Complete Body

Chapter 1076: : Responsibility given to Luo Guan

"What is this mother?" When Luo Yun was teleported into the cutting space, she saw a huge super interest star chart.

The star map is densely marked with the names of countless galaxies, and these can be opened at any time by clicking.

"This is a complete map of the Milky Way galaxy, which is marked with all the messages of intelligent civilization. This will be the status quo that humanity will face in the next two thousand years. If you want to go further into the deep universe, you must Take on this responsibility. "Mu Xi replied.

"Mother, apart from the solar system and some nearby galaxies, I also know that the other star ranges in this star map are completely different from what we drew." Luo Yun surprised.

"Yes, our observation methods are too backward. The real universe is not as kind as humans imagine. This is an ecosystem that is more brutal than the dark forest. The surroundings of humans are full of countless traps and hunters, but we are in a In the barren star field, and we are not a normal intelligent civilization. "Xi Xi's eyes were calm and said slowly.

"Then are we?" Luo Wei remembered a terrible statement that had been circulating in the scientific community a long time ago.

"What is certain is that we are a captive planet, and the true origin of humans is not here." Xixi said.

"Is this true of my mother? Is the secret taken by the Katharoni stars really about our original legend?" Luo Yun asked unbelievably.

"Yes, maybe we are more pathetic than these Dali Assettis!" Said Xixi.

"Then do you know where we really come from? Or which high-level civilization do we belong to?" Luo Wan asked eagerly.

"I don't know about this for a while, maybe one day when human beings really get rid of this imprisonment, it will show up behind the scenes." Yi Xi said quietly.

"But we can't see that day anymore!" Luo Yun was frustrated.

"No, we can see that this is a sword of Damocles hanging on the head of human beings. Only when we remove it will human beings have no worries." Xi Xi said.

"But can we support it until that day?" Luo Yun asked.

"All civilizations in this galaxy chart are the goals we will face, or war, or peace, or union, or abandonment! I will give you these three thousand years of time." Xi Xing pointed to the super interest star map.

"Mother, do you really want me to do all this?" Luo Yun was startled.

"The supreme power is accompanied by loneliness, and the mother will not force you!" Said Xixi.

"But I don't have the ability to change? It took you decades to get humans out of the solar system. During this period, you paid a lot. Others don't know, but I know clearly!" Luo Yun said.

"This is the responsibility. Since I come back alive, I must shoulder this responsibility, and you are my daughter. If you want, everything can be done!" Said Xi Luo, looking at Luo Yun.

"I am willing, I am willing to fight with my mother!" Luo Wei looked at the super interest star chart, each bright galaxy above seemed to have infinite gravitation to attract her eyes.

"Well, this is a road that no one has traveled. You will encounter various challenges, which may be more difficult than the ephemeris, because we are fighting for the future of humanity. The black hands behind the scenes must be stronger than we thought. If you do n’t have a strong heart, you ca n’t stick to it at all! ”Shi Xi reminded.

"I understand what my mother meant. You have persevered. I can do it naturally, because I am your daughter!" Luo Yun nodded and said.

Seeing that his daughter was so determined, Mu Xi finally let go of the entanglement that had been in her heart.

Over the years, after the plan to explore alien civilizations started, Xixi knew that humanity would encounter more challenges from higher-level civilizations, and she might not be able to cope with it alone. After all, if there is a flaw in her special identity, she will be recruited unnecessary trouble.

So she has been thinking about letting Luo Wan take some responsibilities. Once the human affairs are resolved, she will leave the earth, because the safety of the earth is not worth mentioning compared to the responsibility given to her when she left.

Since she left the whole body, she knew that she had become the supervisor of the cosmic system, so nothing was more important than a stable system.

But before that, she had to solve human affairs, otherwise, the only thing in this body that did not give her an answer would always be her regret.

She experienced too much. When she first saw the body, she longed to be like the omnipotent creator. But then she gradually understood why the body seemed so lonely. As the only supreme master, he felt No one knows about his loneliness.

Now all this is happening to her. If this responsibility is given to her daughter, Luo Hua may complain about her, which will make Xi Xi unable to let go!

Now that Luo Yun is willing to take on this responsibility, these three thousand years are neither long nor short. When human beings are truly liberated from captivity, there is no regret at all!

"Luoer, your mother will be proud of you!" Luo Xian tightly embraced Luohua in his arms!

Time passed quickly. In the next three months of rest time, Luo Yun fully absorbed the new cosmic knowledge given by Muxi, and imprinted all the alien civilizations of the entire galaxy.

Mu Xi took her to cut through the space between the civilizations of the Milky Way galaxy. Although there was no physical contact, the most intuitive picture made Luo Yun deeply impressed by the true alien higher-order civilization.

The huge interstellar warship, the extremely advanced civilized society, keep in Luo Luo's heart, all this will be met by her in the future ~ ~ At the same time, the Dali Assetti star in Yakai The range of activities on Du Continent has gradually expanded.

The slowly formed logistics fleet continuously transported a large number of materials and personnel. In less than half a year, the cities and towns of a size not less than that of the mainland rose up.

With a stable survivability, the exploration of the gods and beasts by the Dali Assettis began to heat up. Many powerful shes, including Chelyna She, began to form an expedition team and went deep into the valley jungle to find the rumored beasts.

The weak She did not have much power to speak at this time, they could only hug each other to keep warm, and like the Cherina She used her own advantages to recruit elite talents and wanted to seize control of everything in front of all She.

The original harmony began to separate with the relationship of interest. Although it has not reached the point where war broke out, every She knows that the battle of the Demon Realm has just begun!

Choosing the right station will be an extremely difficult choice, so many Shes simply give up at the beginning, they are waiting and watching the changes!

Akadu's continent has begun!

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