, the dual ninja world comparison system immediately released a sky-screen announcement!

【Ding! The dual ninja world comparison system is about to start!】

【The current world is the"Original Naruto World", and the world to be compared is the"Second Naruto World"」】

【Various events will be compared between the two worlds!】

【The compared events will involve any time period of the"past","present" and"future"!】

【And in the comparison event, the ninjas in the Tianmu chat system can speak freely!】

【After the comparison is completed, the system will accumulate Tucao points, which can be used to purchase corresponding point items in the Tianmu Mall.】

【In the comparison event, various forms of tasks will be randomly triggered, such as: prediction tasks, question-answering tasks, etc.......】


【The first event comparison of the two ninja worlds will be released in 10 minutes!】

【Event:"Night of Extermination (Original Naruto World) VS Night of Dawn (Second Naruto World)」】

【Please stay tuned!】...

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