At the same time, the scene on the sky began to change.

Uchiha Itachi and the mysterious masked man had already started to act.

Uchiha Itachi's eyes were cold and ruthless!

He raised his sword and slashed!

From the eighty-year-old man to the women and children!

He spared no one!!

Starting from the entrance of the Uchiha residence, he killed all the way to his own door!

Behind Uchiha Itachi, there were already corpses everywhere and blood flowing like a river!

【Uchiha Madara:"You killed a child? Are you still a human being?!"】

【Senju Hashirama:"Alas......What happened to create such a situation?"】

Senju Hashirama hoped that the Uchiha clan could grow in harmony with Konoha Village.

However, who could have known that the first thing that happened after he was awakened by this mysterious system was the destruction of the Uchiha clan.

【Ohnoki:"This kid is really cruel and ruthless!"】

【The Fourth Raikage Ai said:"It was such a pity that these clan members died! What I hate most is people like Uchiha Itachi! If you dare to show up in our Hidden Cloud Village, I will kill you alive!"

After seeing this scene, the Fourth Raikage Ai was so angry that he pounded the table!

【Uchiha Madara:"Where is the Uchiha clan leader at this time? Just leaving him to be killed by Uchiha Itachi?!"】

【Ohnoki:"As far as I know, Itachi Uchiha's father, Fugaku Uchiha, is the clan leader. As for why he didn't come out to prevent this tragedy from happening, that's unknown."】

【Uchiha Madara:"???"】

At this moment.

On the screen, Uchiha Itachi has already walked into the Uchiha clan leader's residence with a knife in hand and an expressionless face. He slowly opened the clan leader's room door.

In front of Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto knelt on the straw mat with calm expressions.

"It seems that the weasel"

"You finally chose to stand on Konoha's side."

Uchiha Fugaku slowly raised his eyes.

It was a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan with special patterns!!

【Ohnoki:"This is......Mangekyō Sharingan?!"】

Ohnoki had seen the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan before, so he judged it at a glance.

At the same time, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was looking at the sky, trembled in his heart after seeing this scene.

Uchiha Fugaku actually possessed the Mangekyō Sharingan?!!

Thinking of this,

Sarutobi Hiruzen sweated coldly. If Uchiha Fugaku had fought back on the night of the genocide, perhaps the situation would have been completely rewritten!

At the same time, at the entrance of the root, Shimura Danzo, who had half of his body wrapped in bandages, frowned deeply after seeing the scene on the sky.

"Surprisingly, I missed a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan......"

Shimura Danzo subconsciously touched his right eye.

Then, he continued to focus his eyes on the sky.

【Uchiha Madara:"Isn't it just a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan? Why are you making such a fuss? Next, Uchiha Fugaku, as the head of the clan, and you have also opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, it's time to stop your son who has already turned his back on his family!"

In the sky screen,

Uchiha Fugaku slowly closed his eyes.

"Itachi, we respect your choice."

Then, a cold knife light flashed in the room!

Two scarlet bloodstains stained the wall!

Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto fell in a pool of blood.

【Uchiha Madara:"?????"】

【Uchiha Madara:"Fugaku! What are you doing?! You have the Mangekyō Sharingan, but you don't stop your son?! And they still respect your choice? Go ask those tribesmen who were killed, whether they respect your choice?!"] Uchiha Madara was really angry!!

【Ohnoki:"I thought it was the chief of the Fugaku clan who was defeated by Uchiha Itachi and then killed by Uchiha Itachi.......Is this the truth?"】

【The Fourth Raikage Ai:"He died in such a miserable way? He is not worthy of being the head of a clan!"】

【Mei Terumi:"After all, that's Konoha, and it's obvious that Uchiha Itachi chose to stand on the side of Konoha."】

【Uchiha Madara:"A clan can die in battle! But they must not die in frustration! Fugaku! And Itachi! Get out here!"

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi could only remain silent.

【Senju Hashirama:"Aban, forget it, after all, these are things that have already happened."】

【Uchiha Madara:"Hashi hot mom! If your brother suddenly went crazy and slaughtered your entire clan, would you let it go?"】

【Senju Tobirama:"Uchiha Madara, just chat, don't drag me into this. Sure enough, my point of view is still correct. You, the Uchiha clan, are a race born evil!"】

【Uchiha Izuna:"Tobirama! How dare you be so mean to me?!"】

【Senju Tobirama:"I am just as cruel to you."】

【Uchiha Izuna:"???"】

At this time, Uchiha Izuna was already filled with anger. If he hadn't underestimated the enemy and fallen into the trap of Senju Tobirama, it would be hard to say who was stronger and who was weaker in that battle!


【「The original Naruto world: the night of genocide incident" has been broadcast!】

【Start calculating the Tucao points! Congratulations to Uchiha Madara for getting 500 points! Congratulations to the Fourth Raikage Ai for getting 300 points! Congratulations to Ohnoki for getting 100 points! Congratulations......】

At this point, people who have earned points can see their balance in the points mall in the lower left corner, which has changed from zero to the corresponding points.


【Comparison video starting soon!】

【Start playing"The Second Naruto World: The Dawn Night Incident"」】

【The second Naruto world transformation reminder: A young man with extremely terrifying strength and talent was born in the Uchiha clan! The boy's name is Uchiha Yefeng! 】

The next moment!

The picture in the giant sky curtain in the sky suddenly changed!

It was still the night of the genocide!

It was still the Uchiha station!


This time, there was one more person!

"Erzhuzi, your brother is crazy and is going to kill us all tonight."

In front of the Uchiha station, an eight-year-old boy was looking at Uchiha Sasuke behind him.

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke looked at the boy in front of him who was two years older than him.

Confusedly, he asked:"Yefeng Nissan, what should we do?"

Just after Uchiha Sasuke asked, the voices of the tribesmen came from behind him.

"Night Breeze, what should we do?"

"Yes! I heard that Uchiha Itachi is very powerful! Moreover, the clan leader doesn't seem to be willing to stand on our side!"

"If it weren’t for Ye Feng, we would still be kept in the dark!"

"Is Fugaku worthy of being the clan leader?!"

"That’s it! That’s it!!"

"He actually chose to stand on the side of his rebellious eldest son, Uchiha Itachi!"

Dozens of clan members standing behind Uchiha Yefeng said angrily

"Have the families of those who chose to follow us been settled?"

Uchiha Yefeng asked

"Everything has been settled!" A tribesman replied in a low voice.

"Sasuke, leave here and go to the cellar. I will find you when the dust settles here."Uchiha Yefeng said

"Yeah."The Sasuke at this time is also different from the Sasuke in the wish world.

Because of the intervention of Yefeng, the relationship between Sasuke and Itachi has almost broken down.

"Calculating the time, Uchiha Itachi will be here soon."Uchiha Yefeng slowly pulled out a ninja sword from his waist!

Then the tip of the sword pointed directly at the dark road ahead!!

At the end of the road, there seemed to be crying and shouting!

It was obvious!

Uchiha Itachi had already started!!

"If you are afraid, just step back a little!"

Uchiha Yefeng smiled grimly!

His eyes suddenly turned into three magatama Samsara eyes!

"People who are not afraid of death, follow me!"

"Let's go kill this beast!"


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