Complete Body

Chapter 1049: : Secret Events

When Baba Mo heard this, he was silent, and after a long time it seemed to have been thoughtfully said

"Badoqi, this thing is indeed true. The rebel army on Lili Island was sent by me that year. It was originally a deserted island that was a repeat offense. Later, because of some things, there was a rebel army." Mo looked at Baduoqi.

"But I asked on the way I came. Didn't you kill all those rebels back then?" Baduoqi asked.

"Badoki, I know this matter. This is the only thing your upper father did wrong and felt guilty about, but it was not wrong for him to send the rebel army to the island, but he should not have committed that wrong thing before!" She then came in from the outside room and said calmly.

"My mother, Baduoqi will give you goodbye. I will not pursue the mistake before the father, but as long as this matter is true, then I will send an army to the encirclement and suppression." Baduoqi She knows that since the company The ministry was not aware of the matter of the rebel forces. Obviously, Baba Mo was very important to this matter, so he did not want to pursue it.

"I really did not misunderstand you, and now she has become the leader, and naturally has the right to decide, but since this matter has broken out, I will definitely tell you all the inside story. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not die!" Ba Qian Mo shot Pat Bardoki said on the shoulder.

It turned out that Ba Momo often sent troops to rebel when he was young, and met a woman at an accidental opportunity. The woman was also very enamored with Ba Momo.

At that time, Ba Momo did not know that the woman was the daughter of the leader of the rebel army he went to conquer. Later, after several encounters, the woman informed herself of her true identity.

Ba Momo was extremely painful. He thought about giving up the conquest for this woman, and this woman also begged for pain, but later it was an emotional victory over reason. For the people of Chelinai She, he resolutely wiped out the other.

Finally, when the leader was caught alive, the woman wanted to be forced to death. In desperation, Ba Momo concealed the military department and said that the rebels were wiped out. In fact, he exiled the rest to the Lili Island.

At the last farewell, the woman told Ba Momo that she had a baby in her belly, and no matter how Ba Momo persuaded, she was unwilling to follow back to She Palace.

Later, the agent on the island of Ba Li Mo informed that the woman gave birth to a boy, which is now Nuo Li Nuo.

At that time, the woman promised that she would never see him forever, and would not leave the Lili Island. This was also the most guilty thing for Baba Momo. Later, because of the change of time, Baba Moo also forgot this matter.

When Baduo Qishe heard this, he was silent. He didn't expect that there was such a thing in the past, and this matter must be very few people know, otherwise the word would have spread.

Now the head of Noli Beno launched an intrusion while he was succeeding She Chang. It seems that he is sure that his foundation is unstable, and he must have learned this from his own mother's mouth.

"My Father, I understand, I will deal with this matter!" Baduo Qishe said quietly.

"Although this has been going on for decades, I don't want you and him to fight for life and death, as long as you don't cross the bottom line and give him a way of life." Baba Mo suddenly felt a bit old.

"I know how to do it!" Baduo Qishe nodded long.

When Ba Momo looked at the back of Baduoqi's departure, he seemed a bit lonely, did not expect his own affairs, and was finally handled by his son.

"You don't have to worry, I believe Baduoqi will handle this matter well, this child has a kind heart," Shehou comforted.

"I don't worry about him, I worry about her!" Baba Mo said.

"What do you mean, this time Nolibang promised to occupy our city, she acquiesced?" She Hou asked.

"I am clear about her personhood, although she is very stubborn, but what she said must be done, so I think she should be acquiesced, unless she is not clear about this matter or has passed away! Hey, Lilidao now Without our eyeliner, it's really impossible for me to ask the Ministry to check it! "Ba Momo said.

"I understand what you thought back then, that is to say, Lili Island gave her a gift, which would give her children and grandchildren a foothold, so she promised her not to leave the island forever." She Hou said.

"Yes, I don't want to think about these things first, and see how Baduo Qi handles it. It's really not possible. I can only send the Ministry to deal with it!" Said Ba Momo.

"It's okay, it's the first big test that Baduoqi gave him after taking over as She Chang. Governing such a big She is not simply to conquer the people with words. Sometimes force is the most direct and effective tool!" She said.

"In fact, for so many years, you have paid quietly by my side to achieve such achievements today. From now on we will not ask the world, such a calm day is very good!" Baba Mo gently held the hand after She , Said affectionately.

When Baduoqi returned to She Palace, he immediately summoned the military elders ~ ~ to tell the story originally, and outspokenly made Babamo's affair on the surface.

In fact, such a thing is not a big deal for She Chang, but because of Baba Mo's affection, he has won praise from several elders. Now that this matter was made out by Bamu Moshen in the past, it was naturally resolved by Baduoqi. Regardless of the ending, I am afraid you will see a tragedy.

Although Baduoqi and Nuolibanguo are not the same mother, they are both sons of Bamumo.

Finally, after careful consideration, Baduoqi decided to send and envoy to negotiate, willing to cede him to the city that is currently occupied by Nuolibanguo, and ask him to treat these people kindly, called the head of the territory.

However, the land still belongs to Cherishina She, and abide by Cherishina She's laws and regulations, but can be governed independently.

This is also the biggest concession made by Baduoqi and several elders over and over again. Otherwise, with the current military strength of Cherina, it is a breeze to want to take back these cities.

And Badou Qishe also knows that once the peace envoy is dispatched, I am afraid that the Cherina She people will know that his new Shege will succumb to each other, which is definitely a bad start.

Moreover, other hidden small rebel forces in the territory of Cherishina may follow the practice of Nuolipan, so that Cherishina may be caught in endless war.

However, he also has his own plans, and harmony is expensive, he has made the biggest concession, and also gave an explanation to his father.

If Nuo Li-Junuo doesn't know what to do, then Badou Qishe will have enough reasons to kill him, even Ba Momo has no responsibility to say.

After learning about the decision of Baduo Qishe, she did not raise any objection. After all, now Baduoqi has become Shechang, and he has the right to make any decision, whether it is right or wrong!

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