Complete Body

Chapter 998: : Dian Yi

There is no change in the Kabulier in the pharmacy. In addition to receiving the patient, he usually prepares medicines for Nainiba ’s doctors. Jiuwu in Luoxi requires a lot of medicines, which is extremely energy-consuming and manpower-intensive.

Since the last time Baduoqi came to the medicine shop to unravel the surroundings of the medicine shop, he has never been there again, and everything seems to be calm.

"She Chang, this is the emergency military newspaper that I just submitted. There are three copies. Originally, we thought that there should be an enemy attack in the place where the war should not happen. And it was Losno She, Kai She, and Habi Mi Lu She together. Launching an attack seems to have been premeditated long ago. ”Above She Palace, one of the military commanders, Ratmo, has a very serious expression. In recent days, he has received bad news constantly and did not want to submit it to She Chang so quickly. , But three in a row, which made him feel that something was serious.

In the internal consultation of the military department, they were a little worried about the current emergency situation. It seems that this continuous enemy attack is not so simple to harass the border military provocation.

"Isn't these three Shes a permanent peace with us? Do they want to repent against us?" Didn't wait for Baba Moshang to speak, and asked the elder who stood at the front of the palace official.

In addition to the commander-in-chief, the military department has the highest status of the elder. According to the power, the elders have no real power. They are similar to spiritual leaders and have the same status as the commander-in-chief in the military department.

There are only nine elders in the entire Cherinai, and as many as dozens of commanders.

They enjoy the highest treatment of the military department. Of course, if they want to become elders, it is certainly not for ordinary people to be able to become. Even the commander-in-chief level may not necessarily become the elder, so the elders have a lot of weight to speak, and of course they will not easily make suggestions.

"It is unclear because there are no large numbers of military movements detected, but we have begun to enter a state of readiness and closed the border exchanges between them." Chief Ratmo replied.

"Is there any trade friction between them and them recently?" Baba Moshe asked.

"I ’m arranging an investigation for this, but recently the other court officials have not submitted trade disputes related to the three of them, not even mentioning their names. Besides, even if there is trade friction, it is unlikely to carry out an enemy attack, which is almost It is equivalent to declaring war. "Commander Ratmo replied.

"This matter is not trivial. It is definitely not that simple to declare war on a permanent peace now. I need to get a reasonable explanation. Bardo Chae will handle this matter for you. If they insist on fighting, they will go all out. Right! "Baba Mo handles things so neatly, he makes a decision quickly.

Bado Chau immediately went to order after hearing it, but no one noticed that a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and no one noticed it.

"Respected She Chang, some unidentified people have appeared in She recently. The whole She is not very peaceful. The personnel of the Joint Military Department of Changyue are arresting, but there has been no progress so far. So I want to see if She Chang Authorized to start the first-degree night ban? "At this time, Xu Wudi En stepped forward and said respectfully.

"First class night ban? Is She all so confused now?" She Chang was very surprised.

"Chief General Wu Wuzhen, do you mean that Changyue did nothing for them? Starting a first-degree night ban is not a trivial matter. Shes are indeed a bit chaotic during this time, but they do not need a first-degree night ban. The Ministry can solve the problem, and Changyue has recently increased the inspection time. I think it will be settled soon. As for those who are not identified, I have already asked Yu (House) Ministry officials to provide information on Shedu Baimin. , But anyone who has doubts will be arrested. "At this time Badou came forward.

"Yubu's data is useful, but we don't know the true identity of these people, and they all have millions of people. Your method not only consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, but also has no effect on the first arrest. Because the investigation is time-consuming, and when and where these sinners appear, we know nothing about it, and only through night curfew can we screen out a group of suspicious people. "Commander Xu Wudi En retorted.

"Implementing the first-degree night ban may create even greater confusion, which makes everyone think that she must have something big to happen. You should know that eleven years have passed since the last night ban." Bardo Said Mo.

"I naturally understand the consequences of the night ban, but we can avoid using the term night ban. The annual festival is approaching. In order to better allow the people to participate in the annual festival and implement the necessary controls, I think this reason should be Is it okay? "Xu Wudi En was obviously prepared.

"For the annual festival, I forgot about it. The commander of Wu Wujun said it was reasonable. The annual festival is too important for us. She Palace seems to have begun to prepare. This reason is OK, you and the Ministry of Yu discuss What kind of method is used for night confinement. Can all these unidentified people be arrested before the annual festival in Shegong? "Said Bachimo Shechang.

"I promise to return to the tranquility of Shedu before the annual festival!" Tong Wudi En said aloud.

Then other officials also sent a briefing on the recent handling of affairs. She Chang patiently read them one by one. Although she has n’t handled the affairs for more than a month ~ ~, she still has control over the situation in She. Especially when the world elders dealt with this time, he read it very carefully.

Although today is not the first time the palace has opened, Shechang seems to be full of energy. He has read all the briefings patiently, and there is not much expression on his face, which makes everyone a little nervous.

All the elders also stood in silence, waiting for their father's suggestion.

"It seems that you are all preparing for this period of time!" After Baba Mo finished reading, he glanced at all the world leaders, and somehow jumped out a sentence.

"If you deal with affairs in this way, how can I be assured that you will be delivered to you?" Baba Mo's expression began to become serious.

"Dear She Chang, I don't know which of our things are handled improperly?" Baduo thinks that he is the longest man in the world. Although he saw that Badu Mo's expression was not right, he asked with a stern stubborn face.

Baba Momo did not answer, but signaled that the sergeant picked out a brief note and handed it to Bardo.

When Baduo received a briefing and saw a little change, his face also changed.

"This seems to be the matter handled by Baduo Yang. The original matter was handled by the Ministry of Yu. Baduo said that he has assisted the Ministry of Management for many years. It is no problem for him to leave this matter to him, so!" Baduo explained slightly. a bit.

"The values ​​in this briefing report were the same as I estimated last year. Do I really have such a strong ability to accurately estimate the actual situation this year? It does not matter at all?" Baba Mo asked aloud.

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