Complete Body

Chapter 1027: : Invitation to drink Si

Everyone looked at the map and the markers on the map, and they all published their own suggestions. Mr. Jianni Shou didn't speak aside. He was a very silent person. Mr. Geniwa trusted him, so this should not be The combat plan completed by him is handed over to him.

"It seems that you are very satisfied with this combat plan!" For a long time, when the staff members expressed their ideas, a smile appeared on the face of Geni Yashi.

"Yes, from the present point of view, we need to fight this way, using the strength of our troops to occupy the commanding heights and defeat the opponent. Only the frontal attack is only one hundred thousand. Is it less, the city wall of Modiana is absolutely strong and capable enough Fight against us. So can we reduce the force of the raids on both sides of the valley properly, so that the pressure in the middle can be reduced? "Said an older looking staff.

"The terrain of the valley is complex, and even if the other party has an ambush, it is not a fear. Baduoqi has only a few hundred thousand soldiers, and he can't divide many to stay. We can be surrounded with absolute superior strength. Once we break through the valley, then do n’t The city of Diana is our fat to the mouth. The frontal attack we are not the focus, just pressure them to force the focus on here. This is also the result of consultation between Kenny and me. Road.

"If this is the case, we must make a quick decision, and the positive pressure can be alleviated, but the two sides must be completed in the shortest time, to know that the other party must have reinforcements. And we have no support for the time being, this is the only deficiency!" The staff added.

"Well, so by now that you have n’t reached your destination, everyone will talk about their ideas in order to start the action quickly. Also, I will send the night hunter to sneak into the city of Modiana to harass, and the combination of inside and outside will soon disintegrate them. Army Heart! "Said Gen Niya.

"Since the elders have arrangements, we are also assured that as long as this battle is won, then Kaili She will become an existence that can contend with Cherina Na." All the staff agreed.

The time passed quickly. Five days later, the mighty army arrived at the predetermined location. At the end of the year, the weather changed, and the cold wind was mixed with snow beads on the earth.

The snow on the Dali Assetti is strictly a snow bead. Due to the different amount of trace elements in the atmosphere, the snow here will condense into a granular shape, the size of a soybean, the snow bead is very light, and it looks like it is enlarged. A dense network.

Is like a microcosm.

On the second day of the arrival of the Great Geniya, he sent an invitation to Great Baduoqi to invite him to come and drink in Sisi.

This is probably also a unique culture of the Dali Athetis in the war. No matter how much hatred the two sides have, the Sisi before the war represents not only the courage and courage of the two sides to supervise the war, but also a kind of right Encouragement by morale.

And this kind of drinking Si basically will not have **** conflicts, just like the fact that the two warring parties on the earth do not kill to make sense.

President Bardoki will naturally not refuse. As President Shirinai She, and accompanied by Shiji, he very generously agreed and set a time.

Two days later, the snowballs grew larger and lower, and there seemed to be no signs of stopping. The whole earth was blue, and the city gate of Modiana, which had been closed for more than ten days, slowly opened, and a chariot came out of it.

There is no servant protection next to the car. Judging from the specifications of the decoration, this is definitely a world-class!

And one kilometer away from the military headquarters of Kaili She, several camp tents have been filled with snow beads, and the heavy ones will definitely fall down with a sway.

Inside, a long time sitting in the grill is sitting beside the oven, the delicious barbecue smell is filled in the camp, compared with the cold outside, the inside is a warm den!

Several little waiters served cautiously, and Mr. Kani stood far from the corner. If he didn't pay attention, he had almost no sense of presence.

"Sir, he's here!" A short waiter came in from the outside and said softly.

"Let's go, we should go out to meet this world leader Chen Li Na She, otherwise it seems that we are very impolite!" The leader Ge Niya got up and asked the waiter to put on a coat and smiled.

When he came out of the camp, he saw a black spot slowly approaching from afar. Although it was not clear who it was, it was definitely the long car of Baduo Qi.

"I didn't expect this world leader who had no achievements, he still has the courage to know it!" World Leader Ge Niya said, looking at the black spots in the distance.

"No one wants to lose in this war. Naturally, they will not be timid in such invitations. Otherwise, they will lose the momentum before the war. But I am more interested in the woman." Said the chief.

"Oh, how do you know she will come?" Gen Niya asked curiously.

"This is the intuition between the strong, and besides, besides her, there is no trustworthy person besides the chief of Baduoqi. So in the face of such a strong man, I naturally want to meet!" The headmaster answered.

"If you say this, I would also like to see what this woman looks like that makes Aberville scared. ~ ~ said the president of the Ni Niya.

Between them talking, the car was getting closer and closer, so close to the sound of running hoofs.

The snow beads grew larger and smaller, so big that they blurred the line of sight. At this time, the galloping chariot did not mean to stop at all, and rushed towards the direction of the standing of the Geniya.

The little waiter standing next to him saw this situation a little flustered, but they did not dare to speak out, because the chief of the Ge Ni Ya did not mean to hide.

The huge figure of the chariot came with a strong wind, and the snow beads rolled up on the ground rushed to the sky, with extraordinary momentum.

Fifty meters, twenty meters, ten meters, five meters, three meters, one meter!

Just when the chariot was about to collide violently with the leader of the Geniniya, something unexpected happened suddenly. The chariot stopped magically and stopped suddenly.

Partridge's huge gasp was mixed with aerosol sprayed in front of the world leader Ge Niya, and a roar!

The little waiters next to were a little scared. What kind of ability is it that can make such a huge chariot suddenly stop, as if time solidified!

They were all dumbfounded and forgot the moment of extreme crisis.

"Senior Ge Niya is very sorry, this cold snow road is narrow, the two partridges have lost their temper, and just hit you without listening to the call!" Then a crisp and sweet voice sounded from the car .

Lan Ni Ya Shi looked down the voice and saw a woman dressed in plain clothes, with a delicate figure and a shawl on her face, walked down from the chariot.

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