Complete Body

Chapter 1023: : Border of Modiana City

This is the border city bordering Kaili She: Modiana, a small city with a population of more than 100,000 in its heyday, the people here are not only Cherina She people, but also Kai Li She people and other She people. The middle part of the people.

This is a border city dominated by commerce and trade, but since the intrusion of Kaili She broke the noise here, it is only a few kilometers away from the place occupied by Kaili She, which is also almost a five-meter distance.

Because this is the main road of communication, when the armored soldiers attacked, large-scale defense began, and the number of troops stationed increased from the original thousands to more than 20,000 at present.

At present, in the city of Modiana, in addition to the people who are unwilling to leave the hometown, other foreign merchants have left, the whole city is covered with terrible silence, plus the armored army is not going on during this time The harassment, there was movement outside the city, and the people inside were panicked as if the end came.

Welcome the head of Baduoqi is a man stationed here: Kan Jinna, the female chief, this is a rare exception in the military department in Cherina.

Do n’t look at the other party as a female elder, but like Gecheri, she stayed at the border for almost ten years. She was a woman born in Modiana. She chose to join the army because of her family poverty. The long position has a high reputation in and around Modiana.

Despite the distinguished status of Baduoqi, Chang Kanna didn't seem to wait for him. In addition to the etiquette, Chang Jinna looked down on Baduoqi.

But it ’s no wonder, after all, Badou Qi has never brought soldiers and experienced the battlefield. For the long standing on the border, Baduo Qi has really no capital to be proud of, except for identity.

"Sir, it seems that you are a little bit stubborn now?" In the residence that Kan Jina had prepared for Sect of Baduoqi, Xixi took the initiative to greet the inner room of Sect of Baduo.

"The high priest, you can't hide anything from you. Except for the increase of more than 300,000 troops on this side, this big leader has a great prejudice against me. Will look at me. "Chief Baduoqi was indeed depressed, but his mood was not that bad.

"This is natural. For those long-term residents who are stationed at the border, it ’s good that you do n’t make trouble here. They are not like Shedu. Their only purpose is to ensure the safety of their people and not to lose every inch of the land in Chelinai. .Maybe come to her, you are here just to pretend to be like it! "Xi Xie laughed.

"You are right, maybe this is what she thinks in her heart!" Chief Baduo Qi asked the other attendants to retreat.

"However, I heard that the woman's long-term ability, appearance and wisdom are first-rate. This tranquility on the border of the city of Modiana is her credit. This time she was unable to conquer here by her attack, but she was extremely successful. "Xi Xi Road."

"That's right. She is completely different from other women. She has no aura like her. Although the school is a bit disdainful to me, I can feel her worries about this war. "Badoki said a bit.

"Really, the world leader is broad-minded. We must win this war. Although the other party has increased 300,000 yuan, this is not a cause for fear. Tonight I will go to Kan Jinna personally." Lu Xidao said .

"Where are you going to do the high priest? She doesn't even bother me, you will not be treated by her, and it is one of their most hated occupations for the priest to come to the military, although in the annual festival activities Yes, but on the battlefield they never thought that pretending to be a ghost would not win the war. "Baduoqi said long.

"She is a woman, I am also a woman, and again, if you do not agree with her, I am afraid it is difficult for you to be in the city of Modiana, even if you have the ability to command the army, but you must know that war is about morale, if morale is even No, don't have the other party 300,000, even if it is 30,000, we are afraid it will be difficult to win. "Luoxi Road.

"Well, then you have to bother the high priest!" After listening to President Baduoqi, his eyes lit up, and he quickly said respectfully.

"Since you have recruited me, you haven't done anything at all, I always have to contribute a little bit at the critical moment, and this matter is related to the future of Chelyna She." Lianxi laughed.

"You must be, in fact, as long as you are by my side, I feel at ease, and I have learned a lot from you along the way, besides the military, there is also how to manage this She. In fact, I think you become She Chang Anyone must be outstanding, and Cherina will be unprecedentedly powerful and brilliant, "said the chief of Bardoqi.

"Senior, when did you learn this set? I am not suitable for She Chang, I am used to freedom, and I don't want to be bound too much. When you become She Chang, I will also leave Cherina Nai. Too many, She Chang is not the only choice! "Lu Xi Dao ~ ~ Do you want to leave Chelinai She? "The long expression of Baduo Qi Shi was dazed.

"There is a saying in my hometown: There is no unbroken banquet. When your power is consolidated, I will naturally leave. My own She must take care of herself. Now you cannot understand what you will understand in the future. "Luoxi calmly said.

"I get it!" Chief Baduoqi knew that the woman in front of him definitely didn't want to keep it. He benefited a lot, and his cognition was beyond the scope of this era. It's like a sponge, madly absorbing the supplies provided by Shiji.

"You are very wise and have a compassionate life. This is also a blessing for the people of Shelinai She. It is also a kind of pressure for you to take over Chelinai She in such a strong way. If you only take power, Pakistan The two world leaders, Dowa and Baduo, absolutely crushed you. Perhaps they could quickly bring Cherna She into another glorious period. But this kind of development is not conducive to Cherna She, a she is really powerful, except for the military. Beyond the economy, what is more important is the centripetal force and cohesion of the people. And they ca n’t do it, and they wo n’t do it. High pressure can certainly make it powerful, but it can create a more terrible outbreak. What Chilinai She ca n’t accept will also mean that fragmentation is coming. ”Luoxi Road.

After was finished, Mu Xi left, and Lord Baduo Qi looked at this figure. He knew that he might not be able to assist him for decades like the upper father and the grand priest.

But he keeps in mind every sentence of the 栞 樠 所, and many times the past in his memory is often the most true and beautiful!

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