Silver World.

Qin also swore to affirm the status of the guardian of the four winds of the wind demon dragon, and believed that the temple of the four winds was sacred and inviolable!

However, they Monds still have no one to worship the Temple of the Four Winds.

Is this Mond’s pride?

Jean’s mind is complicated.

What exactly is the freedom of the Monds?

Was it the abandonment of the gods who saved Mond?

Qin looked at the dandelions flying outside the window, and made a decision in her heart, and a plan to restart the sacrifice of the Temple of the Four Winds jumped on the paper.

Two Teyvat continent worlds.

The Monds of all were also silent at this moment!

It is true that the god of wind did not rule Mond and returned freedom to the Monds.

However, the wind god and the Four Winds Guardian also secretly protected Mond, but they turned their backs on the freedom of the wind and gradually forgot the Four Winds Guardian.

Mond’s forgotten guardian of the four winds made everyone on the continent secretly sad.

The gods paid the price for mankind, but they could not exchange it for human memory and gratitude.

Is this also part of the wear and tear?

No one can answer this question.

“That… Is the Wind Dragon Crystal also in your hands? ”

Qin was more concerned about how to eliminate the impact of the wind disaster at this time, and quickly asked.

This is what the Knights set out to destroy in the Temple of the Four Winds, and only by clearing the Wind Dragon Crystallization of the Temple of the Four Winds can Mond’s elemental flow be restored to its integrity.

Sora frowned and took out three photomass-like crystals from his backpack.

“Is this it?”

When he was sleeping in the Wolf Temple of the North Wind, suddenly this strange thing appeared in the depths of the temple.

When I was passing the plot, I didn’t pay attention to the appearance of the wind dragon crystal.

When I found it, I thought why I decrypted the props, so I put it away.

“It’s really a wind dragon crystal! Little cute, you really did us a big favor! ”

Lisa saw three photophore crystals and said in surprise.

As long as the three wind dragon crystals are broken, the elemental earth vein disorder caused by the dragon disaster can also be stabilized.


The three Wind Dragon crystals were crushed by empty bare hands.

An invisible fluctuation spread around the headquarters of the Order towards Mond.

Lisa closed her eyes and felt that the elements around Mond had gradually stabilized, and a hint of joy finally appeared on her face.

During this period of time the dragon plague, Lisa has been working hard to detect the movements of the wind demon dragon.

With the help of travelers, the dragon plague problem is temporarily over, and Lisa can take good care of her skin.


The problem of the Wind Dragon Crystallization on this side of the sky has already ended before it takes action!

Ying’s side is still following Kaiya Amber and others to clean up the Temple of the Four Winds.

“It’s really more popular than people! The empty side always does not play according to the routine! ”

“Empty but someone who can make the Temple of the Four Winds a family will never be able to guess him!”

“Only the empty world, everything becomes so simple!”

Kaia: “Aha~ I’m so angry! The opposite world is so easy, we still have to run a long way to clean up the monsters to solve it. ”

Lisa: “Although our cutie is also very good, it is always a lot worse than the cutie on the other side! ”

Qin (Ying): “After all, the traveler on the opposite side can be easily subdued even by the Wind Demon Dragon, and it is no longer something that ordinary people can achieve!” ”

Amber: “Ouch! Except for the Wings of the Wind, everything is fine with the traveler opposite! ”

Amber (empty): “Don’t put the wings of the wind in front of the empty slime, hurricane warning!” ”

The people of Mond in the Genshin world saw a huge gap between the two videos.

The empty side can already carry out the next plan, and their side is still bitterly cleaning up the monsters from the Four Winds Temple to break the wind dragon crystal.

Even though he knew that the strength of the void was not comparable to ordinary people, the sense of gap was still very large.

In the empty world, their progress is much faster than that of the world with only the screen.

The West Wind Knights of the Original God World once again remembered when they had worked hard to clean up the monsters in the Temple of the Four Winds.

Diluc: “At least we also have travelers, and without the teardrops of the Traveler Purifying Dragon, maybe we would be difficult to deal with even the Wind Demon Dragon!” ”

Jean: “Indeed! Without the help of travelers, it will not be easy for us to deal with the Wind Demon Dragon! ”

Yura: “I agree with this, it is precisely because of the honorary knight that we can solve the wind demon dragon crisis!” ”

Although, everyone is saying that the world with free time is better.

But everyone knows in their hearts how much Ying helps them!

It is a blessing for travelers to come to Mondmond!

Without the mission of the Temple of the Four Winds, Kong and Qin and the others said goodbye and left the Knights of the West Wind.

The task behind is not on them, and all he has to do immediately is to find the wind god Barbatos.

Sora still vaguely remembers that Barbatos used the Sky Lyre to summon the wind demon dragon Twalin.

At that time, he will directly purify the poisonous blood on the back of the wind demon dragon on the star picking cliff, and finish work perfectly, so as not to dream more at night.


goo ~

Sora was about to look for Wendy in Mondstadt, when his stomach growled out of place.

Although he ate a large portion of [Honey Sauce Carrot Fried Meat] at the Deer Hunter’s Restaurant just now, the physical exertion of turning on the strongest mode is still too great!

Sora rubbed his stomach, still planning to go to the deer hunter to eat a few grilled steaks before going to Wendy.

He also has no elemental vision, and he can’t look for it according to the traces of wind elements left by Wendy, so he can only look for it randomly in Mondstadt, so it’s not too late.


Protoman World.

Southern Cross Fleet.

Wendy sneaked onto the fleet and didn’t look closely at the ship’s logo.

This kind of boat rubbing, as a Barbatos who does not do business, he does not do less.

Anyway, I also take a ride, even if I am found, at most, it is good to help do some labor.

Like now,

Wendy is helping Big Dipper bring a good drink to the deck.

Hokuto, like Wendy, is a heavy drinker.

Usually, when the fleet is sailing at sea, Beidou will have many drinking and partying with his crew.

Wendy looked at the boxes of fine wine, her eyes shining.

I can’t wait to open dozens of bottles now.

Beidou is a bold person, and any employee who is on board is eligible to participate in the feast on the deck.

It is precisely because of this that Wendy volunteered to be a coolie.

Otherwise, with the character of Wen running and running, the effort is simply killing him!

“Huh! I think you seem a little familiar? ”

A crew member dressed in a mond costume instinctively felt a little familiar when he saw Wendy dressed up.

“Ahaha~ Maybe you remember it wrong! How could I be known by you as an ordinary person as me? ”

Wendy snorted, hurriedly grabbed a box and ran to the deck.

The Mond also frowned, only thinking that he had thought too much.

Wendy wiped the non-existent sweat on her forehead and said in her heart, “It’s dangerous!” Almost recognizable! ”

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