Complete Body

Chapter 1047: :? ダ? V Island Hidden Trouble

As Shechang talked about this matter, a thing was happening on the southernmost island of Shelinai.

The coastline of Cherishna is not long and belongs to a semi-inland area. Among the three islands it owns, one of the largest is called Lili Island. The shape of this island is like a creature in the sea: sturgeon, named after it!

The island has an area of ​​more than 500 square kilometers and a distance of more than 400 kilometers from the land. Due to the inconvenient transportation and the lack of resources on the island, this place has become a place for prisoners to be exiled.

Those who committed serious crimes but could not be sentenced to death were exiled here, and gradually formed a unique living environment here, with their own entire ecosystem.

In addition to the recidivism here, there are those wandering strongmen or rebels who have nowhere to go to gather here, but now they have become a paradise for the wicked.

They had their own ships and troops, and when Cherina She sent the criminals to the island, they now dared not land directly. Instead, they used the shuttle boat to return, and returned to the island.

During the reign of Baba Moshe, he once suppressed a group of the most powerful rebels and killed nearly 100,000 troops of the other party, but out of reluctance to kill too much, in order to stabilize the army, he paniced that all the rebels have been Annihilation, in fact, he has already sent all the remaining 20,000 people to this island of Lili, and made his leader promise that he will never enter the mainland of Celina She forever.

As a result, these rebels turned the island into a place far away from the emperor Seco. The fortifications on the island were extremely strong. They recidivism and became the lowest-ranking people, building fortifications every night, and building ships.

When the people on the island heard about the resignation of Baba Moshe, some of the descendants of the rebels started to move. Among them, the most powerful ones were the descendants of the leaders of the rebels called the respective leaders of the island to hold Discuss how to counterattack before Xin Shechang has yet to gain a foothold.

At present, their private army totals more than 100,000 on the island of Lili, and there are a total of 200,000 people in addition to recidivism and wandering strongmen. More importantly, they are all evil people who arrived on this island. Almost sentenced to death, so once it breaks out, the combat effectiveness is not generally strong.

"Everyone is our best chance now. Barmumo finally abdicated. I heard that this new leader is not Bardo or Bardo chalk, but the most obscure Bardoqi. With the border war He became the successor of Shechang, so while he is not yet stable, we can annex the nearby coastal cities and establish our region. "

The speaking man appeared to be entering the middle-aged state of the Dali Ashti, tall and very mad, obviously a strong man.

His name is: Noli Punuo, currently the highest ruler of Lili Island, and he is also a descendant of Nolitsu, the leader of the rebel army that was exiled.

"The chief is right, we are better off dying on this island. Every day, except for the wind and the waves, I agree to launch an offensive to occupy the city." Noli Pannuo's voice just fell, and a follower said.

"But we now have only about 200,000 soldiers, not to mention occupying the city, it is very difficult to transport these people to land. According to the current shipping capacity of ships, the upper limit is about 1,000 people. These two More than one hundred thousand will require more than two hundred ships, which does not include logistics support and other supplies. The ships we currently have are less than ten. The most important thing is that it takes nearly ten days to go to land. It ’s twenty days back and forth, and even if everything is safe, we also need four or five hundred days. ”At this time, an old man also said, he is also a respectable old man here, and Norino promised him Also very respectful.

"The high priest said, yes, we have troops but lack enough ships, and the vast sea can have tremendous waves at any time. If I do n’t make sufficient preparations, I am afraid it is difficult to arrive. Fight! "Some people agree with the statement of the High Priest.

"I also thought about this. We don't have to ship all in one go. We can use our own flexibility to operate. We can **** some ships. My goal is to deploy the army on land within two months. Reached around 50,000. As long as we occupy a city, then all our problems can be solved! "Said Nuoli Pannuo.

"This is also a solution, but we need to know the current distribution of the military strength on the coast of our side. Although they seem to have forgotten us over the years, I don't think they will even deploy the army." Other leaders also said. .

"This is simple. I got the news of Baba Mo's abdication for the first time, and I began to send investigators to the land survey. I think we will get what we want to know soon. Don't be constrained today, you have any plans and questions. It can be discussed. My mother once told me that we have been away from the land for more than thirty years! It ’s time to go back! "Said Noli Pannuo. ~ ~ The Chief Minister is right, here is us After decades of operation, the base camp has formed an intricate defense system. Now, the strength of Chelinai She is gradually declining, even in the heyday period, we can't help us, so now we don't need to attack at all, carry out local harassment, and occupy some cities to stabilize our strength. "Someone agrees with Noli Pannuo's idea.

"Now that you have thought about it, we have no objections, but this attack is our first time in decades. If you think about everything, in case of failure, the consequences we bear are unimaginable. We will retreat to nothing Retreat, nearly one million people on the island will die like us, "said the grand priest of Momo solemnly.

"Relax high priest, I will consider everything. Besides, the distance of hundreds of dollars is not what they want to come. Even if we lose, Cheryl will pay a heavy price!" Nuoli Pannuo said .

In the following days, Lili Island began preparations for attacking the land, and at this time the Shrine Temple of Shedu ushered in the 26th Ceremony of Shelinai She.

Different from the sacrificial worship of the gods, before the ceremony, most ordinary people were not allowed to enter within one kilometer of the temple. In addition to preventing people from disrupting and destroying the ceremony, the whole ceremony was guaranteed to proceed smoothly. .

After all, if there are too many onlookers, it will definitely affect the security work!

If you want to be allowed to enter the Temple of the Emperor's Temple to witness the ceremony, you must have a special pass issued by the military department, as well as specific officials.

In order to allow Xin Shechang to gain the support of the people, the ordinary people who were allowed to enter were screened and surveyed, and they were naturally also supporters of Xin Shechang.

This made the entire Chuan Dadian strictly and orderly, completely free of the clutter and noise of the gods sacrifice.

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