Complete Body

Chapter 1053: : Incomprehensible intent

Remember in a second 【】

When Baduoqi received the news from Pang Duo, it was more than half a month later. He was very surprised by the return of Pang Du and felt very puzzled.

"The high priest did not go to Nuolipanuo, but investigated in the city that he occupied. What was her intention?" In the parliament hall of President Bardo Kishi, several core staff saw the news Also uncomfortable.

"In the past ten days or so, the military department has started to gather action according to your order. At present, the effect is good, but there is still a period of time until the goal is really achieved. If the high priest does not deal with this biggest scourge as soon as possible , The other is hard to have too much effect. "One of the staff said.

"Indeed, the practice of the high priest made us somewhat incapable of starting. At present, we can only wait patiently, but what we lack most is the time, to solve it one day earlier, and to return Cherishina to normal one day earlier." Baduo Qishe said.

"Should you rush?"

"No, for the time being, the high priest naturally has her own purpose. Otherwise, I will not invite her to go. The things she considered may be more comprehensive than ours. If you urge it now, it may disrupt her plan." Baduoqi directly denied .

"Then we just wait like this? The state of combat readiness can't last too long, and the materials consumed are very large. You just took over as the leader, and there are many things that require a lot of materials. We can't afford it now!" Some worry.

"Your worries are not unreasonable, but I don't want to use force to solve it, otherwise it will not take so long with the power of the high priest. I have a hunch that the high priest may want to conquer Noli Beno." Said.

"But haven't we sent the messenger before? In the end, it still has no effect. Now even the city is sent to the other party, and they are still within inches. And these gangs are all murderous and non-winking guys. It is included because these people are not worthy of being pardoned. "Others said.

"I believe in the ability of the high priest. During this time, you pay attention to any news from Shedu. I heard that the other world leaders are a little bit tempted and are ready to appeal this matter to the elders of the army." Baduo Qishe said.

"You can rest assured that we have already made preparations!"

At the same time, after more than half a month's visit, Lu Xie has drawn up a plan to surrender to Noli Beno.

Before departure, Xilin has considered that at present, not many people know the identity of Nuolibanguo, but this does not mean that no one will know in the future.

If you use force to let Nuoli Bangnuo succumb, then it will inevitably generate resistance from the other party and spread this secret. If this is the case, the reputation of Babamo will be destroyed once, this is definitely the long of Bardo Qiqi Absolutely unwilling to see. Secondly, the chief of Baduo Qishe will carry the infamy of killing half-brothers. Know that most people in this world are sympathetic to the weak. Few people will pay attention to the reasons for Noli Pannuo ’s resistance. More It is an accusation against Baduo Qishang.

Therefore, Xiying needs another method to deal with this matter, which not only satisfies Baduo Qishe Chang, but also allows Nolihano to get his own compensation.

In fact, they are all victims, no one is right or wrong. …

After investigating the city that was invaded by Nuolibang during this period, she found that this guy was not simply occupying the city.

Rather, he planned the city as a ruler. Of course, those who naturally did not understand the intentions of their chiefs. From their point of view, now is the time of lawlessness, and no one can restrain them.

Some of the announcements made by Nuoli Pannuo are actually good. Although the ultimate goal is to prepare for the war, Muxi can see the other party's innermost thoughts.

Nuo Lixunuo wanted to set up her own Shezhong, so it was absolutely impossible for the peace envoys sent by Baduo Qi She.夜夜 Chinese.yeyezwxs.

With this rough judgment, Xi Shi knew how to deal with this arrogant guy.

"The high priest, no sign of Nuolibanguo was seen in these cities. It seems that he did go back to Lili Island. Are you planning to go?" Yao Du accompanied Luxi after inspecting the last city. Said.

"Yeah, without seeing him, everything we do is meaningless." Xi Xi said.

"However, I don't understand what your purpose is to investigate these?" Fan Duo didn't understand!

"If you want to surrender to each other, you must know what he is thinking, what he needs, what he is afraid of. Isn't this the same as war?" Said Xixi.


"You will understand in the future, Lili Island is a dangerous place. You don't need to stay here. I remember there are materials transportation ships to and from Lili Island. If there is news, I will let someone pass it on to you! "Ming Xi said.

"This is not possible. I know that you are very powerful, but you are not facing ordinary people. They don't have any bottom line. I can accompany you to take care of it." Naturally, Duo walked alone.

"It won't be a problem, but I'll be safer when I go alone!" Xi Xi laughed.

After contacting during this period, Yao learned a lot about Li Shi. I used to think that this high priest was very mysterious and rarely showed up. It seemed that he did everything based on his own predictions. But it all seems to depend on luck.

But now he really understands that the woman in front of her is extremely serious in doing things. Perhaps the previous judgments were made after a thorough understanding. Although he did not let him know, but after this time, he understood a little.

Now that Xixiang wants to go alone, she naturally has the reason to say that it is impossible to take her own life

^ 0 ^ One second to remember 【】


"Also ~ ~ Then if you have any news on your side, please notify me as soon as possible!" Said Duo Duo.

"Well, but the news you report to She Chang is as before, don't tell!" Luoxi said.

"No problem, everything is up to you!" Yao Duo doesn't need to ask too much, just listen!

In all ports along the coast of Cherishina, there are ships leading to Lili Island. Except for the three ports that had previously been specially escorted for serious crimes, all other ports are now closed.

However, Noli Plano took precautions to **** two of these ports to allow ships carrying goods to sail normally and ensure the normal operation of the island ’s life. After all, the island of nearly a million people, in addition to self-sufficiency, many necessities of life Continental delivery.

In order to prevent Cherishna from coming to the trouble, the inspection at the port is very strict, and these materials and ships are transported by heavy troops to prevent them from being troubled.

For Xixiang, it was an extremely easy task to go to Lili Island. After bidding farewell to Yao, she directly escaped to the island.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^ 0 ^

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